diff --git a/Demos/ADMonSetup/ADMonSetup.vcxproj.user b/Demos/ADMonSetup/ADMonSetup.vcxproj.user
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ace9a86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demos/ADMonSetup/ADMonSetup.vcxproj.user
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Demos/bdwallpaper/Debug/BDWallPaper.bsc b/Demos/bdwallpaper/Debug/BDWallPaper.bsc
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3ba4a8..00000000
Binary files a/Demos/bdwallpaper/Debug/BDWallPaper.bsc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Demos/duidemo/MainWnd.h b/Demos/duidemo/MainWnd.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5845784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demos/duidemo/MainWnd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "PopWnd.h"
+class CDemoFrame : public WindowImplBase, public CWebBrowserEventHandler, public SkinChangedReceiver
+ CDemoFrame()
+ {
+ m_pPopWnd = NULL;
+ }
+ void InitWindow()
+ {
+ CSkinManager::GetSkinManager()->AddReceiver(this);
+ m_pCloseBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("closebtn")));
+ m_pMaxBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
+ m_pRestoreBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
+ m_pMinBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("minbtn")));
+ m_pSkinBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("skinbtn")));
+ CWebBrowserUI* pBrowser1 = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("oneclick_browser1")));
+ pBrowser1->SetWebBrowserEventHandler(this);
+ CWebBrowserUI* pBrowser2 = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("oneclick_browser2")));
+ pBrowser2->SetWebBrowserEventHandler(this);
+ pBrowser1->NavigateUrl(_T("http://www.winradar.com/?f=duidemo"));
+ pBrowser2->NavigateUrl(_T("http://www.2345.com/?kms656067418"));
+ CComboUI* pFontSize = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("font_size")));
+ if(pFontSize)
+ {
+ CListLabelElementUI * pElement = new CListLabelElementUI();
+ pElement->SetText(_T("aklsdjfajsdlkf"));
+ pElement->SetFixedHeight(30);
+ pElement->SetFixedWidth(120);
+ pFontSize->Add(pElement);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual BOOL Receive(SkinChangedParam param)
+ {
+ CControlUI* pRoot = m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("root"));
+ if( pRoot != NULL ) {
+ if( param.bColor ) {
+ pRoot->SetBkColor(param.bkcolor);
+ pRoot->SetBkImage(_T(""));
+ }
+ else {
+ pRoot->SetBkColor(0);
+ pRoot->SetBkImage(param.bgimage);
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ {
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ DuiLib::CDuiString GetSkinFolder()
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ return _T("skin\\duidemo\\");
+ return _T("skin\\");
+ }
+ DuiLib::CDuiString GetSkinFile()
+ {
+ return _T("main.xml");
+ }
+ UILIB_RESOURCETYPE GetResourceType() const
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ return UILIB_FILE;
+ }
+ LPCTSTR GetResourceID() const
+ {
+ return _T("IDR_RES_SKIN");
+ }
+ DuiLib::CDuiString GetZIPFileName() const
+ {
+ return _T("skin.zip");
+ }
+ LPCTSTR GetWindowClassName() const
+ {
+ return _T("MainWnd");
+ }
+ UINT GetClassStyle() const
+ {
+ return CS_DBLCLKS;
+ }
+ void OnFinalMessage(HWND hWnd)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ void Notify(TNotifyUI& msg)
+ {
+ if( msg.sType == _T("showactivex") )
+ {
+ if( msg.pSender->GetName().CompareNoCase(_T("ani_flash")) == 0 )
+ {
+ IShockwaveFlash* pFlash = NULL;
+ CActiveXUI* pActiveX = static_cast(msg.pSender);
+ pActiveX->GetControl(__uuidof(IShockwaveFlash), (void**)&pFlash);
+ if( pFlash != NULL )
+ {
+ pFlash->put_WMode( _bstr_t(_T("Transparent") ) );
+ pFlash->put_Movie( _bstr_t(CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath() + _T("\\skin\\duidemo\\waterdrop.swf")) );
+ pFlash->DisableLocalSecurity();
+ pFlash->put_AllowScriptAccess(L"always");
+ BSTR response;
+ pFlash->CallFunction(L"Click me!", &response);
+ pFlash->Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( msg.sType == _T("click") )
+ {
+ if( msg.pSender == m_pCloseBtn )
+ {
+ PostQuitMessage(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pMinBtn ) {
+ SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0); return; }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pMaxBtn ) {
+ SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MAXIMIZE, 0); return; }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pRestoreBtn ) {
+ SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); return; }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pSkinBtn ) {
+ new CSkinFrame(m_hWnd, m_pSkinBtn);
+ }
+ // ťϢ
+ OnLClick(msg.pSender);
+ }
+ else if(msg.sType==_T("selectchanged"))
+ {
+ CDuiString name = msg.pSender->GetName();
+ CTabLayoutUI* pTabSwitch = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("tab_switch")));
+ if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("basic_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(0);
+ if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("rich_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(1);
+ if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("ani_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(2);
+ if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("split_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(3);
+ }
+ }
+ void OnLClick(CControlUI *pControl)
+ {
+ CDuiString sName = pControl->GetName();
+ if(sName.CompareNoCase(_T("homepage_btn")) == 0)
+ {
+ ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), _T("https://github.com/duisharp"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);
+ }
+ else if(sName.CompareNoCase(_T("popwnd_btn")) == 0)
+ {
+ if( m_pPopWnd == NULL )
+ {
+ m_pPopWnd = new CPopWnd();
+ m_pPopWnd->Create(NULL, _T("ʾ"), WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE, 0L, 0, 0, 800, 572);
+ }
+ m_pPopWnd->CenterWindow();
+ ::ShowWindow(*m_pPopWnd, SW_SHOW);
+ }
+ }
+ LRESULT OnSysCommand(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
+ {
+ if( wParam == SC_CLOSE ) {
+ ::PostQuitMessage(0L);
+ bHandled = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ BOOL bZoomed = ::IsZoomed(*this);
+ LRESULT lRes = CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ if( ::IsZoomed(*this) != bZoomed ) {
+ if( !bZoomed ) {
+ CControlUI* pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false);
+ pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ CControlUI* pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true);
+ pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return lRes;
+ }
+ LRESULT HandleCustomMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
+ {
+ // رմڣ˳
+ if(uMsg == WM_DESTROY)
+ {
+ ::PostQuitMessage(0L);
+ bHandled = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bHandled = FALSE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ CPopWnd* m_pPopWnd;
+ CButtonUI* m_pCloseBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pMaxBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pRestoreBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pMinBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pSkinBtn;
diff --git a/Demos/duidemo/PopWnd.cpp b/Demos/duidemo/PopWnd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fce66ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demos/duidemo/PopWnd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "PopWnd.h"
+void CPopWnd::OnFinalMessage( HWND hWnd)
+ __super::OnFinalMessage(hWnd);
+ delete this;
+DuiLib::CDuiString CPopWnd::GetSkinFolder()
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ return _T("skin\\duidemo\\");
+ return _T("skin\\");
+DuiLib::CDuiString CPopWnd::GetSkinFile()
+ return _T("popup.xml");
+UILIB_RESOURCETYPE CPopWnd::GetResourceType() const
+ return UILIB_FILE;
+LPCTSTR CPopWnd::GetWindowClassName( void ) const
+ return _T("PopWnd");
+void CPopWnd::OnClick( TNotifyUI &msg )
+ CDuiString sName = msg.pSender->GetName();
+ sName.MakeLower();
+ if( msg.pSender == m_pCloseBtn ) {
+ ShowWindow(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pMinBtn ) {
+ SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0); return; }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pMaxBtn ) {
+ SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MAXIMIZE, 0); return; }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pRestoreBtn ) {
+ SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); return; }
+ else if( msg.pSender == m_pMenuBtn ) {
+ }
+ else if(sName.CompareNoCase(_T("homepage_btn")) == 0)
+ {
+ ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), _T("https://github.com/duisharp"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);
+ }
+void CPopWnd::OnSelectChanged( TNotifyUI &msg )
+ CDuiString sName = msg.pSender->GetName();
+ sName.MakeLower();
+void CPopWnd::OnItemSelect( TNotifyUI &msg )
+ CDuiString sName = msg.pSender->GetName();
+ sName.MakeLower();
+LRESULT CPopWnd::HandleCustomMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
+ {
+ // رմڣ˳
+ if(uMsg == WM_DESTROY)
+ {
+ ::PostQuitMessage(0L);
+ bHandled = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bHandled = FALSE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+void CPopWnd::Notify( TNotifyUI &msg )
+ return WindowImplBase::Notify(msg);
+LRESULT CPopWnd::OnSysCommand( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled )
+ if( wParam == SC_CLOSE ) {
+ ::PostQuitMessage(0L);
+ bHandled = TRUE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ BOOL bZoomed = ::IsZoomed(*this);
+ LRESULT lRes = CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ if( ::IsZoomed(*this) != bZoomed ) {
+ if( !bZoomed ) {
+ CControlUI* pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false);
+ pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ CControlUI* pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true);
+ pControl = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
+ if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return lRes;
+void CPopWnd::InitWindow()
+ m_pCloseBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("closebtn")));
+ m_pMaxBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
+ m_pRestoreBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
+ m_pMinBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("minbtn")));
+ m_pMenuBtn = static_cast(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("menubtn")));
diff --git a/Demos/duidemo/PopWnd.h b/Demos/duidemo/PopWnd.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37ee2307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Demos/duidemo/PopWnd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#pragma once
+class CPopWnd : public WindowImplBase
+ CPopWnd(void);
+ ~CPopWnd(void);
+ virtual void OnFinalMessage( HWND );
+ virtual CDuiString GetSkinFolder();
+ virtual CDuiString GetSkinFile();
+ virtual LPCTSTR GetWindowClassName( void ) const;
+ virtual void Notify( TNotifyUI &msg );
+ virtual void InitWindow();
+ virtual UILIB_RESOURCETYPE GetResourceType() const;
+ virtual void OnClick(TNotifyUI& msg);
+ virtual void OnSelectChanged( TNotifyUI &msg );
+ virtual void OnItemSelect( TNotifyUI &msg );
+ virtual LRESULT OnSysCommand( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled );
+ LRESULT HandleCustomMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled);
+ CButtonUI* m_pCloseBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pMaxBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pRestoreBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pMinBtn;
+ CButtonUI* m_pMenuBtn;
diff --git a/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.cpp b/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.cpp
index b4a784b1..88d1622f 100644
--- a/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.cpp
+++ b/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.cpp
@@ -4,314 +4,10 @@
#include "ControlEx.h"
#include "resource.h"
-//#include "flash10a.tlh"
#include "SkinFrame.h"
-//#import "Flash11.tlb" raw_interfaces_only, named_guids
-//using namespace ShockwaveFlashObjects;
-class CDemoFrame : public CWindowWnd, public INotifyUI, public CWebBrowserEventHandler, public SkinChangedReceiver
- CDemoFrame() {
- };
- void Init()
- {
- CSkinManager::GetSkinManager()->AddReceiver(this);
- m_pCloseBtn = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("closebtn")));
- m_pMaxBtn = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
- m_pRestoreBtn = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
- m_pMinBtn = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("minbtn")));
- m_pSkinBtn = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("skinbtn")));
- CWebBrowserUI* pBrowser1 = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("oneclick_browser1")));
- pBrowser1->SetWebBrowserEventHandler(this);
- CWebBrowserUI* pBrowser2 = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("oneclick_browser2")));
- pBrowser2->SetWebBrowserEventHandler(this);
- pBrowser1->NavigateUrl(_T("http://www.winradar.com/?f=duidemo"));
- pBrowser2->NavigateUrl(_T("http://www.2345.com/?kms656067418"));
- CComboUI* pFontSize = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("font_size")));
- if(pFontSize)
- {
- CListLabelElementUI * pElement = new CListLabelElementUI();
- pElement->SetText(_T("aklsdjfajsdlkf"));
- pElement->SetFixedHeight(30);
- pElement->SetFixedWidth(120);
- pFontSize->Add(pElement);
- }
- }
- virtual BOOL Receive(SkinChangedParam param)
- {
- CControlUI* pRoot = m_pm.FindControl(_T("root"));
- if( pRoot != NULL ) {
- if( param.bColor ) {
- pRoot->SetBkColor(param.bkcolor);
- pRoot->SetBkImage(_T(""));
- }
- else {
- pRoot->SetBkColor(0);
- pRoot->SetBkImage(param.bgimage);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- LPCTSTR GetWindowClassName() const { return _T("UIMainFrame"); };
- UINT GetClassStyle() const { return CS_DBLCLKS; };
- void OnFinalMessage(HWND /*hWnd*/) { delete this; };
- void Notify(TNotifyUI& msg)
- {
- if(msg.sType == _T("windowinit")) {
- }
- else if( msg.sType == _T("showactivex") ) {
- if( msg.pSender->GetName().CompareNoCase(_T("ani_flash")) == 0 ) {
- IShockwaveFlash* pFlash = NULL;
- CActiveXUI* pActiveX = static_cast(msg.pSender);
- pActiveX->GetControl(__uuidof(IShockwaveFlash), (void**)&pFlash);
- if( pFlash != NULL ) {
- pFlash->put_WMode( _bstr_t(_T("Transparent") ) );
- pFlash->put_Movie( _bstr_t(CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath() + _T("\\skin\\duidemo\\waterdrop.swf")) );
- pFlash->DisableLocalSecurity();
- pFlash->put_AllowScriptAccess(L"always");
- BSTR response;
- pFlash->CallFunction(L"Click me!", &response);
- pFlash->Release();
- }
- }
- }
- else if( msg.sType == _T("click") ) {
- if( msg.pSender == m_pCloseBtn ) {
- PostQuitMessage(0);
- return;
- }
- else if( msg.pSender == m_pMinBtn ) {
- SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0); return; }
- else if( msg.pSender == m_pMaxBtn ) {
- SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MAXIMIZE, 0); return; }
- else if( msg.pSender == m_pRestoreBtn ) {
- SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); return; }
- else if( msg.pSender == m_pSkinBtn ) {
- new CSkinFrame(m_hWnd, m_pSkinBtn);
- }
- // ťϢ
- OnLClick(msg.pSender);
- }
- else if(msg.sType==_T("selectchanged"))
- {
- CDuiString name = msg.pSender->GetName();
- CTabLayoutUI* pTabSwitch = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("tab_switch")));
- if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("basic_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(0);
- if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("rich_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(1);
- if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("ani_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(2);
- if(name.CompareNoCase(_T("split_tab")) == 0) pTabSwitch->SelectItem(3);
- }
- }
- void OnLClick(CControlUI *pControl)
- {
- CDuiString sName = pControl->GetName();
- if(sName.CompareNoCase(_T("homepage_btn")) == 0)
- {
- ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), _T("https://github.com/duisharp"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);
- }
- }
- LRESULT OnCreate(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- // ICONS ͼ
- LONG styleValue = ::GetWindowLong(*this, GWL_STYLE);
- styleValue &= ~WS_CAPTION;
- ::SetWindowLong(*this, GWL_STYLE, styleValue | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN);
- m_pm.Init(m_hWnd);
- CDialogBuilder builder;
- CDialogBuilderCallbackEx cb;
- CControlUI* pRoot = builder.Create(_T("main.xml"), (UINT)0, &cb, &m_pm);
- ASSERT(pRoot && "Failed to parse XML");
- m_pm.AttachDialog(pRoot);
- m_pm.AddNotifier(this);
- Init();
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnClose(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- bHandled = FALSE;
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnDestroy(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- ::PostQuitMessage(0L);
- bHandled = FALSE;
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnNcActivate(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- if( ::IsIconic(*this) ) bHandled = FALSE;
- return (wParam == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- LRESULT OnNcCalcSize(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnNcPaint(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnNcHitTest(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- POINT pt; pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
- ::ScreenToClient(*this, &pt);
- RECT rcClient;
- ::GetClientRect(*this, &rcClient);
- if( !::IsZoomed(*this) ) {
- RECT rcSizeBox = m_pm.GetSizeBox();
- if( pt.y < rcClient.top + rcSizeBox.top ) {
- if( pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left ) return HTTOPLEFT;
- if( pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right ) return HTTOPRIGHT;
- return HTTOP;
- }
- else if( pt.y > rcClient.bottom - rcSizeBox.bottom ) {
- if( pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left ) return HTBOTTOMLEFT;
- if( pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right ) return HTBOTTOMRIGHT;
- return HTBOTTOM;
- }
- if( pt.x < rcClient.left + rcSizeBox.left ) return HTLEFT;
- if( pt.x > rcClient.right - rcSizeBox.right ) return HTRIGHT;
- }
- RECT rcCaption = m_pm.GetCaptionRect();
- if( pt.x >= rcClient.left + rcCaption.left && pt.x < rcClient.right - rcCaption.right \
- && pt.y >= rcCaption.top && pt.y < rcCaption.bottom ) {
- CControlUI* pControl = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(pt));
- if( pControl && _tcscmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("ButtonUI")) != 0 &&
- _tcscmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("OptionUI")) != 0 &&
- _tcscmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("TextUI")) != 0 )
- return HTCAPTION;
- }
- return HTCLIENT;
- }
- LRESULT OnSize(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- SIZE szRoundCorner = m_pm.GetRoundCorner();
- if( !::IsIconic(*this) && (szRoundCorner.cx != 0 || szRoundCorner.cy != 0) ) {
- CDuiRect rcWnd;
- ::GetWindowRect(*this, &rcWnd);
- rcWnd.Offset(-rcWnd.left, -rcWnd.top);
- rcWnd.right++; rcWnd.bottom++;
- HRGN hRgn = ::CreateRoundRectRgn(rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top, rcWnd.right, rcWnd.bottom, szRoundCorner.cx, szRoundCorner.cy);
- ::SetWindowRgn(*this, hRgn, TRUE);
- ::DeleteObject(hRgn);
- }
- bHandled = FALSE;
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnGetMinMaxInfo(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- MONITORINFO oMonitor = {};
- oMonitor.cbSize = sizeof(oMonitor);
- ::GetMonitorInfo(::MonitorFromWindow(*this, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &oMonitor);
- CDuiRect rcWork = oMonitor.rcWork;
- rcWork.Offset(-rcWork.left, -rcWork.top);
- lpMMI->ptMaxPosition.x = rcWork.left;
- lpMMI->ptMaxPosition.y = rcWork.top;
- lpMMI->ptMaxSize.x = rcWork.right;
- lpMMI->ptMaxSize.y = rcWork.bottom;
- bHandled = FALSE;
- return 0;
- }
- LRESULT OnSysCommand(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
- {
- if( wParam == SC_CLOSE ) {
- ::PostQuitMessage(0L);
- bHandled = TRUE;
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL bZoomed = ::IsZoomed(*this);
- LRESULT lRes = CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- if( ::IsZoomed(*this) != bZoomed ) {
- if( !bZoomed ) {
- CControlUI* pControl = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
- if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false);
- pControl = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
- if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true);
- }
- else {
- CControlUI* pControl = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("maxbtn")));
- if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(true);
- pControl = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("restorebtn")));
- if( pControl ) pControl->SetVisible(false);
- }
- }
- return lRes;
- }
- LRESULT HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- LRESULT lRes = 0;
- BOOL bHandled = TRUE;
