All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, adheres to Semantic Versioning, and is generated by Changie.
- MaxAmmoSize for uri ammo
- fix grpc gun invalid log error message
- getters for netsampler metrics
- count discarded requests in request/response metrics
- dummy generator
- new monitoring metric - engine_LastMaxActiveRequests
- HTTP scenario var/header postprocessor use multiple pipes
logic. Waiter wait 2 seconds sliding window before skip payload
- Performance test on release
- scenario config local block in yaml
- scenario config local block documentation
- reflect metadata simpler format and docs
- randInt function without args in preprocessor
- HCL scenario: add support for "locals" block in hcl
- grpc/scenario: debug logs
- grpc generator: reflection metadata
- discard_overflow default value =true
- http generator: fix answlog error
- function for generate random values in scenario
for gRPC and HTTP generatorsarm64
- Refactoring HTTP generators. Now they use common components
- parameterizable grpc reflection port
- changelog
- http config: fix limit and passes
- grpc scenario generator
- refactoring http scenario gun
- fix acceptance tests
- fix AnswLog init
- Internal refactoring: GetMapValue()
- yaml format for config without extension
- std json-decoder with array payload
- docs: bit misspells
- http provider benchmarks
- http provider missing error
- error messages
- scenario variable source
- grpc provider scan
- grpc reflect client depreceted
- update go.mod
- grpc generator bugs