Hight Street Gym fullstack web application is built with NodeJS, Express, Pug, MySQL and TailwindCSS.
- JWT authentication for login and signup
- Express middlewares for authroisation
- Form data validation and sanitisation
- CRUD functionalities on classes, timetable, blog, comments
- Prepared SQL statements with mysql2 package
- Data bulk create/update by uploading XML files (Admin user only)
- XML validation against XSD
- XML data validation and sanitisation
- All data input through form data and XML files are validated and sanitised using `express-validator`
- Upload files and images using Multer middleware
- Filtering, sorting, searching, pagination using fetch
- Frontend is compiled with webpack
- Frontend javascript components are dynamic import chunks
- Code structured with MVC pattern
Check out the live site: High Street Gym
- NodeJS
- Express
- Pug
- TailwindCSS
- Javascript
- Webpack
The project is licensed under Apache license 2.0.