- switch( uMsg ) {
- case WM_CREATE: lRes = OnCreate(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_CLOSE: lRes = OnClose(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_DESTROY: lRes = OnDestroy(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_NCACTIVATE: lRes = OnNcActivate(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_NCCALCSIZE: lRes = OnNcCalcSize(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_NCPAINT: lRes = OnNcPaint(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_NCHITTEST: lRes = OnNcHitTest(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_SIZE: lRes = OnSize(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: lRes = OnGetMinMaxInfo(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- case WM_SYSCOMMAND: lRes = OnSysCommand(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); break;
- default:
- bHandled = FALSE;
- }
- if( bHandled ) return lRes;
- if( m_pm.MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, lRes) ) return lRes;
- return CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- }
- CPaintManagerUI m_pm;
- CButtonUI* m_pCloseBtn;
- CButtonUI* m_pMaxBtn;
- CButtonUI* m_pRestoreBtn;
- CButtonUI* m_pMinBtn;
- CButtonUI* m_pSkinBtn;
+#include "MainWnd.h"
+#include "PopWnd.h"
static LPBYTE resource_zip_buffer_ = NULL;
@@ -343,8 +39,7 @@ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*l
CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceZip(resource_zip_buffer_, dwSize);
- CPaintManagerUI::SetResourcePath(CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath() + _T("skin\\duidemo"));//
- //CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceZip(_T("gamebox.zip"));
+ CPaintManagerUI::SetResourcePath(CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath() + _T("skin\\duidemo"));
diff --git a/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj b/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj
index c5564286..03e8671d 100644
--- a/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj
+++ b/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj
@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
@@ -268,6 +269,8 @@
@@ -291,6 +294,7 @@
diff --git a/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj.filters b/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj.filters
index 3be8131e..17e6e48e 100644
--- a/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/Demos/duidemo/duidemo.vcxproj.filters
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
Source Files
+ Source Files
@@ -46,6 +49,12 @@
Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
@@ -126,6 +135,9 @@
Header Files
+ Resources\xmls
diff --git a/DuiLib.suo b/DuiLib.suo
index e5c4e06f..0bcad3db 100644
Binary files a/DuiLib.suo and b/DuiLib.suo differ
diff --git a/DuiLib/Core/UIManager.cpp b/DuiLib/Core/UIManager.cpp
index 00b62d38..c5d2f380 100644
--- a/DuiLib/Core/UIManager.cpp
+++ b/DuiLib/Core/UIManager.cpp
@@ -10,2426 +10,2453 @@ extern ZRESULT CloseZipU(HZIP hz);
namespace DuiLib {
-static UINT MapKeyState()
- UINT uState = 0;
- if( ::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 ) uState |= MK_CONTROL;
- if( ::GetKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) < 0 ) uState |= MK_LBUTTON;
- if( ::GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) < 0 ) uState |= MK_RBUTTON;
- if( ::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ) uState |= MK_SHIFT;
- if( ::GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 ) uState |= MK_ALT;
- return uState;
-typedef struct tagFINDTABINFO
- CControlUI* pFocus;
- CControlUI* pLast;
- bool bForward;
- bool bNextIsIt;
-typedef struct tagFINDSHORTCUT
- TCHAR ch;
- bool bPickNext;
-typedef struct tagTIMERINFO
- CControlUI* pSender;
- UINT nLocalID;
- HWND hWnd;
- UINT uWinTimer;
- bool bKilled;
-HPEN m_hUpdateRectPen = NULL;
-HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::m_hInstance = NULL;
-HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::m_hResourceInstance = NULL;
-CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrDefaultFontName;//added by cddjr at 05/18/2012
-CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrResourcePath;
-CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrResourceZip;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::m_bCachedResourceZip = false;
-HANDLE CPaintManagerUI::m_hResourceZip = NULL;
-short CPaintManagerUI::m_H = 180;
-short CPaintManagerUI::m_S = 100;
-short CPaintManagerUI::m_L = 100;
-CStdPtrArray CPaintManagerUI::m_aPreMessages;
-CStdPtrArray CPaintManagerUI::m_aPlugins;
-const UINT kCaretTimerID = 0xF1;
-CPaintManagerUI::CPaintManagerUI() :
- m_dwDefaultDisabledColor = 0xFFA7A6AA;
- m_dwDefaultFontColor = 0xFF000001;
- m_dwDefaultLinkFontColor = 0xFF0000FF;
- m_dwDefaultLinkHoverFontColor = 0xFFD3215F;
- m_dwDefaultSelectedBkColor = 0xFFBAE4FF;
- LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
- ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
- lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- if (CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrDefaultFontName.GetLength()>0)
- {
- _tcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrDefaultFontName.GetData());
- }
- HFONT hDefaultFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont = hDefaultFont;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.sFontName = lf.lfFaceName;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.iSize = -lf.lfHeight;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.bBold = (lf.lfWeight >= FW_BOLD);
- m_DefaultFontInfo.bUnderline = (lf.lfUnderline == TRUE);
- m_DefaultFontInfo.bItalic = (lf.lfItalic == TRUE);
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_DefaultFontInfo.tm, sizeof(m_DefaultFontInfo.tm));
- if( m_hUpdateRectPen == NULL ) {
- m_hUpdateRectPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(220, 0, 0));
- // Boot Windows Common Controls (for the ToolTip control)
- ::InitCommonControls();
- ::LoadLibrary(_T("msimg32.dll"));
- }
- m_pGdiplusStartupInput = new Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput;
- Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup( &m_gdiplusToken, m_pGdiplusStartupInput, NULL); // GDIӿ
- m_szMinWindow.cx = 0;
- m_szMinWindow.cy = 0;
- m_szMaxWindow.cx = 0;
- m_szMaxWindow.cy = 0;
- m_szInitWindowSize.cx = 0;
- m_szInitWindowSize.cy = 0;
- m_szRoundCorner.cx = m_szRoundCorner.cy = 0;
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcSizeBox, sizeof(m_rcSizeBox));
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcCaption, sizeof(m_rcCaption));
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_rtCaret, sizeof(m_rtCaret));
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcInvalidate, sizeof(m_rcInvalidate));
- m_ptLastMousePos.x = m_ptLastMousePos.y = -1;
- // Delete the control-tree structures
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aDelayedCleanup.GetSize(); i++ ) delete static_cast(m_aDelayedCleanup[i]);
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aAsyncNotify.GetSize(); i++ ) delete static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify[i]);
- m_mNameHash.Resize(0);
- delete m_pRoot;
- Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown( m_gdiplusToken ); // жGDIӿ
- delete m_pGdiplusStartupInput;
- ::DeleteObject(m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont);
- RemoveAllFonts();
- RemoveAllImages();
- RemoveAllDefaultAttributeList();
- RemoveAllOptionGroups();
- RemoveAllTimers();
- // Reset other parts...
- if( m_hwndTooltip != NULL ) ::DestroyWindow(m_hwndTooltip);
- if( m_hDcOffscreen != NULL ) ::DeleteDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
- if( m_hbmpOffscreen != NULL ) ::DeleteObject(m_hbmpOffscreen);
- if( m_hDcPaint != NULL ) ::ReleaseDC(m_hWndPaint, m_hDcPaint);
- m_aPreMessages.Remove(m_aPreMessages.Find(this));
-void CPaintManagerUI::Init(HWND hWnd)
- ASSERT(::IsWindow(hWnd));
- // Remember the window context we came from
- m_hWndPaint = hWnd;
- m_hDcPaint = ::GetDC(hWnd);
- // We'll want to filter messages globally too
- m_aPreMessages.Add(this);
-HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::GetInstance()
- return m_hInstance;
-CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath()
- if( m_hInstance == NULL ) return _T('\0');
- TCHAR tszModule[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
- ::GetModuleFileName(m_hInstance, tszModule, MAX_PATH);
- CDuiString sInstancePath = tszModule;
- int pos = sInstancePath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'));
- if( pos >= 0 ) sInstancePath = sInstancePath.Left(pos + 1);
- return sInstancePath;
-CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::GetCurrentPath()
- TCHAR tszModule[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
- ::GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, tszModule);
- return tszModule;
-HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceDll()
- if( m_hResourceInstance == NULL ) return m_hInstance;
- return m_hResourceInstance;
-const CDuiString& CPaintManagerUI::GetResourcePath()
- return m_pStrResourcePath;
-const CDuiString& CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceZip()
- return m_pStrResourceZip;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::IsCachedResourceZip()
- return m_bCachedResourceZip;
-HANDLE CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceZipHandle()
- return m_hResourceZip;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetInstance(HINSTANCE hInst)
- m_hInstance = hInst;
- CShadowUI::Initialize(hInst);
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetCurrentPath(LPCTSTR pStrPath)
- ::SetCurrentDirectory(pStrPath);
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceDll(HINSTANCE hInst)
- m_hResourceInstance = hInst;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourcePath(LPCTSTR pStrPath)
- m_pStrResourcePath = pStrPath;
- if( m_pStrResourcePath.IsEmpty() ) return;
- TCHAR cEnd = m_pStrResourcePath.GetAt(m_pStrResourcePath.GetLength() - 1);
- if( cEnd != _T('\\') && cEnd != _T('/') ) m_pStrResourcePath += _T('\\');
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceZip(LPVOID pVoid, unsigned int len)
- if( m_pStrResourceZip == _T("membuffer") ) return;
- if( m_bCachedResourceZip && m_hResourceZip != NULL ) {
- CloseZip((HZIP)m_hResourceZip);
- m_hResourceZip = NULL;
- }
- m_pStrResourceZip = _T("membuffer");
- m_bCachedResourceZip = true;
- if( m_bCachedResourceZip )
- m_hResourceZip = (HANDLE)OpenZip(pVoid, len, 3);
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceZip(LPCTSTR pStrPath, bool bCachedResourceZip)
- if( m_pStrResourceZip == pStrPath && m_bCachedResourceZip == bCachedResourceZip ) return;
- if( m_bCachedResourceZip && m_hResourceZip != NULL ) {
- CloseZip((HZIP)m_hResourceZip);
- m_hResourceZip = NULL;
- }
- m_pStrResourceZip = pStrPath;
- m_bCachedResourceZip = bCachedResourceZip;
- if( m_bCachedResourceZip ) {
- CDuiString sFile = CPaintManagerUI::GetResourcePath();
- sFile += CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceZip();
- m_hResourceZip = (HANDLE)OpenZip((void*)sFile.GetData(), 0, 2);
- }
-void CPaintManagerUI::GetHSL(short* H, short* S, short* L)
- *H = m_H;
- *S = m_S;
- *L = m_L;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetHSL(bool bUseHSL, short H, short S, short L)
- if( H == m_H && S == m_S && L == m_L ) return;
- m_H = CLAMP(H, 0, 360);
- m_S = CLAMP(S, 0, 200);
- m_L = CLAMP(L, 0, 200);
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- CPaintManagerUI* pManager = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
- if( pManager != NULL && pManager->GetRoot() != NULL )
- pManager->GetRoot()->Invalidate();
- }
-void CPaintManagerUI::ReloadSkin()
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- CPaintManagerUI* pManager = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
- pManager->ReloadAllImages();
- }
-bool CPaintManagerUI::LoadPlugin(LPCTSTR pstrModuleName)
- ASSERT( !::IsBadStringPtr(pstrModuleName,-1) || pstrModuleName == NULL );
- if( pstrModuleName == NULL ) return false;
- HMODULE hModule = ::LoadLibrary(pstrModuleName);
- if( hModule != NULL ) {
- LPCREATECONTROL lpCreateControl = (LPCREATECONTROL)::GetProcAddress(hModule, "CreateControl");
- if( lpCreateControl != NULL ) {
- if( m_aPlugins.Find(lpCreateControl) >= 0 ) return true;
- m_aPlugins.Add(lpCreateControl);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::GetPlugins()
- return &m_aPlugins;
-HWND CPaintManagerUI::GetPaintWindow() const
- return m_hWndPaint;
-HWND CPaintManagerUI::GetTooltipWindow() const
- return m_hwndTooltip;
-HDC CPaintManagerUI::GetPaintDC() const
- return m_hDcPaint;
-POINT CPaintManagerUI::GetMousePos() const
- return m_ptLastMousePos;
-SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetClientSize() const
- RECT rcClient = { 0 };
- ::GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
- return CDuiSize(rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
-SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetInitSize()
- return m_szInitWindowSize;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetInitSize(int cx, int cy)
- m_szInitWindowSize.cx = cx;
- m_szInitWindowSize.cy = cy;
- if( m_pRoot == NULL && m_hWndPaint != NULL ) {
- ::SetWindowPos(m_hWndPaint, NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
- }
-RECT& CPaintManagerUI::GetSizeBox()
- return m_rcSizeBox;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetSizeBox(RECT& rcSizeBox)
- m_rcSizeBox = rcSizeBox;
-RECT& CPaintManagerUI::GetCaptionRect()
- return m_rcCaption;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetCaptionRect(RECT& rcCaption)
- m_rcCaption = rcCaption;
-SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetRoundCorner() const
- return m_szRoundCorner;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetRoundCorner(int cx, int cy)
- m_szRoundCorner.cx = cx;
- m_szRoundCorner.cy = cy;
-SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetMinInfo() const
- return m_szMinWindow;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetMinInfo(int cx, int cy)
- ASSERT(cx>=0 && cy>=0);
- m_szMinWindow.cx = cx;
- m_szMinWindow.cy = cy;
-SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetMaxInfo() const
- return m_szMaxWindow;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetMaxInfo(int cx, int cy)
- ASSERT(cx>=0 && cy>=0);
- m_szMaxWindow.cx = cx;
- m_szMaxWindow.cy = cy;
-int CPaintManagerUI::GetTransparent() const
- return m_nOpacity;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetTransparent(int nOpacity)
- if (nOpacity<0)
- m_nOpacity = 0;
- else if (nOpacity>255)
- m_nOpacity = 255;
- else
- m_nOpacity = nOpacity;
- if( m_hWndPaint != NULL ) {
- HMODULE hUser32 = ::GetModuleHandle(_T("User32.dll"));
- if (hUser32)
- {
- fSetLayeredWindowAttributes =
- (PFUNCSETLAYEREDWINDOWATTR)::GetProcAddress(hUser32, "SetLayeredWindowAttributes");
- if( fSetLayeredWindowAttributes == NULL ) return;
- }
- DWORD dwStyle = ::GetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- DWORD dwNewStyle = dwStyle;
- if( nOpacity >= 0 && nOpacity < 256 ) dwNewStyle |= WS_EX_LAYERED;
- else dwNewStyle &= ~WS_EX_LAYERED;
- if(dwStyle != dwNewStyle) ::SetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwNewStyle);
- fSetLayeredWindowAttributes(m_hWndPaint, 0, nOpacity, LWA_ALPHA);
- }
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetBackgroundTransparent(bool bTrans)
- m_bAlphaBackground = bTrans;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::IsBackgroundTransparent()
- return m_bAlphaBackground;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::ShowCaret(bool bShow)
- if(m_bCaretShowing == bShow)
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ //
+ static UINT MapKeyState()
+ {
+ UINT uState = 0;
+ if( ::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 ) uState |= MK_CONTROL;
+ if( ::GetKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) < 0 ) uState |= MK_LBUTTON;
+ if( ::GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) < 0 ) uState |= MK_RBUTTON;
+ if( ::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ) uState |= MK_SHIFT;
+ if( ::GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 ) uState |= MK_ALT;
+ return uState;
+ }
+ typedef struct tagFINDTABINFO
+ {
+ CControlUI* pFocus;
+ CControlUI* pLast;
+ bool bForward;
+ bool bNextIsIt;
+ typedef struct tagFINDSHORTCUT
+ {
+ TCHAR ch;
+ bool bPickNext;
+ typedef struct tagTIMERINFO
+ {
+ CControlUI* pSender;
+ UINT nLocalID;
+ HWND hWnd;
+ UINT uWinTimer;
+ bool bKilled;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ HPEN m_hUpdateRectPen = NULL;
+ HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::m_hInstance = NULL;
+ HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::m_hResourceInstance = NULL;
+ CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrDefaultFontName;//added by cddjr at 05/18/2012
+ CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrResourcePath;
+ CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrResourceZip;
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::m_bCachedResourceZip = false;
+ HANDLE CPaintManagerUI::m_hResourceZip = NULL;
+ short CPaintManagerUI::m_H = 180;
+ short CPaintManagerUI::m_S = 100;
+ short CPaintManagerUI::m_L = 100;
+ CStdPtrArray CPaintManagerUI::m_aPreMessages;
+ CStdPtrArray CPaintManagerUI::m_aPlugins;
+ const UINT kCaretTimerID = 0xF1;
+ CPaintManagerUI::CPaintManagerUI() :
+ m_hWndPaint(NULL),
+ m_hDcPaint(NULL),
+ m_hDcOffscreen(NULL),
+ m_hbmpOffscreen(NULL),
+ m_pBmpOffscreenBits(NULL),
+ m_bOffscreenPaint(true),
+ m_bAlphaBackground(false),
+ m_bIsRestore(false),
+ m_hwndTooltip(NULL),
+ m_uTimerID(0x1000),
+ m_pRoot(NULL),
+ m_pFocus(NULL),
+ m_pEventHover(NULL),
+ m_pEventClick(NULL),
+ m_pEventKey(NULL),
+ m_bFirstLayout(true),
+ m_bFocusNeeded(false),
+ m_bUpdateNeeded(false),
+ m_bMouseTracking(false),
+ m_bMouseCapture(false),
+ m_bUsedVirtualWnd(false),
+ m_nOpacity(255),
+ m_pParentResourcePM(NULL),
+ m_bCaretActive(false),
+ m_bCaretShowing(false),
+ m_currentCaretObject(NULL),
+ m_bUseGdiplusText(false)
+ {
+ m_dwDefaultDisabledColor = 0xFFA7A6AA;
+ m_dwDefaultFontColor = 0xFF000001;
+ m_dwDefaultLinkFontColor = 0xFF0000FF;
+ m_dwDefaultLinkHoverFontColor = 0xFFD3215F;
+ m_dwDefaultSelectedBkColor = 0xFFBAE4FF;
+ LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
+ ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
+ lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+ if (CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrDefaultFontName.GetLength()>0)
+ {
+ _tcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, CPaintManagerUI::m_pStrDefaultFontName.GetData());
+ }
+ HFONT hDefaultFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont = hDefaultFont;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.sFontName = lf.lfFaceName;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.iSize = -lf.lfHeight;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.bBold = (lf.lfWeight >= FW_BOLD);
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.bUnderline = (lf.lfUnderline == TRUE);
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.bItalic = (lf.lfItalic == TRUE);
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_DefaultFontInfo.tm, sizeof(m_DefaultFontInfo.tm));
+ if( m_hUpdateRectPen == NULL ) {
+ m_hUpdateRectPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(220, 0, 0));
+ // Boot Windows Common Controls (for the ToolTip control)
+ ::InitCommonControls();
+ ::LoadLibrary(_T("msimg32.dll"));
+ }
+ m_pGdiplusStartupInput = new Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput;
+ Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup( &m_gdiplusToken, m_pGdiplusStartupInput, NULL); // GDIӿ
+ m_szMinWindow.cx = 0;
+ m_szMinWindow.cy = 0;
+ m_szMaxWindow.cx = 0;
+ m_szMaxWindow.cy = 0;
+ m_szInitWindowSize.cx = 0;
+ m_szInitWindowSize.cy = 0;
+ m_szRoundCorner.cx = m_szRoundCorner.cy = 0;
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcSizeBox, sizeof(m_rcSizeBox));
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcCaption, sizeof(m_rcCaption));
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_rtCaret, sizeof(m_rtCaret));
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcInvalidate, sizeof(m_rcInvalidate));
+ m_ptLastMousePos.x = m_ptLastMousePos.y = -1;
+ }
+ CPaintManagerUI::~CPaintManagerUI()
+ {
+ // Delete the control-tree structures
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aDelayedCleanup.GetSize(); i++ ) delete static_cast(m_aDelayedCleanup[i]);
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aAsyncNotify.GetSize(); i++ ) delete static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify[i]);
+ m_mNameHash.Resize(0);
+ delete m_pRoot;
+ Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown( m_gdiplusToken ); // жGDIӿ
+ delete m_pGdiplusStartupInput;
+ ::DeleteObject(m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont);
+ RemoveAllFonts();
+ RemoveAllImages();
+ RemoveAllDefaultAttributeList();
+ RemoveAllOptionGroups();
+ RemoveAllTimers();
+ // Reset other parts...
