A custom Oracle Database 19.3.0 Standard Edition image to test XWiki on Oracle. The image is custom for the following reasons:
- The official Oracle Database image takes about 45 minutes to start when it's first run as a container. This image takes 3-4 minutes
- This image has the XWIKI user created with proper permissions and proper tablespace size. It's ready to be used for XWiki.
docker run -p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 xwiki/oracle-database:19.3.0-se2
Note that the strategy followed to build this image is the one described in this article
The following custom steps were followed:
Run the official image:
docker run -p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 -e ORACLE_SID=XWIKICDB -e ORACLE_PDB=XWIKI -e ORACLE_PWD=xwiki oracle/database:19.3.0-se2
Get a shell into it:
docker exec -it <containerid> bash -l
Increase the max number of processes to 500 (default was 150), to avoid
ORA-12516, TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack
errors:Execute PL/SQL to log into the CDB as SYSDBA since the process increase needs to be executed in the CDB (doesn't work in the PDB):
sqlplus sys/xwiki@//localhost:1521/XWIKICDB as sysdba
Increase the processes:
alter system set PROCESSES=500 scope = spfile;
Execute PL/SQL to log into the XWiki PDB as SYSTEM for the following instructions:
sqlplus system/xwiki@//localhost:1521/XWIKI
Give more space to the default USERS tablespace used by the
user:alter database datafile '/opt/oracle/oradata/XWIKICDB/XWIKI/users01.dbf' resize 100M;
Increase max open cursors to 3000 (default was 300), to avoid
ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
errors:alter system set open_cursors = 3000 scope=both;
Create the XWiki user:
Make sure that the user password won't expire (by default it exires after 180 days):
alter profile "DEFAULT" limit password_life_time unlimited;
Create the user and set permissions and make sure that the
user has all quotas on theUSERS
tablespace:create user xwiki identified by xwiki; grant connect to xwiki; grant resource to xwiki; grant dba to xwiki; alter user xwiki quota unlimited on users;
Save the modified image:
docker commit --author 'XWiki Dev Team <[email protected]>' --message "Test snapshot for CI" <containerid> xwiki/oracle-database:19.3.0-se2
Push to DockerHub:
docker push xwiki/oracle-database:19.3.0-se2