+ if( m_hwndTooltip != NULL ) ::DestroyWindow(m_hwndTooltip);
+ if( m_hDcOffscreen != NULL ) ::DeleteDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
+ if( m_hbmpOffscreen != NULL ) ::DeleteObject(m_hbmpOffscreen);
+ if( m_hDcPaint != NULL ) ::ReleaseDC(m_hWndPaint, m_hDcPaint);
+ m_aPreMessages.Remove(m_aPreMessages.Find(this));
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::Init(HWND hWnd)
+ {
+ ASSERT(::IsWindow(hWnd));
+ // Remember the window context we came from
+ m_hWndPaint = hWnd;
+ m_hDcPaint = ::GetDC(hWnd);
+ // We'll want to filter messages globally too
+ m_aPreMessages.Add(this);
+ }
+ HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::GetInstance()
+ {
+ return m_hInstance;
+ }
+ CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath()
+ {
+ if( m_hInstance == NULL ) return _T('\0');
+ TCHAR tszModule[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
+ ::GetModuleFileName(m_hInstance, tszModule, MAX_PATH);
+ CDuiString sInstancePath = tszModule;
+ int pos = sInstancePath.ReverseFind(_T('\\'));
+ if( pos >= 0 ) sInstancePath = sInstancePath.Left(pos + 1);
+ return sInstancePath;
+ }
+ CDuiString CPaintManagerUI::GetCurrentPath()
+ {
+ TCHAR tszModule[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 };
+ ::GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, tszModule);
+ return tszModule;
+ }
+ HINSTANCE CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceDll()
+ {
+ if( m_hResourceInstance == NULL ) return m_hInstance;
+ return m_hResourceInstance;
+ }
+ const CDuiString& CPaintManagerUI::GetResourcePath()
+ {
+ return m_pStrResourcePath;
+ }
+ const CDuiString& CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceZip()
+ {
+ return m_pStrResourceZip;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::IsCachedResourceZip()
+ {
+ return m_bCachedResourceZip;
+ }
+ HANDLE CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceZipHandle()
+ {
+ return m_hResourceZip;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetInstance(HINSTANCE hInst)
+ {
+ m_hInstance = hInst;
+ CShadowUI::Initialize(hInst);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetCurrentPath(LPCTSTR pStrPath)
+ {
+ ::SetCurrentDirectory(pStrPath);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceDll(HINSTANCE hInst)
+ {
+ m_hResourceInstance = hInst;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourcePath(LPCTSTR pStrPath)
+ {
+ m_pStrResourcePath = pStrPath;
+ if( m_pStrResourcePath.IsEmpty() ) return;
+ TCHAR cEnd = m_pStrResourcePath.GetAt(m_pStrResourcePath.GetLength() - 1);
+ if( cEnd != _T('\\') && cEnd != _T('/') ) m_pStrResourcePath += _T('\\');
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceZip(LPVOID pVoid, unsigned int len)
+ {
+ if( m_pStrResourceZip == _T("membuffer") ) return;
+ if( m_bCachedResourceZip && m_hResourceZip != NULL ) {
+ CloseZip((HZIP)m_hResourceZip);
+ m_hResourceZip = NULL;
+ }
+ m_pStrResourceZip = _T("membuffer");
+ m_bCachedResourceZip = true;
+ if( m_bCachedResourceZip )
+ m_hResourceZip = (HANDLE)OpenZip(pVoid, len, 3);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetResourceZip(LPCTSTR pStrPath, bool bCachedResourceZip)
+ {
+ if( m_pStrResourceZip == pStrPath && m_bCachedResourceZip == bCachedResourceZip ) return;
+ if( m_bCachedResourceZip && m_hResourceZip != NULL ) {
+ CloseZip((HZIP)m_hResourceZip);
+ m_hResourceZip = NULL;
+ }
+ m_pStrResourceZip = pStrPath;
+ m_bCachedResourceZip = bCachedResourceZip;
+ if( m_bCachedResourceZip ) {
+ CDuiString sFile = CPaintManagerUI::GetResourcePath();
+ sFile += CPaintManagerUI::GetResourceZip();
+ m_hResourceZip = (HANDLE)OpenZip((void*)sFile.GetData(), 0, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::GetHSL(short* H, short* S, short* L)
+ {
+ *H = m_H;
+ *S = m_S;
+ *L = m_L;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetHSL(bool bUseHSL, short H, short S, short L)
+ {
+ if( H == m_H && S == m_S && L == m_L ) return;
+ m_H = CLAMP(H, 0, 360);
+ m_S = CLAMP(S, 0, 200);
+ m_L = CLAMP(L, 0, 200);
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ CPaintManagerUI* pManager = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
+ if( pManager != NULL && pManager->GetRoot() != NULL )
+ pManager->GetRoot()->Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::ReloadSkin()
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ CPaintManagerUI* pManager = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
+ pManager->ReloadAllImages();
+ }
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::LoadPlugin(LPCTSTR pstrModuleName)
+ {
+ ASSERT( !::IsBadStringPtr(pstrModuleName,-1) || pstrModuleName == NULL );
+ if( pstrModuleName == NULL ) return false;
+ HMODULE hModule = ::LoadLibrary(pstrModuleName);
+ if( hModule != NULL ) {
+ LPCREATECONTROL lpCreateControl = (LPCREATECONTROL)::GetProcAddress(hModule, "CreateControl");
+ if( lpCreateControl != NULL ) {
+ if( m_aPlugins.Find(lpCreateControl) >= 0 ) return true;
+ m_aPlugins.Add(lpCreateControl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::GetPlugins()
+ {
+ return &m_aPlugins;
+ }
+ HWND CPaintManagerUI::GetPaintWindow() const
+ {
+ return m_hWndPaint;
+ }
+ HWND CPaintManagerUI::GetTooltipWindow() const
+ {
+ return m_hwndTooltip;
+ }
+ HDC CPaintManagerUI::GetPaintDC() const
+ {
+ return m_hDcPaint;
+ }
+ POINT CPaintManagerUI::GetMousePos() const
+ {
+ return m_ptLastMousePos;
+ }
+ SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetClientSize() const
+ {
+ RECT rcClient = { 0 };
+ ::GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
+ return CDuiSize(rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
+ }
+ SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetInitSize()
+ {
+ return m_szInitWindowSize;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetInitSize(int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ m_szInitWindowSize.cx = cx;
+ m_szInitWindowSize.cy = cy;
+ if( m_pRoot == NULL && m_hWndPaint != NULL ) {
+ ::SetWindowPos(m_hWndPaint, NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
+ }
+ }
+ RECT& CPaintManagerUI::GetSizeBox()
+ {
+ return m_rcSizeBox;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetSizeBox(RECT& rcSizeBox)
+ {
+ m_rcSizeBox = rcSizeBox;
+ }
+ RECT& CPaintManagerUI::GetCaptionRect()
+ {
+ return m_rcCaption;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetCaptionRect(RECT& rcCaption)
+ {
+ m_rcCaption = rcCaption;
+ }
+ SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetRoundCorner() const
+ {
+ return m_szRoundCorner;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetRoundCorner(int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ m_szRoundCorner.cx = cx;
+ m_szRoundCorner.cy = cy;
+ }
+ SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetMinInfo() const
+ {
+ return m_szMinWindow;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetMinInfo(int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ ASSERT(cx>=0 && cy>=0);
+ m_szMinWindow.cx = cx;
+ m_szMinWindow.cy = cy;
+ }
+ SIZE CPaintManagerUI::GetMaxInfo() const
+ {
+ return m_szMaxWindow;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetMaxInfo(int cx, int cy)
+ {
+ ASSERT(cx>=0 && cy>=0);
+ m_szMaxWindow.cx = cx;
+ m_szMaxWindow.cy = cy;
+ }
+ int CPaintManagerUI::GetTransparent() const
+ {
+ return m_nOpacity;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetTransparent(int nOpacity)
+ {
+ if (nOpacity<0)
+ m_nOpacity = 0;
+ else if (nOpacity>255)
+ m_nOpacity = 255;
+ else
+ m_nOpacity = nOpacity;
+ if( m_hWndPaint != NULL ) {
+ HMODULE hUser32 = ::GetModuleHandle(_T("User32.dll"));
+ if (hUser32)
+ {
+ fSetLayeredWindowAttributes =
+ (PFUNCSETLAYEREDWINDOWATTR)::GetProcAddress(hUser32, "SetLayeredWindowAttributes");
+ if( fSetLayeredWindowAttributes == NULL ) return;
+ }
+ DWORD dwStyle = ::GetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE);
+ DWORD dwNewStyle = dwStyle;
+ if( nOpacity >= 0 && nOpacity < 256 ) dwNewStyle |= WS_EX_LAYERED;
+ else dwNewStyle &= ~WS_EX_LAYERED;
+ if(dwStyle != dwNewStyle) ::SetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwNewStyle);
+ fSetLayeredWindowAttributes(m_hWndPaint, 0, nOpacity, LWA_ALPHA);
+ }
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetBackgroundTransparent(bool bTrans)
+ {
+ m_bAlphaBackground = bTrans;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::IsBackgroundTransparent()
+ {
+ return m_bAlphaBackground;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::ShowCaret(bool bShow)
+ {
+ if(m_bCaretShowing == bShow)
+ return true;
+ m_bCaretShowing = bShow;
+ if(!bShow)
+ {
+ ::KillTimer(m_hWndPaint, kCaretTimerID);
+ if(m_bCaretActive)
+ {
+ Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
+ }
+ m_bCaretActive = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::SetTimer(m_hWndPaint, kCaretTimerID, ::GetCaretBlinkTime(), NULL);
+ if(!m_bCaretActive)
+ {
+ Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
+ m_bCaretActive = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::SetCaretPos(CRichEditUI* obj, int x, int y)
+ {
+ if(!::SetCaretPos(x, y))
+ return false;
+ m_currentCaretObject = obj;
+ RECT tempRt = m_rtCaret;
+ int w = m_rtCaret.right - m_rtCaret.left;
+ int h = m_rtCaret.bottom - m_rtCaret.top;
+ m_rtCaret.left = x;
+ m_rtCaret.top = y;
+ m_rtCaret.right = x + w;
+ m_rtCaret.bottom = y + h;
+ Invalidate(tempRt);
+ Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
+ return true;
+ }
+ CRichEditUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetCurrentCaretObject()
+ {
+ return m_currentCaretObject;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::CreateCaret(HBITMAP hBmp, int nWidth, int nHeight)
+ {
+ ::CreateCaret(m_hWndPaint, hBmp, nWidth, nHeight);
+ //TODO hBmpλͼ
+ m_rtCaret.right = m_rtCaret.left + nWidth;
+ m_rtCaret.bottom = m_rtCaret.top + nHeight;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::DrawCaret(HDC hDC, const RECT& rcPaint)
+ {
+ if(m_currentCaretObject && (!m_currentCaretObject->IsFocused() || m_hWndPaint != ::GetFocus()))
+ {
+ ::KillTimer(m_hWndPaint, kCaretTimerID);
+ if(m_bCaretActive)
+ {
+ Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
+ }
+ m_bCaretActive = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(m_bCaretActive && m_bCaretShowing && m_currentCaretObject)
+ {
+ RECT temp = {};
+ if(::IntersectRect(&temp, &rcPaint, &m_rtCaret))
+ {
+ DWORD dwColor = m_currentCaretObject->GetTextColor();
+ if(dwColor == 0)
+ dwColor = m_dwDefaultFontColor;
+ CRenderEngine::DrawColor(hDC, temp, dwColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CShadowUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetShadow()
+ {
+ return &m_shadow;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetUseGdiplusText(bool bUse)
+ {
+ m_bUseGdiplusText = bUse;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::IsUseGdiplusText() const
+ {
+ return m_bUseGdiplusText;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::PreMessageHandler(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& /*lRes*/)
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ )
+ {
+ bool bHandled = false;
+ LRESULT lResult = static_cast(m_aPreMessageFilters[i])->MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled);
+ if( bHandled ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ switch( uMsg ) {
+ case WM_KEYDOWN:
+ {
+ // Tabbing between controls
+ if( wParam == VK_TAB ) {
+ if( m_pFocus && m_pFocus->IsVisible() && m_pFocus->IsEnabled() && _tcsstr(m_pFocus->GetClass(), _T("RichEditUI")) != NULL ) {
+ if( static_cast(m_pFocus)->IsWantTab() ) return false;
+ }
+ SetNextTabControl(::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_SYSCHAR:
+ {
+ // Handle ALT-shortcut key-combinations
+ FINDSHORTCUT fs = { 0 };
+ fs.ch = toupper((int)wParam);
+ CControlUI* pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromShortcut, &fs, UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST | UIFIND_TOP_FIRST);
+ if( pControl != NULL ) {
+ pControl->SetFocus();
+ pControl->Activate();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if( m_pFocus != NULL ) {
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_SYSKEY;
+ event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
+ event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
+ event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::MessageHandler(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& lRes)
+ {
+ //#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // switch( uMsg ) {
+ // case WM_NCPAINT:
+ // case WM_NCHITTEST:
+ // case WM_SETCURSOR:
+ // break;
+ // default:
+ // DUITRACE(_T("MSG: %-20s (%08ld)"), DUITRACEMSG(uMsg), ::GetTickCount());
+ // }
+ //#endif
+ // Not ready yet?
+ if( m_hWndPaint == NULL ) return false;
+ TNotifyUI* pMsg = NULL;
+ while( pMsg = static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify.GetAt(0)) ) {
+ m_aAsyncNotify.Remove(0);
+ if( pMsg->pSender != NULL ) {
+ if( pMsg->pSender->OnNotify ) pMsg->pSender->OnNotify(pMsg);
+ }
+ for( int j = 0; j < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); j++ ) {
+ static_cast(m_aNotifiers[j])->Notify(*pMsg);
+ }
+ delete pMsg;
+ }
+ // Cycle through listeners
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ )
+ {
+ bool bHandled = false;
+ LRESULT lResult = static_cast(m_aMessageFilters[i])->MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled);
+ if( bHandled ) {
+ lRes = lResult;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Custom handling of events
+ switch( uMsg ) {
+ case WM_APP + 1:
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aDelayedCleanup.GetSize(); i++ )
+ delete static_cast(m_aDelayedCleanup[i]);
+ m_aDelayedCleanup.Empty();
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_CLOSE:
+ {
+ // Make sure all matching "closing" events are sent
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ if( m_pEventHover != NULL ) {
+ event.pSender = m_pEventHover;
+ m_pEventHover->Event(event);
+ }
+ if( m_pEventClick != NULL ) {
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_BUTTONUP;
+ event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
+ m_pEventClick->Event(event);
+ }
+ SetFocus(NULL);
+ // Hmmph, the usual Windows tricks to avoid
+ // focus loss...
+ HWND hwndParent = GetWindowOwner(m_hWndPaint);
+ if( hwndParent != NULL ) ::SetFocus(hwndParent);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // We'll do the painting here...
+ lRes = 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case WM_PAINT:
+ {
+ // Should we paint?
+ RECT rcPaint = {0};
+ if(!::GetUpdateRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcPaint, FALSE)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(m_pRoot == NULL)
+ {
+ PAINTSTRUCT ps = {0};
+ ::BeginPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
+ ::EndPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Begin Windows paint
+ PAINTSTRUCT ps = {0};
+ ::BeginPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
+ // Do we need to resize anything?
+ // This is the time where we layout the controls on the form.
+ // We delay this even from the WM_SIZE messages since resizing can be
+ // a very expensize operation.
+ if(m_bUpdateNeeded)
+ {
+ m_bUpdateNeeded = false;
+ RECT rcClient = {0};
+ ::GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
+ if(!::IsRectEmpty(&rcClient))
+ {
+ if(m_pRoot->IsUpdateNeeded())
+ {
+ if( !::IsIconic(m_hWndPaint)) //redrainbug
+ m_pRoot->SetPos(rcClient);
+ if(m_hDcOffscreen != NULL) ::DeleteDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
+ if(m_hbmpOffscreen != NULL) ::DeleteObject(m_hbmpOffscreen);
+ m_hDcOffscreen = NULL;
+ m_hbmpOffscreen = NULL;
+ m_pBmpOffscreenBits = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CControlUI* pControl = NULL;
+ while(pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromUpdate, NULL, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ME_FIRST))
+ {
+ pControl->SetPos(pControl->GetPos());
+ }
+ }
+ // We'll want to notify the window when it is first initialized
+ // with the correct layout. The window form would take the time
+ // to submit swipes/animations.
+ if(m_bFirstLayout)
+ {
+ m_bFirstLayout = false;
+ SendNotify(m_pRoot, _T("windowinit"), 0, 0, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set focus to first control?
+ if(m_bFocusNeeded)
+ {
+ SetNextTabControl();
+ }
+ // Ƿ˰ģʽ
+ if(m_bAlphaBackground)
+ {
+ // òʽ
+ DWORD dwExStyle = GetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE);
+ if((dwExStyle&WS_EX_LAYERED) != WS_EX_LAYERED)
+ SetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle|WS_EX_LAYERED);
+ RECT rcClient = {0};
+ GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
+ // Сָˢ
+ if (!m_bIsRestore)
+ {
+ UnionRect(&rcPaint, &rcPaint, &m_rcInvalidate);
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcInvalidate, sizeof(m_rcInvalidate));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rcPaint = rcClient;
+ m_bIsRestore = false;
+ }
+ int nClientWidth = rcClient.right - rcClient.left;
+ int nClientHeight = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top;
+ if(m_bOffscreenPaint && m_hbmpOffscreen == NULL)
+ {
+ m_hDcOffscreen = ::CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDcPaint);
+ ::ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = nClientWidth;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -nClientHeight;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = nClientWidth * nClientHeight * 4;
+ bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
+ m_hbmpOffscreen = ::CreateDIBSection(m_hDcPaint, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
+ (void**)&m_pBmpOffscreenBits, NULL, 0);
+ ASSERT(m_hDcOffscreen);
+ ASSERT(m_hbmpOffscreen);
+ }
+ HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, m_hbmpOffscreen);
+ int iSaveDC = ::SaveDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
+ CRenderEngine::ClearAlphaPixel(m_pBmpOffscreenBits, nClientWidth, &rcPaint);
+ m_pRoot->DoPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, rcPaint);
+ DrawCaret(m_hDcOffscreen, rcPaint);
+ for(int i = 0; i < m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ CControlUI* pPostPaintControl = static_cast(m_aPostPaintControls[i]);
+ pPostPaintControl->DoPostPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
+ }
+ CRenderEngine::RestoreAlphaColor(m_pBmpOffscreenBits, nClientWidth, &rcPaint);
+ ::RestoreDC(m_hDcOffscreen, iSaveDC);
+ //
+ RECT rcWnd = {0};
+ ::GetWindowRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcWnd);
+ POINT pt = {rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top};
+ SIZE szWindow = {rcWnd.right-rcWnd.left, rcWnd.bottom-rcWnd.top};
+ POINT ptSrc = {0, 0};
+ BLENDFUNCTION blendPixelFunction = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA};
+ ::UpdateLayeredWindow(m_hWndPaint, NULL, &pt, &szWindow, m_hDcOffscreen,
+ &ptSrc, 0, &blendPixelFunction, ULW_ALPHA);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, hOldBitmap);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(m_bOffscreenPaint && m_hbmpOffscreen == NULL)
+ {
+ RECT rcClient = {0};
+ ::GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
+ m_hDcOffscreen = ::CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDcPaint);
+ m_hbmpOffscreen = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(m_hDcPaint, rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
+ ASSERT(m_hDcOffscreen);
+ ASSERT(m_hbmpOffscreen);
+ }
+ if(m_bOffscreenPaint)
+ {
+ HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, m_hbmpOffscreen);
+ int iSaveDC = ::SaveDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
+ m_pRoot->DoPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
+ DrawCaret(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
+ for(int i = 0; i < m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ CControlUI* pPostPaintControl = static_cast(m_aPostPaintControls[i]);
+ pPostPaintControl->DoPostPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
+ }
+ ::RestoreDC(m_hDcOffscreen, iSaveDC);
+ ::BitBlt(ps.hdc, ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.top, ps.rcPaint.right - ps.rcPaint.left,
+ ps.rcPaint.bottom - ps.rcPaint.top, m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.top, SRCCOPY);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, hOldBitmap);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A standard paint job
+ int iSaveDC = ::SaveDC(ps.hdc);
+ m_pRoot->DoPaint(ps.hdc, ps.rcPaint);
+ DrawCaret(ps.hdc, ps.rcPaint);
+ ::RestoreDC(ps.hdc, iSaveDC);
+ }
+ }
+ // All Done!
+ ::EndPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
+ }
+ // If any of the painting requested a resize again, we'll need
+ // to invalidate the entire window once more.
+ if(m_bUpdateNeeded)
+ {
+ ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndPaint, NULL, FALSE);
+ }
+ return true;
+ {
+ if(wParam == TRUE)
+ {
+ if(m_bAlphaBackground) ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndPaint, NULL, TRUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if (SC_RESTORE == (wParam & 0xfff0))
+ {
+ m_bIsRestore = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if( m_szMinWindow.cx > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.x = m_szMinWindow.cx;
+ if( m_szMinWindow.cy > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.y = m_szMinWindow.cy;
+ if( m_szMaxWindow.cx > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.x = m_szMaxWindow.cx;
+ if( m_szMaxWindow.cy > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.y = m_szMaxWindow.cy;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_SIZE:
+ {
+ if( m_pFocus != NULL ) {
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.pSender = m_pFocus;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ }
+ if( m_pRoot != NULL ) m_pRoot->NeedUpdate();
+ }
+ return true;
+ case WM_TIMER:
+ {
+ if(kCaretTimerID == LOWORD(wParam)){
+ //DUI__Trace(_T("WM_TIMER:%d (%d,%d)"), m_bCaretActive, m_rtCaret.left, m_rtCaret.top);
+ Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
+ m_bCaretActive = !m_bCaretActive;
+ }
+ else{
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ const TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
+ if(pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint &&
+ pTimer->uWinTimer == LOWORD(wParam) &&
+ pTimer->bKilled == false)
+ {
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_TIMER;
+ event.pSender = pTimer->pSender;
+ event.wParam = pTimer->nLocalID;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ pTimer->pSender->Event(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ m_bMouseTracking = false;
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ CControlUI* pHover = FindControl(pt);
+ if( pHover == NULL ) break;
+ // Generate mouse hover event
+ if( m_pEventHover != NULL ) {
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.pSender = m_pEventHover;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pEventHover->Event(event);
+ }
+ // Create tooltip information
+ CDuiString sToolTip = pHover->GetToolTip();
+ if( sToolTip.IsEmpty() ) return true;
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_ToolTip, sizeof(TOOLINFO));
+ m_ToolTip.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
+ m_ToolTip.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND;
+ m_ToolTip.hwnd = m_hWndPaint;
+ m_ToolTip.uId = (UINT_PTR) m_hWndPaint;
+ m_ToolTip.hinst = m_hInstance;
+ m_ToolTip.lpszText = const_cast( (LPCTSTR) sToolTip );
+ m_ToolTip.rect = pHover->GetPos();
+ if( m_hwndTooltip == NULL ) {
+ ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
+ }
+ ::SendMessage( m_hwndTooltip,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0, pHover->GetToolTipWidth());
+ ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_SETTOOLINFO, 0, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
+ ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, TRUE, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
+ }
+ return true;
+ {
+ if( m_hwndTooltip != NULL ) ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, FALSE, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
+ if( m_bMouseTracking ) ::SendMessage(m_hWndPaint, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, (LPARAM) -1);
+ m_bMouseTracking = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // Start tracking this entire window again...
+ if( !m_bMouseTracking ) {
+ TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme = { 0 };
+ tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT);
+ tme.dwFlags = TME_HOVER | TME_LEAVE;
+ tme.hwndTrack = m_hWndPaint;
+ tme.dwHoverTime = m_hwndTooltip == NULL ? 400UL : (DWORD) ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_GETDELAYTIME, TTDT_INITIAL, 0L);
+ _TrackMouseEvent(&tme);
+ m_bMouseTracking = true;
+ }
+ // Generate the appropriate mouse messages
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
+ CControlUI* pNewHover = FindControl(pt);
+ if( pNewHover != NULL && pNewHover->GetManager() != this ) break;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ if( pNewHover != m_pEventHover && m_pEventHover != NULL ) {
+ event.pSender = m_pEventHover;
+ m_pEventHover->Event(event);
+ m_pEventHover = NULL;
+ if( m_hwndTooltip != NULL ) ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, FALSE, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
+ }
+ if( pNewHover != m_pEventHover && pNewHover != NULL ) {
+ event.pSender = pNewHover;
+ pNewHover->Event(event);
+ m_pEventHover = pNewHover;
+ }
+ if( m_pEventClick != NULL ) {
+ event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
+ m_pEventClick->Event(event);
+ }
+ else if( pNewHover != NULL ) {
+ event.pSender = pNewHover;
+ pNewHover->Event(event);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // We alway set focus back to our app (this helps
+ // when Win32 child windows are placed on the dialog
+ // and we need to remove them on focus change).
+ ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
+ SetCapture();
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
+ CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) break;
+ if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
+ m_pEventClick = pControl;
+ pControl->SetFocus();
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.pSender = pControl;
+ event.wParam = wParam;
+ event.lParam = lParam;
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ pControl->Event(event);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
+ SetCapture();
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
+ CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) break;
+ if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_DBLCLICK;
+ event.pSender = pControl;
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ pControl->Event(event);
+ m_pEventClick = pControl;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ ReleaseCapture();
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
+ if( m_pEventClick == NULL ) break;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_BUTTONUP;
+ event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
+ event.wParam = wParam;
+ event.lParam = lParam;
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pEventClick->Event(event);
+ m_pEventClick = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
+ CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) break;
+ if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
+ pControl->SetFocus();
+ SetCapture();
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.pSender = pControl;
+ event.wParam = wParam;
+ event.lParam = lParam;
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ pControl->Event(event);
+ m_pEventClick = pControl;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ ::ScreenToClient(m_hWndPaint, &pt);
+ m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
+ if( m_pEventClick == NULL ) break;
+ ReleaseCapture();
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
+ event.lParam = (LPARAM)m_pEventClick;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pEventClick->Event(event);
+ m_pEventClick = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
+ ::ScreenToClient(m_hWndPaint, &pt);
+ m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
+ CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) break;
+ if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
+ int zDelta = (int) (short) HIWORD(wParam);
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.pSender = pControl;
+ event.wParam = MAKELPARAM(zDelta < 0 ? SB_LINEDOWN : SB_LINEUP, 0);
+ event.lParam = lParam;
+ event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ pControl->Event(event);
+ // Let's make sure that the scroll item below the cursor is the same as before...
+ ::SendMessage(m_hWndPaint, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(m_ptLastMousePos.x, m_ptLastMousePos.y));
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_CHAR:
+ {
+ if( m_pFocus == NULL ) break;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_CHAR;
+ event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
+ event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
+ event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_KEYDOWN:
+ {
+ if( m_pFocus == NULL ) break;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_KEYDOWN;
+ event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
+ event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
+ event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ m_pEventKey = m_pFocus;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_KEYUP:
+ {
+ if( m_pEventKey == NULL ) break;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_KEYUP;
+ event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
+ event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
+ event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pEventKey->Event(event);
+ m_pEventKey = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if( LOWORD(lParam) != HTCLIENT ) break;
+ if( m_bMouseCapture ) return true;
+ POINT pt = { 0 };
+ ::GetCursorPos(&pt);
+ ::ScreenToClient(m_hWndPaint, &pt);
+ CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) break;
+ if( (pControl->GetControlFlags() & UIFLAG_SETCURSOR) == 0 ) break;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.wParam = wParam;
+ event.lParam = lParam;
+ event.ptMouse = pt;
+ event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ pControl->Event(event);
+ }
+ return true;
+ {
+ if( m_pFocus != NULL ) {
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_SETFOCUS;
+ event.wParam = wParam;
+ event.lParam = lParam;
+ event.pSender = m_pFocus;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_NOTIFY:
+ {
+ if( lpNMHDR != NULL ) lRes = ::SendMessage(lpNMHDR->hwndFrom, OCM__BASE + uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WM_COMMAND:
+ {
+ if( lParam == 0 ) break;
+ HWND hWndChild = (HWND) lParam;
+ lRes = ::SendMessage(hWndChild, OCM__BASE + uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ // Refer To: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761691(v=vs.85).aspx
+ // Read-only or disabled edit controls do not send the WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message; instead, they send the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message.
+ if( lParam == 0 ) break;
+ HWND hWndChild = (HWND) lParam;
+ lRes = ::SendMessage(hWndChild, OCM__BASE + uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ pMsg = NULL;
+ while( pMsg = static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify.GetAt(0)) ) {
+ m_aAsyncNotify.Remove(0);
+ if( pMsg->pSender != NULL ) {
+ if( pMsg->pSender->OnNotify ) pMsg->pSender->OnNotify(pMsg);
+ }
+ for( int j = 0; j < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); j++ ) {
+ static_cast(m_aNotifiers[j])->Notify(*pMsg);
+ }
+ delete pMsg;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::NeedUpdate()
+ {
+ m_bUpdateNeeded = true;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::Invalidate(RECT& rcItem)
+ {
+ ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcItem, FALSE);
+ m_rcInvalidate = rcItem;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::AttachDialog(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWndPaint));
+ // Reset any previous attachment
+ SetFocus(NULL);
+ m_pEventKey = NULL;
+ m_pEventHover = NULL;
+ m_pEventClick = NULL;
+ // Remove the existing control-tree. We might have gotten inside this function as
+ // a result of an event fired or similar, so we cannot just delete the objects and
+ // pull the internal memory of the calling code. We'll delay the cleanup.
+ if( m_pRoot != NULL ) {
+ m_aPostPaintControls.Empty();
+ AddDelayedCleanup(m_pRoot);
+ }
+ // Set the dialog root element
+ m_pRoot = pControl;
+ // Go ahead...
+ m_bUpdateNeeded = true;
+ m_bFirstLayout = true;
+ m_bFocusNeeded = true;
+ m_shadow.Create(this);
+ // Initiate all control
+ return InitControls(pControl);
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::InitControls(CControlUI* pControl, CControlUI* pParent /*= NULL*/)
+ {
+ ASSERT(pControl);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) return false;
+ pControl->SetManager(this, pParent != NULL ? pParent : pControl->GetParent(), true);
+ pControl->FindControl(__FindControlFromNameHash, this, UIFIND_ALL);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::ReapObjects(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ if( pControl == m_pEventKey ) m_pEventKey = NULL;
+ if( pControl == m_pEventHover ) m_pEventHover = NULL;
+ if( pControl == m_pEventClick ) m_pEventClick = NULL;
+ if( pControl == m_pFocus ) m_pFocus = NULL;
+ KillTimer(pControl);
+ const CDuiString& sName = pControl->GetName();
+ if( !sName.IsEmpty() ) {
+ if( pControl == FindControl(sName) ) m_mNameHash.Remove(sName);
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aAsyncNotify.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ TNotifyUI* pMsg = static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify[i]);
+ if( pMsg->pSender == pControl ) pMsg->pSender = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::AddOptionGroup(LPCTSTR pStrGroupName, CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ LPVOID lp = m_mOptionGroup.Find(pStrGroupName);
+ if( lp ) {
+ CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup = static_cast(lp);
+ for( int i = 0; i < aOptionGroup->GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if( static_cast(aOptionGroup->GetAt(i)) == pControl ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ aOptionGroup->Add(pControl);
+ }
+ else {
+ CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup = new CStdPtrArray(6);
+ aOptionGroup->Add(pControl);
+ m_mOptionGroup.Insert(pStrGroupName, aOptionGroup);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::GetOptionGroup(LPCTSTR pStrGroupName)
+ {
+ LPVOID lp = m_mOptionGroup.Find(pStrGroupName);
+ if( lp ) return static_cast(lp);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveOptionGroup(LPCTSTR pStrGroupName, CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ LPVOID lp = m_mOptionGroup.Find(pStrGroupName);
+ if( lp ) {
+ CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup = static_cast(lp);
+ if( aOptionGroup == NULL ) return;
+ for( int i = 0; i < aOptionGroup->GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if( static_cast(aOptionGroup->GetAt(i)) == pControl ) {
+ aOptionGroup->Remove(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( aOptionGroup->IsEmpty() ) {
+ delete aOptionGroup;
+ m_mOptionGroup.Remove(pStrGroupName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllOptionGroups()
+ {
+ CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup;
+ for( int i = 0; i< m_mOptionGroup.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if(LPCTSTR key = m_mOptionGroup.GetAt(i)) {
+ aOptionGroup = static_cast(m_mOptionGroup.Find(key));
+ delete aOptionGroup;
+ }
+ }
+ m_mOptionGroup.RemoveAll();
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::MessageLoop()
+ {
+ MSG msg = { 0 };
+ while( ::GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) ) {
+ if( !CPaintManagerUI::TranslateMessage(&msg) ) {
+ ::TranslateMessage(&msg);
+ try{
+ ::DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ } catch(...) {
+ DUITRACE(_T("EXCEPTION: %s(%d)\n"), __FILET__, __LINE__);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ throw "CPaintManagerUI::MessageLoop";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::Term()
+ {
+ if( m_bCachedResourceZip && m_hResourceZip != NULL ) {
+ CloseZip((HZIP)m_hResourceZip);
+ m_hResourceZip = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetFocus() const
+ {
+ return m_pFocus;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetFocus(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ // Paint manager window has focus?
+ HWND hFocusWnd = ::GetFocus();
+ if( hFocusWnd != m_hWndPaint && pControl != m_pFocus ) ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
+ // Already has focus?
+ if( pControl == m_pFocus ) return;
+ // Remove focus from old control
+ if( m_pFocus != NULL )
+ {
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.pSender = pControl;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ SendNotify(m_pFocus, DUI_MSGTYPE_KILLFOCUS);
+ m_pFocus = NULL;
+ }
+ if( pControl == NULL ) return;
+ // Set focus to new control
+ if( pControl != NULL
+ && pControl->GetManager() == this
+ && pControl->IsVisible()
+ && pControl->IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ m_pFocus = pControl;
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.Type = UIEVENT_SETFOCUS;
+ event.pSender = pControl;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ SendNotify(m_pFocus, DUI_MSGTYPE_SETFOCUS);
+ }
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetFocusNeeded(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) return;
+ if( m_pFocus != NULL ) {
+ TEventUI event = { 0 };
+ event.pSender = pControl;
+ event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ m_pFocus->Event(event);
+ SendNotify(m_pFocus, DUI_MSGTYPE_KILLFOCUS);
+ m_pFocus = NULL;
+ }
+ FINDTABINFO info = { 0 };
+ info.pFocus = pControl;
+ info.bForward = false;
+ m_pFocus = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromTab, &info, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST);
+ m_bFocusNeeded = true;
+ if( m_pRoot != NULL ) m_pRoot->NeedUpdate();
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::SetTimer(CControlUI* pControl, UINT nTimerID, UINT uElapse)
+ {
+ ASSERT(pControl!=NULL);
+ ASSERT(uElapse>0);
+ for( int i = 0; i< m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
+ if( pTimer->pSender == pControl
+ && pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint
+ && pTimer->nLocalID == nTimerID ) {
+ if( pTimer->bKilled == true ) {
+ if( ::SetTimer(m_hWndPaint, pTimer->uWinTimer, uElapse, NULL) ) {
+ pTimer->bKilled = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ m_uTimerID = (++m_uTimerID) % 0xF0; //0xf1-0xfe;
+ if( !::SetTimer(m_hWndPaint, m_uTimerID, uElapse, NULL) ) return FALSE;
+ if( pTimer == NULL ) return FALSE;
+ pTimer->hWnd = m_hWndPaint;
+ pTimer->pSender = pControl;
+ pTimer->nLocalID = nTimerID;
+ pTimer->uWinTimer = m_uTimerID;
+ pTimer->bKilled = false;
+ return m_aTimers.Add(pTimer);
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::KillTimer(CControlUI* pControl, UINT nTimerID)
+ {
+ ASSERT(pControl!=NULL);
+ for( int i = 0; i< m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
+ if( pTimer->pSender == pControl
+ && pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint
+ && pTimer->nLocalID == nTimerID )
+ {
+ if( pTimer->bKilled == false ) {
+ if( ::IsWindow(m_hWndPaint) ) ::KillTimer(pTimer->hWnd, pTimer->uWinTimer);
+ pTimer->bKilled = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::KillTimer(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ ASSERT(pControl!=NULL);
+ int count = m_aTimers.GetSize();
+ for( int i = 0, j = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
+ TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i - j]);
+ if( pTimer->pSender == pControl && pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint ) {
+ if( pTimer->bKilled == false ) ::KillTimer(pTimer->hWnd, pTimer->uWinTimer);
+ delete pTimer;
+ m_aTimers.Remove(i - j);
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllTimers()
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
+ if( pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint ) {
+ if( pTimer->bKilled == false ) {
+ if( ::IsWindow(m_hWndPaint) ) ::KillTimer(m_hWndPaint, pTimer->uWinTimer);
+ }
+ delete pTimer;
+ }
+ }
+ m_aTimers.Empty();
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetCapture()
+ {
+ ::SetCapture(m_hWndPaint);
+ m_bMouseCapture = true;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::ReleaseCapture()
+ {
+ ::ReleaseCapture();
+ m_bMouseCapture = false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::IsCaptured()
+ {
+ return m_bMouseCapture;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::SetNextTabControl(bool bForward)
+ {
+ // If we're in the process of restructuring the layout we can delay the
+ // focus calulation until the next repaint.
+ if( m_bUpdateNeeded && bForward ) {
+ m_bFocusNeeded = true;
+ ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndPaint, NULL, FALSE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Find next/previous tabbable control
+ FINDTABINFO info1 = { 0 };
+ info1.pFocus = m_pFocus;
+ info1.bForward = bForward;
+ CControlUI* pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromTab, &info1, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST);
+ if( pControl == NULL ) {
+ if( bForward ) {
+ // Wrap around
+ FINDTABINFO info2 = { 0 };
+ info2.pFocus = bForward ? NULL : info1.pLast;
+ info2.bForward = bForward;
+ pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromTab, &info2, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST);
+ }
+ else {
+ pControl = info1.pLast;
+ }
+ }
+ if( pControl != NULL ) SetFocus(pControl);
+ m_bFocusNeeded = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::AddNotifier(INotifyUI* pNotifier)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_aNotifiers.Find(pNotifier)<0);
+ return m_aNotifiers.Add(pNotifier);
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveNotifier(INotifyUI* pNotifier)
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if( static_cast(m_aNotifiers[i]) == pNotifier ) {
+ return m_aNotifiers.Remove(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::AddPreMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_aPreMessageFilters.Find(pFilter)<0);
+ return m_aPreMessageFilters.Add(pFilter);
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemovePreMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if( static_cast(m_aPreMessageFilters[i]) == pFilter ) {
+ return m_aPreMessageFilters.Remove(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::AddMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_aMessageFilters.Find(pFilter)<0);
+ return m_aMessageFilters.Add(pFilter);
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if( static_cast(m_aMessageFilters[i]) == pFilter ) {
+ return m_aMessageFilters.Remove(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ int CPaintManagerUI::GetPostPaintCount() const
+ {
+ return m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize();
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::AddPostPaint(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_aPostPaintControls.Find(pControl) < 0);
+ return m_aPostPaintControls.Add(pControl);
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemovePostPaint(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if( static_cast(m_aPostPaintControls[i]) == pControl ) {
+ return m_aPostPaintControls.Remove(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::SetPostPaintIndex(CControlUI* pControl, int iIndex)
+ {
+ RemovePostPaint(pControl);
+ return m_aPostPaintControls.InsertAt(iIndex, pControl);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::AddDelayedCleanup(CControlUI* pControl)
+ {
+ pControl->SetManager(this, NULL, false);
+ m_aDelayedCleanup.Add(pControl);
+ ::PostMessage(m_hWndPaint, WM_APP + 1, 0, 0L);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SendNotify(CControlUI* pControl, LPCTSTR pstrMessage, WPARAM wParam /*= 0*/, LPARAM lParam /*= 0*/, bool bAsync /*= false*/)
+ {
+ TNotifyUI Msg;
+ Msg.pSender = pControl;
+ Msg.sType = pstrMessage;
+ Msg.wParam = wParam;
+ Msg.lParam = lParam;
+ SendNotify(Msg, bAsync);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SendNotify(TNotifyUI& Msg, bool bAsync /*= false*/)
+ {
+ Msg.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
+ Msg.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
+ if( m_bUsedVirtualWnd )
+ {
+ Msg.sVirtualWnd = Msg.pSender->GetVirtualWnd();
+ }
+ if( !bAsync ) {
+ // Send to all listeners
+ if( Msg.pSender != NULL ) {
+ if( Msg.pSender->OnNotify ) Msg.pSender->OnNotify(&Msg);
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ static_cast(m_aNotifiers[i])->Notify(Msg);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ TNotifyUI *pMsg = new TNotifyUI;
+ pMsg->pSender = Msg.pSender;
+ pMsg->sType = Msg.sType;
+ pMsg->wParam = Msg.wParam;
+ pMsg->lParam = Msg.lParam;
+ pMsg->ptMouse = Msg.ptMouse;
+ pMsg->dwTimestamp = Msg.dwTimestamp;
+ m_aAsyncNotify.Add(pMsg);
+ }
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::UseParentResource(CPaintManagerUI* pm)
+ {
+ if( pm == NULL ) {
+ m_pParentResourcePM = NULL;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( pm == this ) return false;
+ CPaintManagerUI* pParentPM = pm->GetParentResource();
+ while( pParentPM ) {
+ if( pParentPM == this ) return false;
+ pParentPM = pParentPM->GetParentResource();
+ }
+ m_pParentResourcePM = pm;
return true;
+ }
- m_bCaretShowing = bShow;
- if(!bShow)
- {
- ::KillTimer(m_hWndPaint, kCaretTimerID);
- if(m_bCaretActive)
- {
- Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
+ CPaintManagerUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetParentResource() const
+ {
+ return m_pParentResourcePM;
+ }
+ DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultDisabledColor() const
+ {
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultDisabledColor();
+ return m_dwDefaultDisabledColor;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultDisabledColor(DWORD dwColor)
+ {
+ m_dwDefaultDisabledColor = dwColor;
+ }
+ DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultFontColor() const
+ {
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultFontColor();
+ return m_dwDefaultFontColor;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultFontColor(DWORD dwColor)
+ {
+ m_dwDefaultFontColor = dwColor;
+ }
+ DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultLinkFontColor() const
+ {
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultLinkFontColor();
+ return m_dwDefaultLinkFontColor;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultLinkFontColor(DWORD dwColor)
+ {
+ m_dwDefaultLinkFontColor = dwColor;
+ }
+ DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultLinkHoverFontColor() const
+ {
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultLinkHoverFontColor();
+ return m_dwDefaultLinkHoverFontColor;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultLinkHoverFontColor(DWORD dwColor)
+ {
+ m_dwDefaultLinkHoverFontColor = dwColor;
+ }
+ DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultSelectedBkColor() const
+ {
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultSelectedBkColor();
+ return m_dwDefaultSelectedBkColor;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultSelectedBkColor(DWORD dwColor)
+ {
+ m_dwDefaultSelectedBkColor = dwColor;
+ }
+ TFontInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultFontInfo()
+ {
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultFontInfo();
+ if( m_DefaultFontInfo.tm.tmHeight == 0 ) {
+ HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont);
+ ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &m_DefaultFontInfo.tm);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
- m_bCaretActive = false;
+ return &m_DefaultFontInfo;
- else
+ void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
- ::SetTimer(m_hWndPaint, kCaretTimerID, ::GetCaretBlinkTime(), NULL);
- if(!m_bCaretActive)
- {
- Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
- m_bCaretActive = true;
+ LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
+ ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
+ _tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, pStrFontName, LF_FACESIZE);
+ lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+ lf.lfHeight = -nSize;
+ if( bBold ) lf.lfWeight += FW_BOLD;
+ if( bUnderline ) lf.lfUnderline = TRUE;
+ if( bItalic ) lf.lfItalic = TRUE;
+ HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
+ if( hFont == NULL ) return;
+ ::DeleteObject(m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont);
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont = hFont;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.sFontName = pStrFontName;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.iSize = nSize;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.bBold = bBold;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.bUnderline = bUnderline;
+ m_DefaultFontInfo.bItalic = bItalic;
+ ::ZeroMemory(&m_DefaultFontInfo.tm, sizeof(m_DefaultFontInfo.tm));
+ if( m_hDcPaint ) {
+ HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hFont);
+ ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &m_DefaultFontInfo.tm);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
+ }
+ }
+ DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetCustomFontCount() const
+ {
+ return m_aCustomFonts.GetSize();
+ }
+ HFONT CPaintManagerUI::AddFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
+ {
+ LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
+ ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
+ _tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, pStrFontName, LF_FACESIZE);
+ lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+ lf.lfHeight = -nSize;
+ lf.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
+ if( bBold ) lf.lfWeight += FW_BOLD;
+ if( bUnderline ) lf.lfUnderline = TRUE;
+ if( bItalic ) lf.lfItalic = TRUE;
+ HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
+ if( hFont == NULL ) return NULL;
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = new TFontInfo;
+ if( !pFontInfo ) return false;
+ ::ZeroMemory(pFontInfo, sizeof(TFontInfo));
+ pFontInfo->hFont = hFont;
+ pFontInfo->sFontName = pStrFontName;
+ pFontInfo->iSize = nSize;
+ pFontInfo->bBold = bBold;
+ pFontInfo->bUnderline = bUnderline;
+ pFontInfo->bItalic = bItalic;
+ if( m_hDcPaint ) {
+ HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hFont);
+ ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
+ }
+ if( !m_aCustomFonts.Add(pFontInfo) ) {
+ ::DeleteObject(hFont);
+ delete pFontInfo;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return hFont;
+ }
+ HFONT CPaintManagerUI::AddFontAt(int index, LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
+ {
+ LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
+ ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
+ _tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, pStrFontName, LF_FACESIZE);
+ lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+ lf.lfHeight = -nSize;
+ lf.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
+ if( bBold ) lf.lfWeight += FW_BOLD;
+ if( bUnderline ) lf.lfUnderline = TRUE;
+ if( bItalic ) lf.lfItalic = TRUE;
+ HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
+ if( hFont == NULL ) return NULL;
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = new TFontInfo;
+ if( !pFontInfo ) return false;
+ ::ZeroMemory(pFontInfo, sizeof(TFontInfo));
+ pFontInfo->hFont = hFont;
+ pFontInfo->sFontName = pStrFontName;
+ pFontInfo->iSize = nSize;
+ pFontInfo->bBold = bBold;
+ pFontInfo->bUnderline = bUnderline;
+ pFontInfo->bItalic = bItalic;
+ if( m_hDcPaint ) {
+ HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hFont);
+ ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
+ }
+ if( !m_aCustomFonts.InsertAt(index, pFontInfo) ) {
+ ::DeleteObject(hFont);
+ delete pFontInfo;
+ return NULL;
+ return hFont;
+ }
+ HFONT CPaintManagerUI::GetFont(int index)
+ {
+ if( index < 0 || index >= m_aCustomFonts.GetSize() ) return GetDefaultFontInfo()->hFont;
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[index]);
+ return pFontInfo->hFont;
+ }
+ HFONT CPaintManagerUI::GetFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ if( pFontInfo->sFontName == pStrFontName && pFontInfo->iSize == nSize &&
+ pFontInfo->bBold == bBold && pFontInfo->bUnderline == bUnderline && pFontInfo->bItalic == bItalic)
+ return pFontInfo->hFont;
+ }
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetFont(pStrFontName, nSize, bBold, bUnderline, bItalic);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::FindFont(HFONT hFont)
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) return true;
+ }
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->FindFont(hFont);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::FindFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ if( pFontInfo->sFontName == pStrFontName && pFontInfo->iSize == nSize &&
+ pFontInfo->bBold == bBold && pFontInfo->bUnderline == bUnderline && pFontInfo->bItalic == bItalic)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->FindFont(pStrFontName, nSize, bBold, bUnderline, bItalic);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int CPaintManagerUI::GetFontIndex(HFONT hFont)
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) return it;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int CPaintManagerUI::GetFontIndex(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ if( pFontInfo->sFontName == pStrFontName && pFontInfo->iSize == nSize &&
+ pFontInfo->bBold == bBold && pFontInfo->bUnderline == bUnderline && pFontInfo->bItalic == bItalic)
+ return it;
+ }
+ return -1;
- return true;
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveFont(HFONT hFont)
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) {
+ ::DeleteObject(pFontInfo->hFont);
+ delete pFontInfo;
+ return m_aCustomFonts.Remove(it);
+ }
+ }
-bool CPaintManagerUI::SetCaretPos(CRichEditUI* obj, int x, int y)
- if(!::SetCaretPos(x, y))
return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveFontAt(int index)
+ {
+ if( index < 0 || index >= m_aCustomFonts.GetSize() ) return false;
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[index]);
+ ::DeleteObject(pFontInfo->hFont);
+ delete pFontInfo;
+ return m_aCustomFonts.Remove(index);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllFonts()
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ ::DeleteObject(pFontInfo->hFont);
+ delete pFontInfo;
+ }
+ m_aCustomFonts.Empty();
+ }
+ TFontInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetFontInfo(int index)
+ {
+ if( index < 0 || index >= m_aCustomFonts.GetSize() ) return GetDefaultFontInfo();
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[index]);
+ if( pFontInfo->tm.tmHeight == 0 ) {
+ HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, pFontInfo->hFont);
+ ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
+ }
+ return pFontInfo;
+ }
+ TFontInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetFontInfo(HFONT hFont)
+ {
+ TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
+ for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
+ pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
+ if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) {
+ if( pFontInfo->tm.tmHeight == 0 ) {
+ HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, pFontInfo->hFont);
+ ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
+ ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
+ }
+ return pFontInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetFontInfo(hFont);
+ return GetDefaultFontInfo();
+ }
+ const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetImage(LPCTSTR bitmap)
+ {
+ TImageInfo* data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
+ if( !data && m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetImage(bitmap);
+ else return data;
+ }
+ const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetImageEx(LPCTSTR bitmap, LPCTSTR type, DWORD mask)
+ {
+ TImageInfo* data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
+ if( !data ) {
+ if( AddImage(bitmap, type, mask) ) {
+ data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::AddImage(LPCTSTR bitmap, LPCTSTR type, DWORD mask)
+ {
+ TImageInfo* data = NULL;
+ if( type != NULL ) {
+ if( isdigit(*bitmap) ) {
+ LPTSTR pstr = NULL;
+ int iIndex = _tcstol(bitmap, &pstr, 10);
+ data = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(iIndex, type, mask);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ data = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(bitmap, NULL, mask);
+ }
+ if( !data ) return NULL;
+ if( type != NULL ) data->sResType = type;
+ data->dwMask = mask;
+ if( !m_mImageHash.Insert(bitmap, data) ) {
+ ::DeleteObject(data->hBitmap);
+ delete data;
+ }
- m_currentCaretObject = obj;
- RECT tempRt = m_rtCaret;
- int w = m_rtCaret.right - m_rtCaret.left;
- int h = m_rtCaret.bottom - m_rtCaret.top;
- m_rtCaret.left = x;
- m_rtCaret.top = y;
- m_rtCaret.right = x + w;
- m_rtCaret.bottom = y + h;
- Invalidate(tempRt);
- Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
- return true;
-CRichEditUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetCurrentCaretObject()
- return m_currentCaretObject;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::CreateCaret(HBITMAP hBmp, int nWidth, int nHeight)
- ::CreateCaret(m_hWndPaint, hBmp, nWidth, nHeight);
- //TODO hBmpλͼ
- m_rtCaret.right = m_rtCaret.left + nWidth;
- m_rtCaret.bottom = m_rtCaret.top + nHeight;
- return true;
-void CPaintManagerUI::DrawCaret(HDC hDC, const RECT& rcPaint)
- if(m_currentCaretObject && (!m_currentCaretObject->IsFocused() || m_hWndPaint != ::GetFocus()))
- {
- ::KillTimer(m_hWndPaint, kCaretTimerID);
- if(m_bCaretActive)
+ return data;
+ }
+ const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::AddImage(LPCTSTR bitmap, HBITMAP hBitmap, int iWidth, int iHeight, bool bAlpha)
+ {
+ if( hBitmap == NULL || iWidth <= 0 || iHeight <= 0 ) return NULL;
+ TImageInfo* data = new TImageInfo;
+ data->hBitmap = hBitmap;
+ data->nX = iWidth;
+ data->nY = iHeight;
+ data->alphaChannel = bAlpha;
+ //data->sResType = _T("");
+ data->dwMask = 0;
+ if( !m_mImageHash.Insert(bitmap, data) ) {
+ ::DeleteObject(data->hBitmap);
+ delete data;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveImage(LPCTSTR bitmap)
+ {
+ const TImageInfo* data = GetImage(bitmap);
+ if( !data ) return false;
+ CRenderEngine::FreeImage(data) ;
+ return m_mImageHash.Remove(bitmap);
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllImages()
+ {
+ TImageInfo* data;
+ for( int i = 0; i< m_mImageHash.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if(LPCTSTR key = m_mImageHash.GetAt(i)) {
+ data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(key, false));
+ if (data) {
+ CRenderEngine::FreeImage(data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_mImageHash.RemoveAll();
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::ReloadAllImages()
+ {
+ bool bRedraw = false;
+ TImageInfo* data;
+ TImageInfo* pNewData;
+ for( int i = 0; i< m_mImageHash.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if(LPCTSTR bitmap = m_mImageHash.GetAt(i)) {
+ data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
+ if( data != NULL ) {
+ if( !data->sResType.IsEmpty() ) {
+ if( isdigit(*bitmap) ) {
+ LPTSTR pstr = NULL;
+ int iIndex = _tcstol(bitmap, &pstr, 10);
+ pNewData = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(iIndex, data->sResType.GetData(), data->dwMask);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ pNewData = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(bitmap, NULL, data->dwMask);
+ }
+ if( pNewData == NULL ) continue;
+ if( data->hBitmap != NULL ) ::DeleteObject(data->hBitmap);
+ data->hBitmap = pNewData->hBitmap;
+ data->nX = pNewData->nX;
+ data->nY = pNewData->nY;
+ data->alphaChannel = pNewData->alphaChannel;
+ delete pNewData;
+ bRedraw = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( bRedraw && m_pRoot ) m_pRoot->Invalidate();
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::AddDefaultAttributeList(LPCTSTR pStrControlName, LPCTSTR pStrControlAttrList)
+ {
+ CDuiString* pDefaultAttr = new CDuiString(pStrControlAttrList);
+ if (pDefaultAttr != NULL)
- Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
+ if (m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(pStrControlName) == NULL)
+ m_DefaultAttrHash.Set(pStrControlName, (LPVOID)pDefaultAttr);
+ else
+ delete pDefaultAttr;
+ }
+ }
+ LPCTSTR CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultAttributeList(LPCTSTR pStrControlName) const
+ {
+ CDuiString* pDefaultAttr = static_cast(m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(pStrControlName));
+ if( !pDefaultAttr && m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultAttributeList(pStrControlName);
+ if( pDefaultAttr ) return pDefaultAttr->GetData();
+ else return NULL;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveDefaultAttributeList(LPCTSTR pStrControlName)
+ {
+ CDuiString* pDefaultAttr = static_cast(m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(pStrControlName));
+ if( !pDefaultAttr ) return false;
+ delete pDefaultAttr;
+ return m_DefaultAttrHash.Remove(pStrControlName);
+ }
+ const CStdStringPtrMap& CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultAttribultes() const
+ {
+ return m_DefaultAttrHash;
+ }
+ void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllDefaultAttributeList()
+ {
+ CDuiString* pDefaultAttr;
+ for( int i = 0; i< m_DefaultAttrHash.GetSize(); i++ ) {
+ if(LPCTSTR key = m_DefaultAttrHash.GetAt(i)) {
+ pDefaultAttr = static_cast(m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(key));
+ delete pDefaultAttr;
+ }
+ }
+ m_DefaultAttrHash.RemoveAll();
+ }
+ CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetRoot() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_pRoot);
+ return m_pRoot;
+ }
+ CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindControl(POINT pt) const
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_pRoot);
+ return m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromPoint, &pt, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_HITTEST | UIFIND_TOP_FIRST);
+ }
+ CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindControl(LPCTSTR pstrName) const
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_pRoot);
+ return static_cast(m_mNameHash.Find(pstrName));
+ }
+ CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlByPoint(CControlUI* pParent, POINT pt) const
+ {
+ if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
+ ASSERT(pParent);
+ return pParent->FindControl(__FindControlFromPoint, &pt, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_HITTEST | UIFIND_TOP_FIRST);
+ }
+ CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlByName(CControlUI* pParent, LPCTSTR pstrName) const
+ {
+ if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
+ ASSERT(pParent);
+ return pParent->FindControl(__FindControlFromName, (LPVOID)pstrName, UIFIND_ALL);
+ }
+ CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlByClass(CControlUI* pParent, LPCTSTR pstrClass, int iIndex)
+ {
+ if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
+ ASSERT(pParent);
+ m_aFoundControls.Resize(iIndex + 1);
+ return pParent->FindControl(__FindControlFromClass, (LPVOID)pstrClass, UIFIND_ALL);
+ }
+ CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlsByClass(CControlUI* pParent, LPCTSTR pstrClass)
+ {
+ if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
+ ASSERT(pParent);
+ m_aFoundControls.Empty();
+ pParent->FindControl(__FindControlsFromClass, (LPVOID)pstrClass, UIFIND_ALL);
+ return &m_aFoundControls;
+ }
+ CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::GetSubControlsByClass()
+ {
+ return &m_aFoundControls;
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromNameHash(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ CPaintManagerUI* pManager = static_cast(pData);
+ const CDuiString& sName = pThis->GetName();
+ if( sName.IsEmpty() ) return NULL;
+ // Add this control to the hash list
+ pManager->m_mNameHash.Set(sName, pThis);
+ return NULL; // Attempt to add all controls
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromCount(CControlUI* /*pThis*/, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ int* pnCount = static_cast(pData);
+ (*pnCount)++;
+ return NULL; // Count all controls
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromPoint(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ LPPOINT pPoint = static_cast(pData);
+ return ::PtInRect(&pThis->GetPos(), *pPoint) ? pThis : NULL;
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromTab(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ FINDTABINFO* pInfo = static_cast(pData);
+ if( pInfo->pFocus == pThis ) {
+ if( pInfo->bForward ) pInfo->bNextIsIt = true;
+ return pInfo->bForward ? NULL : pInfo->pLast;
+ }
+ if( (pThis->GetControlFlags() & UIFLAG_TABSTOP) == 0 ) return NULL;
+ pInfo->pLast = pThis;
+ if( pInfo->bNextIsIt ) return pThis;
+ if( pInfo->pFocus == NULL ) return pThis;
+ return NULL; // Examine all controls
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromShortcut(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ if( !pThis->IsVisible() ) return NULL;
+ FINDSHORTCUT* pFS = static_cast(pData);
+ if( pFS->ch == toupper(pThis->GetShortcut()) ) pFS->bPickNext = true;
+ if( _tcsstr(pThis->GetClass(), _T("LabelUI")) != NULL ) return NULL; // Labels never get focus!
+ return pFS->bPickNext ? pThis : NULL;
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromUpdate(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ return pThis->IsUpdateNeeded() ? pThis : NULL;
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromName(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ LPCTSTR pstrName = static_cast(pData);
+ const CDuiString& sName = pThis->GetName();
+ if( sName.IsEmpty() ) return NULL;
+ return (_tcsicmp(sName, pstrName) == 0) ? pThis : NULL;
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromClass(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ LPCTSTR pstrType = static_cast(pData);
+ LPCTSTR pType = pThis->GetClass();
+ CStdPtrArray* pFoundControls = pThis->GetManager()->GetSubControlsByClass();
+ if( _tcscmp(pstrType, _T("*")) == 0 || _tcscmp(pstrType, pType) == 0 ) {
+ int iIndex = -1;
+ while( pFoundControls->GetAt(++iIndex) != NULL ) ;
+ if( iIndex < pFoundControls->GetSize() ) pFoundControls->SetAt(iIndex, pThis);
- m_bCaretActive = false;
- return;
+ if( pFoundControls->GetAt(pFoundControls->GetSize() - 1) != NULL ) return pThis;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlsFromClass(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
+ {
+ LPCTSTR pstrType = static_cast(pData);
+ LPCTSTR pType = pThis->GetClass();
+ if( _tcscmp(pstrType, _T("*")) == 0 || _tcscmp(pstrType, pType) == 0 )
+ pThis->GetManager()->GetSubControlsByClass()->Add((LPVOID)pThis);
+ return NULL;
- if(m_bCaretActive && m_bCaretShowing && m_currentCaretObject)
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::TranslateAccelerator(LPMSG pMsg)
- RECT temp = {};
- if(::IntersectRect(&temp, &rcPaint, &m_rtCaret))
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_aTranslateAccelerator.GetSize(); i++)
- DWORD dwColor = m_currentCaretObject->GetTextColor();
- if(dwColor == 0)
- dwColor = m_dwDefaultFontColor;
- CRenderEngine::DrawColor(hDC, temp, dwColor);
- }
- }
-CShadowUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetShadow()
- return &m_shadow;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetUseGdiplusText(bool bUse)
- m_bUseGdiplusText = bUse;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::IsUseGdiplusText() const
- return m_bUseGdiplusText;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::PreMessageHandler(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& /*lRes*/)
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ )
- {
- bool bHandled = false;
- LRESULT lResult = static_cast(m_aPreMessageFilters[i])->MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled);
- if( bHandled ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- switch( uMsg ) {
- case WM_KEYDOWN:
- {
- // Tabbing between controls
- if( wParam == VK_TAB ) {
- if( m_pFocus && m_pFocus->IsVisible() && m_pFocus->IsEnabled() && _tcsstr(m_pFocus->GetClass(), _T("RichEditUI")) != NULL ) {
- if( static_cast(m_pFocus)->IsWantTab() ) return false;
- }
- SetNextTabControl(::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0);
- return true;
- }
- }
- break;
- case WM_SYSCHAR:
- {
- // Handle ALT-shortcut key-combinations
- FINDSHORTCUT fs = { 0 };
- fs.ch = toupper((int)wParam);
- CControlUI* pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromShortcut, &fs, UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST | UIFIND_TOP_FIRST);
- if( pControl != NULL ) {
- pControl->SetFocus();
- pControl->Activate();
- return true;
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- if( m_pFocus != NULL ) {
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_SYSKEY;
- event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
- event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
- event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pFocus->Event(event);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::MessageHandler(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT& lRes)
-//#ifdef _DEBUG
-// switch( uMsg ) {
-// case WM_NCPAINT:
-// case WM_NCHITTEST:
-// case WM_SETCURSOR:
-// break;
-// default:
-// DUITRACE(_T("MSG: %-20s (%08ld)"), DUITRACEMSG(uMsg), ::GetTickCount());
-// }
- // Not ready yet?
- if( m_hWndPaint == NULL ) return false;
- TNotifyUI* pMsg = NULL;
- while( pMsg = static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify.GetAt(0)) ) {
- m_aAsyncNotify.Remove(0);
- if( pMsg->pSender != NULL ) {
- if( pMsg->pSender->OnNotify ) pMsg->pSender->OnNotify(pMsg);
- }
- for( int j = 0; j < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); j++ ) {
- static_cast(m_aNotifiers[j])->Notify(*pMsg);
- }
- delete pMsg;
- }
- // Cycle through listeners
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ )
- {
- bool bHandled = false;
- LRESULT lResult = static_cast(m_aMessageFilters[i])->MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled);
- if( bHandled ) {
- lRes = lResult;
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Custom handling of events
- switch( uMsg ) {
- case WM_APP + 1:
- {
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aDelayedCleanup.GetSize(); i++ )
- delete static_cast(m_aDelayedCleanup[i]);
- m_aDelayedCleanup.Empty();
- }
- break;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- {
- // Make sure all matching "closing" events are sent
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- if( m_pEventHover != NULL ) {
- event.pSender = m_pEventHover;
- m_pEventHover->Event(event);
- }
- if( m_pEventClick != NULL ) {
- event.Type = UIEVENT_BUTTONUP;
- event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
- m_pEventClick->Event(event);
- }
- SetFocus(NULL);
- // Hmmph, the usual Windows tricks to avoid
- // focus loss...
- HWND hwndParent = GetWindowOwner(m_hWndPaint);
- if( hwndParent != NULL ) ::SetFocus(hwndParent);
- }
- break;
- {
- // We'll do the painting here...
- lRes = 1;
- }
- return true;
- case WM_PAINT:
- {
- // Should we paint?
- RECT rcPaint = {0};
- if(!::GetUpdateRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcPaint, FALSE)) return true;
- if(m_pRoot == NULL)
- {
- PAINTSTRUCT ps = {0};
- ::BeginPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
- ::EndPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
- return true;
- }
- // Begin Windows paint
- PAINTSTRUCT ps = {0};
- ::BeginPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
- // Do we need to resize anything?
- // This is the time where we layout the controls on the form.
- // We delay this even from the WM_SIZE messages since resizing can be
- // a very expensize operation.
- if(m_bUpdateNeeded)
- {
- m_bUpdateNeeded = false;
- RECT rcClient = {0};
- ::GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
- if(!::IsRectEmpty(&rcClient))
- {
- if(m_pRoot->IsUpdateNeeded())
- {
- if( !::IsIconic(m_hWndPaint)) //redrainbug
- m_pRoot->SetPos(rcClient);
- if(m_hDcOffscreen != NULL) ::DeleteDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
- if(m_hbmpOffscreen != NULL) ::DeleteObject(m_hbmpOffscreen);
- m_hDcOffscreen = NULL;
- m_hbmpOffscreen = NULL;
- m_pBmpOffscreenBits = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- CControlUI* pControl = NULL;
- while(pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromUpdate, NULL, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ME_FIRST))
- {
- pControl->SetPos(pControl->GetPos());
- }
- }
- // We'll want to notify the window when it is first initialized
- // with the correct layout. The window form would take the time
- // to submit swipes/animations.
- if(m_bFirstLayout)
- {
- m_bFirstLayout = false;
- SendNotify(m_pRoot, _T("windowinit"), 0, 0, false);
- }
- }
- }
- // Set focus to first control?
- if(m_bFocusNeeded)
- {
- SetNextTabControl();
- }
- // Ƿ˰ģʽ
- if(m_bAlphaBackground)
- {
- // òʽ
- DWORD dwExStyle = GetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- if((dwExStyle&WS_EX_LAYERED) != WS_EX_LAYERED)
- SetWindowLong(m_hWndPaint, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle|WS_EX_LAYERED);
- RECT rcClient = {0};
- GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
- // Сָˢ
- if (!m_bIsRestore)
- {
- UnionRect(&rcPaint, &rcPaint, &m_rcInvalidate);
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcInvalidate, sizeof(m_rcInvalidate));
- }
- else
- {
- rcPaint = rcClient;
- m_bIsRestore = false;
- }
- int nClientWidth = rcClient.right - rcClient.left;
- int nClientHeight = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top;
- if(m_bOffscreenPaint && m_hbmpOffscreen == NULL)
- {
- m_hDcOffscreen = ::CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDcPaint);
- ::ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = nClientWidth;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -nClientHeight;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = nClientWidth * nClientHeight * 4;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
- m_hbmpOffscreen = ::CreateDIBSection(m_hDcPaint, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
- (void**)&m_pBmpOffscreenBits, NULL, 0);
- ASSERT(m_hDcOffscreen);
- ASSERT(m_hbmpOffscreen);
- }
- HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, m_hbmpOffscreen);
- int iSaveDC = ::SaveDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
- CRenderEngine::ClearAlphaPixel(m_pBmpOffscreenBits, nClientWidth, &rcPaint);
- m_pRoot->DoPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, rcPaint);
- DrawCaret(m_hDcOffscreen, rcPaint);
- for(int i = 0; i < m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- CControlUI* pPostPaintControl = static_cast(m_aPostPaintControls[i]);
- pPostPaintControl->DoPostPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
- }
- CRenderEngine::RestoreAlphaColor(m_pBmpOffscreenBits, nClientWidth, &rcPaint);
- ::RestoreDC(m_hDcOffscreen, iSaveDC);
- //
- RECT rcWnd = {0};
- ::GetWindowRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcWnd);
- POINT pt = {rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top};
- SIZE szWindow = {rcWnd.right-rcWnd.left, rcWnd.bottom-rcWnd.top};
- POINT ptSrc = {0, 0};
- BLENDFUNCTION blendPixelFunction = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA};
- ::UpdateLayeredWindow(m_hWndPaint, NULL, &pt, &szWindow, m_hDcOffscreen,
- &ptSrc, 0, &blendPixelFunction, ULW_ALPHA);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, hOldBitmap);
- }
- else
- {
- if(m_bOffscreenPaint && m_hbmpOffscreen == NULL)
- {
- RECT rcClient = {0};
- ::GetClientRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcClient);
- m_hDcOffscreen = ::CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDcPaint);
- m_hbmpOffscreen = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(m_hDcPaint, rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top);
- ASSERT(m_hDcOffscreen);
- ASSERT(m_hbmpOffscreen);
- }
- if(m_bOffscreenPaint)
- {
- HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, m_hbmpOffscreen);
- int iSaveDC = ::SaveDC(m_hDcOffscreen);
- m_pRoot->DoPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
- DrawCaret(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
- for(int i = 0; i < m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- CControlUI* pPostPaintControl = static_cast(m_aPostPaintControls[i]);
- pPostPaintControl->DoPostPaint(m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint);
- }
- ::RestoreDC(m_hDcOffscreen, iSaveDC);
- ::BitBlt(ps.hdc, ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.top, ps.rcPaint.right - ps.rcPaint.left,
- ps.rcPaint.bottom - ps.rcPaint.top, m_hDcOffscreen, ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.top, SRCCOPY);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcOffscreen, hOldBitmap);
- }
- else
- {
- // A standard paint job
- int iSaveDC = ::SaveDC(ps.hdc);
- m_pRoot->DoPaint(ps.hdc, ps.rcPaint);
- DrawCaret(ps.hdc, ps.rcPaint);
- ::RestoreDC(ps.hdc, iSaveDC);
- }
- }
- // All Done!
- ::EndPaint(m_hWndPaint, &ps);
- }
- // If any of the painting requested a resize again, we'll need
- // to invalidate the entire window once more.
- if(m_bUpdateNeeded)
- {
- ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndPaint, NULL, FALSE);
- }
- return true;
+ LRESULT lResult = static_cast(m_aTranslateAccelerator[i])->TranslateAccelerator(pMsg);
+ if( lResult == S_OK ) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::TranslateMessage(const LPMSG pMsg)
+ {
+ // Pretranslate Message takes care of system-wide messages, such as
+ // tabbing and shortcut key-combos. We'll look for all messages for
+ // each window and any child control attached.
+ UINT uStyle = GetWindowStyle(pMsg->hwnd);
+ UINT uChildRes = uStyle & WS_CHILD;
+ LRESULT lRes = 0;
+ if (uChildRes != 0)
- if (SC_RESTORE == (wParam & 0xfff0))
+ HWND hWndParent = ::GetParent(pMsg->hwnd);
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ )
- m_bIsRestore = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- break;
- {
- if( m_szMinWindow.cx > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.x = m_szMinWindow.cx;
- if( m_szMinWindow.cy > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.y = m_szMinWindow.cy;
- if( m_szMaxWindow.cx > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.x = m_szMaxWindow.cx;
- if( m_szMaxWindow.cy > 0 ) lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.y = m_szMaxWindow.cy;
- }
- break;
- case WM_SIZE:
- {
- if( m_pFocus != NULL ) {
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.pSender = m_pFocus;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pFocus->Event(event);
- }
- if( m_pRoot != NULL ) m_pRoot->NeedUpdate();
- }
- return true;
- case WM_TIMER:
- {
- if(kCaretTimerID == LOWORD(wParam)){
- //DUI__Trace(_T("WM_TIMER:%d (%d,%d)"), m_bCaretActive, m_rtCaret.left, m_rtCaret.top);
- Invalidate(m_rtCaret);
- m_bCaretActive = !m_bCaretActive;
- }
- else{
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- const TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
- if(pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint &&
- pTimer->uWinTimer == LOWORD(wParam) &&
- pTimer->bKilled == false)
+ CPaintManagerUI* pT = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
+ HWND hTempParent = hWndParent;
+ while(hTempParent)
+ {
+ if(pMsg->hwnd == pT->GetPaintWindow() || hTempParent == pT->GetPaintWindow())
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_TIMER;
- event.pSender = pTimer->pSender;
- event.wParam = pTimer->nLocalID;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- pTimer->pSender->Event(event);
- break;
+ if (pT->TranslateAccelerator(pMsg))
+ return true;
+ pT->PreMessageHandler(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam, lRes);
+ hTempParent = GetParent(hTempParent);
- }
- break;
- {
- m_bMouseTracking = false;
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- CControlUI* pHover = FindControl(pt);
- if( pHover == NULL ) break;
- // Generate mouse hover event
- if( m_pEventHover != NULL ) {
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.pSender = m_pEventHover;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pEventHover->Event(event);
- }
- // Create tooltip information
- CDuiString sToolTip = pHover->GetToolTip();
- if( sToolTip.IsEmpty() ) return true;
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_ToolTip, sizeof(TOOLINFO));
- m_ToolTip.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
- m_ToolTip.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND;
- m_ToolTip.hwnd = m_hWndPaint;
- m_ToolTip.uId = (UINT_PTR) m_hWndPaint;
- m_ToolTip.hinst = m_hInstance;
- m_ToolTip.lpszText = const_cast( (LPCTSTR) sToolTip );
- m_ToolTip.rect = pHover->GetPos();
- if( m_hwndTooltip == NULL ) {
- ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
- }
- ::SendMessage( m_hwndTooltip,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0, pHover->GetToolTipWidth());
- ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_SETTOOLINFO, 0, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
- ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, TRUE, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
- }
- return true;
- {
- if( m_hwndTooltip != NULL ) ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, FALSE, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
- if( m_bMouseTracking ) ::SendMessage(m_hWndPaint, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, (LPARAM) -1);
- m_bMouseTracking = false;
- }
- break;
- {
- // Start tracking this entire window again...
- if( !m_bMouseTracking ) {
- TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme = { 0 };
- tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT);
- tme.dwFlags = TME_HOVER | TME_LEAVE;
- tme.hwndTrack = m_hWndPaint;
- tme.dwHoverTime = m_hwndTooltip == NULL ? 400UL : (DWORD) ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_GETDELAYTIME, TTDT_INITIAL, 0L);
- _TrackMouseEvent(&tme);
- m_bMouseTracking = true;
- }
- // Generate the appropriate mouse messages
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
- CControlUI* pNewHover = FindControl(pt);
- if( pNewHover != NULL && pNewHover->GetManager() != this ) break;
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- if( pNewHover != m_pEventHover && m_pEventHover != NULL ) {
- event.pSender = m_pEventHover;
- m_pEventHover->Event(event);
- m_pEventHover = NULL;
- if( m_hwndTooltip != NULL ) ::SendMessage(m_hwndTooltip, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, FALSE, (LPARAM) &m_ToolTip);
- }
- if( pNewHover != m_pEventHover && pNewHover != NULL ) {
- event.pSender = pNewHover;
- pNewHover->Event(event);
- m_pEventHover = pNewHover;
- }
- if( m_pEventClick != NULL ) {
- event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
- m_pEventClick->Event(event);
- }
- else if( pNewHover != NULL ) {
- event.pSender = pNewHover;
- pNewHover->Event(event);
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- // We alway set focus back to our app (this helps
- // when Win32 child windows are placed on the dialog
- // and we need to remove them on focus change).
- ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
- CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
- if( pControl == NULL ) break;
- if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
- m_pEventClick = pControl;
- pControl->SetFocus();
- SetCapture();
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.pSender = pControl;
- event.wParam = wParam;
- event.lParam = lParam;
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- pControl->Event(event);
- }
- break;
- {
- ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
- CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
- if( pControl == NULL ) break;
- if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
- SetCapture();
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_DBLCLICK;
- event.pSender = pControl;
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- pControl->Event(event);
- m_pEventClick = pControl;
- }
- break;
- {
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
- if( m_pEventClick == NULL ) break;
- ReleaseCapture();
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_BUTTONUP;
- event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
- event.wParam = wParam;
- event.lParam = lParam;
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pEventClick->Event(event);
- m_pEventClick = NULL;
- }
- break;
- {
- ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
- CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
- if( pControl == NULL ) break;
- if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
- pControl->SetFocus();
- SetCapture();
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.pSender = pControl;
- event.wParam = wParam;
- event.lParam = lParam;
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- pControl->Event(event);
- m_pEventClick = pControl;
- }
- break;
- {
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- ::ScreenToClient(m_hWndPaint, &pt);
- m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
- if( m_pEventClick == NULL ) break;
- ReleaseCapture();
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.pSender = m_pEventClick;
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.wKeyState = (WORD)wParam;
- event.lParam = (LPARAM)m_pEventClick;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pEventClick->Event(event);
- m_pEventClick = NULL;
- }
- break;
- {
- POINT pt = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
- ::ScreenToClient(m_hWndPaint, &pt);
- m_ptLastMousePos = pt;
- CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
- if( pControl == NULL ) break;
- if( pControl->GetManager() != this ) break;
- int zDelta = (int) (short) HIWORD(wParam);
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.pSender = pControl;
- event.wParam = MAKELPARAM(zDelta < 0 ? SB_LINEDOWN : SB_LINEUP, 0);
- event.lParam = lParam;
- event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- pControl->Event(event);
- // Let's make sure that the scroll item below the cursor is the same as before...
- ::SendMessage(m_hWndPaint, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(m_ptLastMousePos.x, m_ptLastMousePos.y));
- }
- break;
- case WM_CHAR:
- {
- if( m_pFocus == NULL ) break;
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_CHAR;
- event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
- event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
- event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pFocus->Event(event);
- }
- break;
- case WM_KEYDOWN:
- {
- if( m_pFocus == NULL ) break;
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_KEYDOWN;
- event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
- event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
- event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pFocus->Event(event);
- m_pEventKey = m_pFocus;
- }
- break;
- case WM_KEYUP:
- {
- if( m_pEventKey == NULL ) break;
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_KEYUP;
- event.chKey = (TCHAR)wParam;
- event.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
- event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pEventKey->Event(event);
- m_pEventKey = NULL;
- }
- break;
- {
- if( LOWORD(lParam) != HTCLIENT ) break;
- if( m_bMouseCapture ) return true;
- POINT pt = { 0 };
- ::GetCursorPos(&pt);
- ::ScreenToClient(m_hWndPaint, &pt);
- CControlUI* pControl = FindControl(pt);
- if( pControl == NULL ) break;
- if( (pControl->GetControlFlags() & UIFLAG_SETCURSOR) == 0 ) break;
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.wParam = wParam;
- event.lParam = lParam;
- event.ptMouse = pt;
- event.wKeyState = MapKeyState();
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- pControl->Event(event);
- }
- return true;
- case WM_NOTIFY:
- {
- if( lpNMHDR != NULL ) lRes = ::SendMessage(lpNMHDR->hwndFrom, OCM__BASE + uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- {
- if( lParam == 0 ) break;
- HWND hWndChild = (HWND) lParam;
- lRes = ::SendMessage(hWndChild, OCM__BASE + uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- return true;
- }
- break;
- {
- // Refer To: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761691(v=vs.85).aspx
- // Read-only or disabled edit controls do not send the WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message; instead, they send the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message.
- if( lParam == 0 ) break;
- HWND hWndChild = (HWND) lParam;
- lRes = ::SendMessage(hWndChild, OCM__BASE + uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- return true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- pMsg = NULL;
- while( pMsg = static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify.GetAt(0)) ) {
- m_aAsyncNotify.Remove(0);
- if( pMsg->pSender != NULL ) {
- if( pMsg->pSender->OnNotify ) pMsg->pSender->OnNotify(pMsg);
- }
- for( int j = 0; j < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); j++ ) {
- static_cast(m_aNotifiers[j])->Notify(*pMsg);
- }
- delete pMsg;
- }
- return false;
-void CPaintManagerUI::NeedUpdate()
- m_bUpdateNeeded = true;
-void CPaintManagerUI::Invalidate(RECT& rcItem)
- ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndPaint, &rcItem, FALSE);
- m_rcInvalidate = rcItem;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::AttachDialog(CControlUI* pControl)
- ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWndPaint));
- // Reset any previous attachment
- SetFocus(NULL);
- m_pEventKey = NULL;
- m_pEventHover = NULL;
- m_pEventClick = NULL;
- // Remove the existing control-tree. We might have gotten inside this function as
- // a result of an event fired or similar, so we cannot just delete the objects and
- // pull the internal memory of the calling code. We'll delay the cleanup.
- if( m_pRoot != NULL ) {
- m_aPostPaintControls.Empty();
- AddDelayedCleanup(m_pRoot);
- }
- // Set the dialog root element
- m_pRoot = pControl;
- // Go ahead...
- m_bUpdateNeeded = true;
- m_bFirstLayout = true;
- m_bFocusNeeded = true;
- m_shadow.Create(this);
- // Initiate all control
- return InitControls(pControl);
-bool CPaintManagerUI::InitControls(CControlUI* pControl, CControlUI* pParent /*= NULL*/)
- ASSERT(pControl);
- if( pControl == NULL ) return false;
- pControl->SetManager(this, pParent != NULL ? pParent : pControl->GetParent(), true);
- pControl->FindControl(__FindControlFromNameHash, this, UIFIND_ALL);
- return true;
-void CPaintManagerUI::ReapObjects(CControlUI* pControl)
- if( pControl == m_pEventKey ) m_pEventKey = NULL;
- if( pControl == m_pEventHover ) m_pEventHover = NULL;
- if( pControl == m_pEventClick ) m_pEventClick = NULL;
- if( pControl == m_pFocus ) m_pFocus = NULL;
- KillTimer(pControl);
- const CDuiString& sName = pControl->GetName();
- if( !sName.IsEmpty() ) {
- if( pControl == FindControl(sName) ) m_mNameHash.Remove(sName);
- }
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aAsyncNotify.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- TNotifyUI* pMsg = static_cast(m_aAsyncNotify[i]);
- if( pMsg->pSender == pControl ) pMsg->pSender = NULL;
- }
-bool CPaintManagerUI::AddOptionGroup(LPCTSTR pStrGroupName, CControlUI* pControl)
- LPVOID lp = m_mOptionGroup.Find(pStrGroupName);
- if( lp ) {
- CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup = static_cast(lp);
- for( int i = 0; i < aOptionGroup->GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if( static_cast(aOptionGroup->GetAt(i)) == pControl ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- aOptionGroup->Add(pControl);
- }
- else {
- CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup = new CStdPtrArray(6);
- aOptionGroup->Add(pControl);
- m_mOptionGroup.Insert(pStrGroupName, aOptionGroup);
- }
- return true;
-CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::GetOptionGroup(LPCTSTR pStrGroupName)
- LPVOID lp = m_mOptionGroup.Find(pStrGroupName);
- if( lp ) return static_cast(lp);
- return NULL;
-void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveOptionGroup(LPCTSTR pStrGroupName, CControlUI* pControl)
- LPVOID lp = m_mOptionGroup.Find(pStrGroupName);
- if( lp ) {
- CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup = static_cast(lp);
- if( aOptionGroup == NULL ) return;
- for( int i = 0; i < aOptionGroup->GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if( static_cast(aOptionGroup->GetAt(i)) == pControl ) {
- aOptionGroup->Remove(i);
- break;
- }
- if( aOptionGroup->IsEmpty() ) {
- delete aOptionGroup;
- m_mOptionGroup.Remove(pStrGroupName);
- }
- }
-void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllOptionGroups()
- CStdPtrArray* aOptionGroup;
- for( int i = 0; i< m_mOptionGroup.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if(LPCTSTR key = m_mOptionGroup.GetAt(i)) {
- aOptionGroup = static_cast(m_mOptionGroup.Find(key));
- delete aOptionGroup;
- }
- }
- m_mOptionGroup.RemoveAll();
-void CPaintManagerUI::MessageLoop()
- MSG msg = { 0 };
- while( ::GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) ) {
- if( !CPaintManagerUI::TranslateMessage(&msg) ) {
- ::TranslateMessage(&msg);
- try{
- ::DispatchMessage(&msg);
- } catch(...) {
- DUITRACE(_T("EXCEPTION: %s(%d)\n"), __FILET__, __LINE__);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- throw "CPaintManagerUI::MessageLoop";
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
-void CPaintManagerUI::Term()
- if( m_bCachedResourceZip && m_hResourceZip != NULL ) {
- CloseZip((HZIP)m_hResourceZip);
- m_hResourceZip = NULL;
- }
-CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetFocus() const
- return m_pFocus;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetFocus(CControlUI* pControl)
- // Paint manager window has focus?
- HWND hFocusWnd = ::GetFocus();
- if( hFocusWnd != m_hWndPaint && pControl != m_pFocus ) ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
- // Already has focus?
- if( pControl == m_pFocus ) return;
- // Remove focus from old control
- if( m_pFocus != NULL )
- {
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.pSender = pControl;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pFocus->Event(event);
- SendNotify(m_pFocus, DUI_MSGTYPE_KILLFOCUS);
- m_pFocus = NULL;
- }
- if( pControl == NULL ) return;
- // Set focus to new control
- if( pControl != NULL
- && pControl->GetManager() == this
- && pControl->IsVisible()
- && pControl->IsEnabled() )
- {
- m_pFocus = pControl;
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.Type = UIEVENT_SETFOCUS;
- event.pSender = pControl;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pFocus->Event(event);
- SendNotify(m_pFocus, DUI_MSGTYPE_SETFOCUS);
- }
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetFocusNeeded(CControlUI* pControl)
- ::SetFocus(m_hWndPaint);
- if( pControl == NULL ) return;
- if( m_pFocus != NULL ) {
- TEventUI event = { 0 };
- event.pSender = pControl;
- event.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- m_pFocus->Event(event);
- SendNotify(m_pFocus, DUI_MSGTYPE_KILLFOCUS);
- m_pFocus = NULL;
- }
- FINDTABINFO info = { 0 };
- info.pFocus = pControl;
- info.bForward = false;
- m_pFocus = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromTab, &info, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST);
- m_bFocusNeeded = true;
- if( m_pRoot != NULL ) m_pRoot->NeedUpdate();
-bool CPaintManagerUI::SetTimer(CControlUI* pControl, UINT nTimerID, UINT uElapse)
- ASSERT(pControl!=NULL);
- ASSERT(uElapse>0);
- for( int i = 0; i< m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
- if( pTimer->pSender == pControl
- && pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint
- && pTimer->nLocalID == nTimerID ) {
- if( pTimer->bKilled == true ) {
- if( ::SetTimer(m_hWndPaint, pTimer->uWinTimer, uElapse, NULL) ) {
- pTimer->bKilled = false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- m_uTimerID = (++m_uTimerID) % 0xF0; //0xf1-0xfe;
- if( !::SetTimer(m_hWndPaint, m_uTimerID, uElapse, NULL) ) return FALSE;
- if( pTimer == NULL ) return FALSE;
- pTimer->hWnd = m_hWndPaint;
- pTimer->pSender = pControl;
- pTimer->nLocalID = nTimerID;
- pTimer->uWinTimer = m_uTimerID;
- pTimer->bKilled = false;
- return m_aTimers.Add(pTimer);
-bool CPaintManagerUI::KillTimer(CControlUI* pControl, UINT nTimerID)
- ASSERT(pControl!=NULL);
- for( int i = 0; i< m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
- if( pTimer->pSender == pControl
- && pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint
- && pTimer->nLocalID == nTimerID )
- {
- if( pTimer->bKilled == false ) {
- if( ::IsWindow(m_hWndPaint) ) ::KillTimer(pTimer->hWnd, pTimer->uWinTimer);
- pTimer->bKilled = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-void CPaintManagerUI::KillTimer(CControlUI* pControl)
- ASSERT(pControl!=NULL);
- int count = m_aTimers.GetSize();
- for( int i = 0, j = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
- TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i - j]);
- if( pTimer->pSender == pControl && pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint ) {
- if( pTimer->bKilled == false ) ::KillTimer(pTimer->hWnd, pTimer->uWinTimer);
- delete pTimer;
- m_aTimers.Remove(i - j);
- j++;
- }
- }
-void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllTimers()
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aTimers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- TIMERINFO* pTimer = static_cast(m_aTimers[i]);
- if( pTimer->hWnd == m_hWndPaint ) {
- if( pTimer->bKilled == false ) {
- if( ::IsWindow(m_hWndPaint) ) ::KillTimer(m_hWndPaint, pTimer->uWinTimer);
- }
- delete pTimer;
- }
- }
- m_aTimers.Empty();
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetCapture()
- ::SetCapture(m_hWndPaint);
- m_bMouseCapture = true;
-void CPaintManagerUI::ReleaseCapture()
- ::ReleaseCapture();
- m_bMouseCapture = false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::IsCaptured()
- return m_bMouseCapture;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::SetNextTabControl(bool bForward)
- // If we're in the process of restructuring the layout we can delay the
- // focus calulation until the next repaint.
- if( m_bUpdateNeeded && bForward ) {
- m_bFocusNeeded = true;
- ::InvalidateRect(m_hWndPaint, NULL, FALSE);
- return true;
- }
- // Find next/previous tabbable control
- FINDTABINFO info1 = { 0 };
- info1.pFocus = m_pFocus;
- info1.bForward = bForward;
- CControlUI* pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromTab, &info1, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST);
- if( pControl == NULL ) {
- if( bForward ) {
- // Wrap around
- FINDTABINFO info2 = { 0 };
- info2.pFocus = bForward ? NULL : info1.pLast;
- info2.bForward = bForward;
- pControl = m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromTab, &info2, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_ENABLED | UIFIND_ME_FIRST);
- }
- else {
- pControl = info1.pLast;
- }
- }
- if( pControl != NULL ) SetFocus(pControl);
- m_bFocusNeeded = false;
- return true;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::AddNotifier(INotifyUI* pNotifier)
- ASSERT(m_aNotifiers.Find(pNotifier)<0);
- return m_aNotifiers.Add(pNotifier);
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveNotifier(INotifyUI* pNotifier)
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if( static_cast(m_aNotifiers[i]) == pNotifier ) {
- return m_aNotifiers.Remove(i);
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::AddPreMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
- ASSERT(m_aPreMessageFilters.Find(pFilter)<0);
- return m_aPreMessageFilters.Add(pFilter);
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemovePreMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if( static_cast(m_aPreMessageFilters[i]) == pFilter ) {
- return m_aPreMessageFilters.Remove(i);
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::AddMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
- ASSERT(m_aMessageFilters.Find(pFilter)<0);
- return m_aMessageFilters.Add(pFilter);
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveMessageFilter(IMessageFilterUI* pFilter)
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aMessageFilters.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if( static_cast(m_aMessageFilters[i]) == pFilter ) {
- return m_aMessageFilters.Remove(i);
- }
- }
- return false;
-int CPaintManagerUI::GetPostPaintCount() const
- return m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize();
-bool CPaintManagerUI::AddPostPaint(CControlUI* pControl)
- ASSERT(m_aPostPaintControls.Find(pControl) < 0);
- return m_aPostPaintControls.Add(pControl);
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemovePostPaint(CControlUI* pControl)
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aPostPaintControls.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if( static_cast(m_aPostPaintControls[i]) == pControl ) {
- return m_aPostPaintControls.Remove(i);
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::SetPostPaintIndex(CControlUI* pControl, int iIndex)
- RemovePostPaint(pControl);
- return m_aPostPaintControls.InsertAt(iIndex, pControl);
-void CPaintManagerUI::AddDelayedCleanup(CControlUI* pControl)
- pControl->SetManager(this, NULL, false);
- m_aDelayedCleanup.Add(pControl);
- ::PostMessage(m_hWndPaint, WM_APP + 1, 0, 0L);
-void CPaintManagerUI::SendNotify(CControlUI* pControl, LPCTSTR pstrMessage, WPARAM wParam /*= 0*/, LPARAM lParam /*= 0*/, bool bAsync /*= false*/)
- TNotifyUI Msg;
- Msg.pSender = pControl;
- Msg.sType = pstrMessage;
- Msg.wParam = wParam;
- Msg.lParam = lParam;
- SendNotify(Msg, bAsync);
-void CPaintManagerUI::SendNotify(TNotifyUI& Msg, bool bAsync /*= false*/)
- Msg.ptMouse = m_ptLastMousePos;
- Msg.dwTimestamp = ::GetTickCount();
- if( m_bUsedVirtualWnd )
- {
- Msg.sVirtualWnd = Msg.pSender->GetVirtualWnd();
- }
- if( !bAsync ) {
- // Send to all listeners
- if( Msg.pSender != NULL ) {
- if( Msg.pSender->OnNotify ) Msg.pSender->OnNotify(&Msg);
- }
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aNotifiers.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- static_cast(m_aNotifiers[i])->Notify(Msg);
- }
- }
- else {
- TNotifyUI *pMsg = new TNotifyUI;
- pMsg->pSender = Msg.pSender;
- pMsg->sType = Msg.sType;
- pMsg->wParam = Msg.wParam;
- pMsg->lParam = Msg.lParam;
- pMsg->ptMouse = Msg.ptMouse;
- pMsg->dwTimestamp = Msg.dwTimestamp;
- m_aAsyncNotify.Add(pMsg);
- }
-bool CPaintManagerUI::UseParentResource(CPaintManagerUI* pm)
- if( pm == NULL ) {
- m_pParentResourcePM = NULL;
- return true;
- }
- if( pm == this ) return false;
- CPaintManagerUI* pParentPM = pm->GetParentResource();
- while( pParentPM ) {
- if( pParentPM == this ) return false;
- pParentPM = pParentPM->GetParentResource();
- }
- m_pParentResourcePM = pm;
- return true;
-CPaintManagerUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetParentResource() const
- return m_pParentResourcePM;
-DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultDisabledColor() const
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultDisabledColor();
- return m_dwDefaultDisabledColor;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultDisabledColor(DWORD dwColor)
- m_dwDefaultDisabledColor = dwColor;
-DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultFontColor() const
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultFontColor();
- return m_dwDefaultFontColor;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultFontColor(DWORD dwColor)
- m_dwDefaultFontColor = dwColor;
-DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultLinkFontColor() const
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultLinkFontColor();
- return m_dwDefaultLinkFontColor;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultLinkFontColor(DWORD dwColor)
- m_dwDefaultLinkFontColor = dwColor;
-DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultLinkHoverFontColor() const
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultLinkHoverFontColor();
- return m_dwDefaultLinkHoverFontColor;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultLinkHoverFontColor(DWORD dwColor)
- m_dwDefaultLinkHoverFontColor = dwColor;
-DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultSelectedBkColor() const
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultSelectedBkColor();
- return m_dwDefaultSelectedBkColor;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultSelectedBkColor(DWORD dwColor)
- m_dwDefaultSelectedBkColor = dwColor;
-TFontInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultFontInfo()
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultFontInfo();
- if( m_DefaultFontInfo.tm.tmHeight == 0 ) {
- HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont);
- ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &m_DefaultFontInfo.tm);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
- }
- return &m_DefaultFontInfo;
-void CPaintManagerUI::SetDefaultFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
- LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
- ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
- _tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, pStrFontName, LF_FACESIZE);
- lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- lf.lfHeight = -nSize;
- if( bBold ) lf.lfWeight += FW_BOLD;
- if( bUnderline ) lf.lfUnderline = TRUE;
- if( bItalic ) lf.lfItalic = TRUE;
- HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- if( hFont == NULL ) return;
- ::DeleteObject(m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont);
- m_DefaultFontInfo.hFont = hFont;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.sFontName = pStrFontName;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.iSize = nSize;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.bBold = bBold;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.bUnderline = bUnderline;
- m_DefaultFontInfo.bItalic = bItalic;
- ::ZeroMemory(&m_DefaultFontInfo.tm, sizeof(m_DefaultFontInfo.tm));
- if( m_hDcPaint ) {
- HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hFont);
- ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &m_DefaultFontInfo.tm);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
- }
-DWORD CPaintManagerUI::GetCustomFontCount() const
- return m_aCustomFonts.GetSize();
-HFONT CPaintManagerUI::AddFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
- LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
- ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
- _tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, pStrFontName, LF_FACESIZE);
- lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- lf.lfHeight = -nSize;
- lf.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
- if( bBold ) lf.lfWeight += FW_BOLD;
- if( bUnderline ) lf.lfUnderline = TRUE;
- if( bItalic ) lf.lfItalic = TRUE;
- HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- if( hFont == NULL ) return NULL;
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = new TFontInfo;
- if( !pFontInfo ) return false;
- ::ZeroMemory(pFontInfo, sizeof(TFontInfo));
- pFontInfo->hFont = hFont;
- pFontInfo->sFontName = pStrFontName;
- pFontInfo->iSize = nSize;
- pFontInfo->bBold = bBold;
- pFontInfo->bUnderline = bUnderline;
- pFontInfo->bItalic = bItalic;
- if( m_hDcPaint ) {
- HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hFont);
- ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
- }
- if( !m_aCustomFonts.Add(pFontInfo) ) {
- ::DeleteObject(hFont);
- delete pFontInfo;
- return NULL;
- }
- return hFont;
-HFONT CPaintManagerUI::AddFontAt(int index, LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
- LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
- ::GetObject(::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
- _tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, pStrFontName, LF_FACESIZE);
- lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- lf.lfHeight = -nSize;
- lf.lfQuality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
- if( bBold ) lf.lfWeight += FW_BOLD;
- if( bUnderline ) lf.lfUnderline = TRUE;
- if( bItalic ) lf.lfItalic = TRUE;
- HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- if( hFont == NULL ) return NULL;
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = new TFontInfo;
- if( !pFontInfo ) return false;
- ::ZeroMemory(pFontInfo, sizeof(TFontInfo));
- pFontInfo->hFont = hFont;
- pFontInfo->sFontName = pStrFontName;
- pFontInfo->iSize = nSize;
- pFontInfo->bBold = bBold;
- pFontInfo->bUnderline = bUnderline;
- pFontInfo->bItalic = bItalic;
- if( m_hDcPaint ) {
- HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hFont);
- ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
- }
- if( !m_aCustomFonts.InsertAt(index, pFontInfo) ) {
- ::DeleteObject(hFont);
- delete pFontInfo;
- return NULL;
- }
- return hFont;
-HFONT CPaintManagerUI::GetFont(int index)
- if( index < 0 || index >= m_aCustomFonts.GetSize() ) return GetDefaultFontInfo()->hFont;
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[index]);
- return pFontInfo->hFont;
-HFONT CPaintManagerUI::GetFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- if( pFontInfo->sFontName == pStrFontName && pFontInfo->iSize == nSize &&
- pFontInfo->bBold == bBold && pFontInfo->bUnderline == bUnderline && pFontInfo->bItalic == bItalic)
- return pFontInfo->hFont;
- }
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetFont(pStrFontName, nSize, bBold, bUnderline, bItalic);
- return NULL;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::FindFont(HFONT hFont)
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) return true;
- }
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->FindFont(hFont);
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::FindFont(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- if( pFontInfo->sFontName == pStrFontName && pFontInfo->iSize == nSize &&
- pFontInfo->bBold == bBold && pFontInfo->bUnderline == bUnderline && pFontInfo->bItalic == bItalic)
- return true;
- }
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->FindFont(pStrFontName, nSize, bBold, bUnderline, bItalic);
- return false;
-int CPaintManagerUI::GetFontIndex(HFONT hFont)
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) return it;
- }
- return -1;
-int CPaintManagerUI::GetFontIndex(LPCTSTR pStrFontName, int nSize, bool bBold, bool bUnderline, bool bItalic)
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- if( pFontInfo->sFontName == pStrFontName && pFontInfo->iSize == nSize &&
- pFontInfo->bBold == bBold && pFontInfo->bUnderline == bUnderline && pFontInfo->bItalic == bItalic)
- return it;
- }
- return -1;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveFont(HFONT hFont)
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) {
- ::DeleteObject(pFontInfo->hFont);
- delete pFontInfo;
- return m_aCustomFonts.Remove(it);
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveFontAt(int index)
- if( index < 0 || index >= m_aCustomFonts.GetSize() ) return false;
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[index]);
- ::DeleteObject(pFontInfo->hFont);
- delete pFontInfo;
- return m_aCustomFonts.Remove(index);
-void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllFonts()
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- ::DeleteObject(pFontInfo->hFont);
- delete pFontInfo;
- }
- m_aCustomFonts.Empty();
-TFontInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetFontInfo(int index)
- if( index < 0 || index >= m_aCustomFonts.GetSize() ) return GetDefaultFontInfo();
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[index]);
- if( pFontInfo->tm.tmHeight == 0 ) {
- HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, pFontInfo->hFont);
- ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
- }
- return pFontInfo;
-TFontInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetFontInfo(HFONT hFont)
- TFontInfo* pFontInfo = NULL;
- for( int it = 0; it < m_aCustomFonts.GetSize(); it++ ) {
- pFontInfo = static_cast(m_aCustomFonts[it]);
- if( pFontInfo->hFont == hFont ) {
- if( pFontInfo->tm.tmHeight == 0 ) {
- HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, pFontInfo->hFont);
- ::GetTextMetrics(m_hDcPaint, &pFontInfo->tm);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDcPaint, hOldFont);
- }
- return pFontInfo;
- }
- }
- if( m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetFontInfo(hFont);
- return GetDefaultFontInfo();
-const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetImage(LPCTSTR bitmap)
- TImageInfo* data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
- if( !data && m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetImage(bitmap);
- else return data;
-const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::GetImageEx(LPCTSTR bitmap, LPCTSTR type, DWORD mask)
- TImageInfo* data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
- if( !data ) {
- if( AddImage(bitmap, type, mask) ) {
- data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
- }
- }
- return data;
-const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::AddImage(LPCTSTR bitmap, LPCTSTR type, DWORD mask)
- TImageInfo* data = NULL;
- if( type != NULL ) {
- if( isdigit(*bitmap) ) {
- LPTSTR pstr = NULL;
- int iIndex = _tcstol(bitmap, &pstr, 10);
- data = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(iIndex, type, mask);
- }
- }
- else {
- data = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(bitmap, NULL, mask);
- }
- if( !data ) return NULL;
- if( type != NULL ) data->sResType = type;
- data->dwMask = mask;
- if( !m_mImageHash.Insert(bitmap, data) ) {
- ::DeleteObject(data->hBitmap);
- delete data;
- }
- return data;
-const TImageInfo* CPaintManagerUI::AddImage(LPCTSTR bitmap, HBITMAP hBitmap, int iWidth, int iHeight, bool bAlpha)
- if( hBitmap == NULL || iWidth <= 0 || iHeight <= 0 ) return NULL;
- TImageInfo* data = new TImageInfo;
- data->hBitmap = hBitmap;
- data->nX = iWidth;
- data->nY = iHeight;
- data->alphaChannel = bAlpha;
- //data->sResType = _T("");
- data->dwMask = 0;
- if( !m_mImageHash.Insert(bitmap, data) ) {
- ::DeleteObject(data->hBitmap);
- delete data;
- }
- return data;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveImage(LPCTSTR bitmap)
- const TImageInfo* data = GetImage(bitmap);
- if( !data ) return false;
- CRenderEngine::FreeImage(data) ;
- return m_mImageHash.Remove(bitmap);
-void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllImages()
- TImageInfo* data;
- for( int i = 0; i< m_mImageHash.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if(LPCTSTR key = m_mImageHash.GetAt(i)) {
- data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(key, false));
- if (data) {
- CRenderEngine::FreeImage(data);
- }
- }
- }
- m_mImageHash.RemoveAll();
-void CPaintManagerUI::ReloadAllImages()
- bool bRedraw = false;
- TImageInfo* data;
- TImageInfo* pNewData;
- for( int i = 0; i< m_mImageHash.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if(LPCTSTR bitmap = m_mImageHash.GetAt(i)) {
- data = static_cast(m_mImageHash.Find(bitmap));
- if( data != NULL ) {
- if( !data->sResType.IsEmpty() ) {
- if( isdigit(*bitmap) ) {
- LPTSTR pstr = NULL;
- int iIndex = _tcstol(bitmap, &pstr, 10);
- pNewData = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(iIndex, data->sResType.GetData(), data->dwMask);
- }
- }
- else {
- pNewData = CRenderEngine::LoadImage(bitmap, NULL, data->dwMask);
- }
- if( pNewData == NULL ) continue;
- if( data->hBitmap != NULL ) ::DeleteObject(data->hBitmap);
- data->hBitmap = pNewData->hBitmap;
- data->nX = pNewData->nX;
- data->nY = pNewData->nY;
- data->alphaChannel = pNewData->alphaChannel;
- delete pNewData;
- bRedraw = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if( bRedraw && m_pRoot ) m_pRoot->Invalidate();
-void CPaintManagerUI::AddDefaultAttributeList(LPCTSTR pStrControlName, LPCTSTR pStrControlAttrList)
- CDuiString* pDefaultAttr = new CDuiString(pStrControlAttrList);
- if (pDefaultAttr != NULL)
- {
- if (m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(pStrControlName) == NULL)
- m_DefaultAttrHash.Set(pStrControlName, (LPVOID)pDefaultAttr);
- delete pDefaultAttr;
- }
-LPCTSTR CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultAttributeList(LPCTSTR pStrControlName) const
- CDuiString* pDefaultAttr = static_cast(m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(pStrControlName));
- if( !pDefaultAttr && m_pParentResourcePM ) return m_pParentResourcePM->GetDefaultAttributeList(pStrControlName);
- if( pDefaultAttr ) return pDefaultAttr->GetData();
- else return NULL;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveDefaultAttributeList(LPCTSTR pStrControlName)
- CDuiString* pDefaultAttr = static_cast(m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(pStrControlName));
- if( !pDefaultAttr ) return false;
- delete pDefaultAttr;
- return m_DefaultAttrHash.Remove(pStrControlName);
-const CStdStringPtrMap& CPaintManagerUI::GetDefaultAttribultes() const
- return m_DefaultAttrHash;
-void CPaintManagerUI::RemoveAllDefaultAttributeList()
- CDuiString* pDefaultAttr;
- for( int i = 0; i< m_DefaultAttrHash.GetSize(); i++ ) {
- if(LPCTSTR key = m_DefaultAttrHash.GetAt(i)) {
- pDefaultAttr = static_cast(m_DefaultAttrHash.Find(key));
- delete pDefaultAttr;
- }
- }
- m_DefaultAttrHash.RemoveAll();
-CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::GetRoot() const
- ASSERT(m_pRoot);
- return m_pRoot;
-CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindControl(POINT pt) const
- ASSERT(m_pRoot);
- return m_pRoot->FindControl(__FindControlFromPoint, &pt, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_HITTEST | UIFIND_TOP_FIRST);
-CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindControl(LPCTSTR pstrName) const
- ASSERT(m_pRoot);
- return static_cast(m_mNameHash.Find(pstrName));
-CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlByPoint(CControlUI* pParent, POINT pt) const
- if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
- ASSERT(pParent);
- return pParent->FindControl(__FindControlFromPoint, &pt, UIFIND_VISIBLE | UIFIND_HITTEST | UIFIND_TOP_FIRST);
-CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlByName(CControlUI* pParent, LPCTSTR pstrName) const
- if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
- ASSERT(pParent);
- return pParent->FindControl(__FindControlFromName, (LPVOID)pstrName, UIFIND_ALL);
-CControlUI* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlByClass(CControlUI* pParent, LPCTSTR pstrClass, int iIndex)
- if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
- ASSERT(pParent);
- m_aFoundControls.Resize(iIndex + 1);
- return pParent->FindControl(__FindControlFromClass, (LPVOID)pstrClass, UIFIND_ALL);
-CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::FindSubControlsByClass(CControlUI* pParent, LPCTSTR pstrClass)
- if( pParent == NULL ) pParent = GetRoot();
- ASSERT(pParent);
- m_aFoundControls.Empty();
- pParent->FindControl(__FindControlsFromClass, (LPVOID)pstrClass, UIFIND_ALL);
- return &m_aFoundControls;
-CStdPtrArray* CPaintManagerUI::GetSubControlsByClass()
- return &m_aFoundControls;
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromNameHash(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- CPaintManagerUI* pManager = static_cast(pData);
- const CDuiString& sName = pThis->GetName();
- if( sName.IsEmpty() ) return NULL;
- // Add this control to the hash list
- pManager->m_mNameHash.Set(sName, pThis);
- return NULL; // Attempt to add all controls
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromCount(CControlUI* /*pThis*/, LPVOID pData)
- int* pnCount = static_cast(pData);
- (*pnCount)++;
- return NULL; // Count all controls
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromPoint(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- LPPOINT pPoint = static_cast(pData);
- return ::PtInRect(&pThis->GetPos(), *pPoint) ? pThis : NULL;
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromTab(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- FINDTABINFO* pInfo = static_cast(pData);
- if( pInfo->pFocus == pThis ) {
- if( pInfo->bForward ) pInfo->bNextIsIt = true;
- return pInfo->bForward ? NULL : pInfo->pLast;
- }
- if( (pThis->GetControlFlags() & UIFLAG_TABSTOP) == 0 ) return NULL;
- pInfo->pLast = pThis;
- if( pInfo->bNextIsIt ) return pThis;
- if( pInfo->pFocus == NULL ) return pThis;
- return NULL; // Examine all controls
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromShortcut(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- if( !pThis->IsVisible() ) return NULL;
- FINDSHORTCUT* pFS = static_cast(pData);
- if( pFS->ch == toupper(pThis->GetShortcut()) ) pFS->bPickNext = true;
- if( _tcsstr(pThis->GetClass(), _T("LabelUI")) != NULL ) return NULL; // Labels never get focus!
- return pFS->bPickNext ? pThis : NULL;
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromUpdate(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- return pThis->IsUpdateNeeded() ? pThis : NULL;
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromName(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- LPCTSTR pstrName = static_cast(pData);
- const CDuiString& sName = pThis->GetName();
- if( sName.IsEmpty() ) return NULL;
- return (_tcsicmp(sName, pstrName) == 0) ? pThis : NULL;
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlFromClass(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- LPCTSTR pstrType = static_cast(pData);
- LPCTSTR pType = pThis->GetClass();
- CStdPtrArray* pFoundControls = pThis->GetManager()->GetSubControlsByClass();
- if( _tcscmp(pstrType, _T("*")) == 0 || _tcscmp(pstrType, pType) == 0 ) {
- int iIndex = -1;
- while( pFoundControls->GetAt(++iIndex) != NULL ) ;
- if( iIndex < pFoundControls->GetSize() ) pFoundControls->SetAt(iIndex, pThis);
- }
- if( pFoundControls->GetAt(pFoundControls->GetSize() - 1) != NULL ) return pThis;
- return NULL;
-CControlUI* CALLBACK CPaintManagerUI::__FindControlsFromClass(CControlUI* pThis, LPVOID pData)
- LPCTSTR pstrType = static_cast(pData);
- LPCTSTR pType = pThis->GetClass();
- if( _tcscmp(pstrType, _T("*")) == 0 || _tcscmp(pstrType, pType) == 0 )
- pThis->GetManager()->GetSubControlsByClass()->Add((LPVOID)pThis);
- return NULL;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::TranslateAccelerator(LPMSG pMsg)
- for (int i = 0; i < m_aTranslateAccelerator.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- LRESULT lResult = static_cast(m_aTranslateAccelerator[i])->TranslateAccelerator(pMsg);
- if( lResult == S_OK ) return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::TranslateMessage(const LPMSG pMsg)
- // Pretranslate Message takes care of system-wide messages, such as
- // tabbing and shortcut key-combos. We'll look for all messages for
- // each window and any child control attached.
- UINT uStyle = GetWindowStyle(pMsg->hwnd);
- UINT uChildRes = uStyle & WS_CHILD;
- LRESULT lRes = 0;
- if (uChildRes != 0)
- {
- HWND hWndParent = ::GetParent(pMsg->hwnd);
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ )
- CPaintManagerUI* pT = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
- HWND hTempParent = hWndParent;
- while(hTempParent)
+ for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ )
- if(pMsg->hwnd == pT->GetPaintWindow() || hTempParent == pT->GetPaintWindow())
+ CPaintManagerUI* pT = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
+ if(pMsg->hwnd == pT->GetPaintWindow())
if (pT->TranslateAccelerator(pMsg))
return true;
- pT->PreMessageHandler(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam, lRes);
+ if( pT->PreMessageHandler(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam, lRes) )
+ return true;
+ return false;
- hTempParent = GetParent(hTempParent);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::AddTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator *pTranslateAccelerator)
+ {
+ ASSERT(m_aTranslateAccelerator.Find(pTranslateAccelerator) < 0);
+ return m_aTranslateAccelerator.Add(pTranslateAccelerator);
- else
+ bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator *pTranslateAccelerator)
- for( int i = 0; i < m_aPreMessages.GetSize(); i++ )
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_aTranslateAccelerator.GetSize(); i++)
- CPaintManagerUI* pT = static_cast(m_aPreMessages[i]);
- if(pMsg->hwnd == pT->GetPaintWindow())
+ if (static_cast(m_aTranslateAccelerator[i]) == pTranslateAccelerator)
- if (pT->TranslateAccelerator(pMsg))
- return true;
- if( pT->PreMessageHandler(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam, lRes) )
- return true;
- return false;
+ return m_aTranslateAccelerator.Remove(i);
+ return false;
- return false;
-bool CPaintManagerUI::AddTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator *pTranslateAccelerator)
- ASSERT(m_aTranslateAccelerator.Find(pTranslateAccelerator) < 0);
- return m_aTranslateAccelerator.Add(pTranslateAccelerator);
-bool CPaintManagerUI::RemoveTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator *pTranslateAccelerator)
- for (int i = 0; i < m_aTranslateAccelerator.GetSize(); i++)
+ void CPaintManagerUI::UsedVirtualWnd(bool bUsed)
- if (static_cast(m_aTranslateAccelerator[i]) == pTranslateAccelerator)
- {
- return m_aTranslateAccelerator.Remove(i);
- }
+ m_bUsedVirtualWnd = bUsed;
- return false;
-void CPaintManagerUI::UsedVirtualWnd(bool bUsed)
- m_bUsedVirtualWnd = bUsed;
} // namespace DuiLib
diff --git a/bin/skin/duidemo/edit.png b/bin/skin/duidemo/edit.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b90f74eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/skin/duidemo/edit.png differ
diff --git a/bin/skin/duidemo/edit_bk.png b/bin/skin/duidemo/edit_bk.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9ef96bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/skin/duidemo/edit_bk.png differ
diff --git a/bin/skin/duidemo/logo.jpg b/bin/skin/duidemo/logo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f568e829
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/skin/duidemo/logo.jpg differ
diff --git a/bin/skin/duidemo/main.xml b/bin/skin/duidemo/main.xml
index 1cd1c529..931778e8 100644
--- a/bin/skin/duidemo/main.xml
+++ b/bin/skin/duidemo/main.xml
@@ -51,17 +51,18 @@
@@ -105,7 +106,16 @@
@@ -126,7 +136,9 @@
diff --git a/bin/skin/duidemo/popup.xml b/bin/skin/duidemo/popup.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa021224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/skin/duidemo/popup.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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