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Releases: yangyxd/FMXUI


30 Jun 03:08
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  • [Added] Add TBadgeStyle.Text
  • [Added] Add TImageIndexProperty(Thanks for code: ying32)
  • [Added] Add TScrollView.DefaultScrollbarWidth & TScrollView.DefaultScrollbarClass
  • [Added] Add SetMaxWidth and SetHeight to TDialogBuilder (Thanks: 恢弘)
  • [Tweaked] ListviewEx deal with invisible control's OnClick property
  • [Tweaked] Hex2Color change StrToIntDef to StrToUIntDef(Thanks for report: qq143626) GH-43
  • [Fixed] Permissions request error in 11. Remove AndroidManifest.template.xml and info.plist.TemplateiOS.xml
  • [Fixed] ScrollView error when scrolled
  • [Fixed] ListviewEx error HeightSize = TViewSize.WrapContent (Thanks for code: yangyxd)
  • [Fixed] ListviewEx rendering error (Thanks for code: 田园生活者)
  • [Fixed] Active frame error when hiding (Thanks for report: keven, 柴头柴脑)
  • [Fixed] Range check error of GridView(Thanks for report: CPU风扇, 柴头柴脑)
  • [Fixed] fix HtmlText click error when have same url (Thanks for code: wr960204) GH-57
  • [Fixed] fix Animation error under 11.3 (Thanks for report: marlonnardi, 柴头柴脑) GH-55
  • [Fixed] ListviewEx item click not work with non TView control
  • [Fixed] fix TPullScrollView/TVertScrollView/THorzScrollView pull action position error under 11.3 (Thanks for report: marlonnardi) GH-58


19 Mar 08:20
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  • 2021.03.19.001
  • [Added] Compatible with 10.4
  • [Added] Transparent statusbar in Android (Thanks for code: 谭钦 report: 意帆, Udcover, 凌风)
  • [Added] Resume & Pause to TFrameView
  • [Added] New layout demo
  • [Added] New ModernList for ListviewEx
  • [Added] TImageView allow TViewSize.WrapContent, both sides equal autosize, single side will strech with keeping aspect ratio
  • [Added] Improve TGridView footer and new demo (Thanks for code: CCC)
  • [Added] Radius value between -1 and 1, the real value will be part of the shortest side
  • [Changed] TDialogView block vkEscape and vkHardwareBack, even if Cancelable is false
  • [Fixed] TDialogView can't free in some situation, due to TabStopController
  • [Fixed] Draw HtmlText error (Thanks for report: keven)
  • [Fixed] Draw TTextView error while scrolling (Thanks for report: 意帆)
  • [Fixed] Minior fixes (Thanks for report: 意帆 and keven)
  • [Fixed] Destroy error when 10.4 TMemo in TFrame (Thanks for report: 恢弘)
  • [Fixed] Statusbar error when 10.4 (Thanks for report: Udcover)
  • [Fixed] Compile error when targeting at linux (Thanks for code: CCC)
  • [Fixed] TEditView position error (Thanks for code: 凌风)
  • [Fixed] When TDBGridView.MinRowCount > 0, the last blank row will be filled by the last row data (Thanks for report: Jasper)
  • [Fixed] TViewAccessoryType.Back cause app start failed when using 10.3 and Android 5.1 (Thanks for report: 微笑的卡列宁)


28 May 09:23
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  • [Added] Shadow of TDialogView
  • [Changed] TFrameView.Hint support custom TToastManager, and now can be used in thread
  • [Changed] TButtonView accept vkReturn and vkSpace
  • [Changed] TDialogView create button when it's used. Changed AfterDialogKey of TDialogView
  • [Changed] TToastManager allow multiple instances.
  • [Tweaked] Add more properties and Assign for TDialogStyleManager
  • [Tweaked] Add text mode for SVG editor (Thanks for report: keven)
  • [Tweaked] TCalendarView.OnOwnerLunarData initialize param (Thanks for report: keven)
  • [Tweaked] Add Lines to TViewBorderStyle (Thanks for report: 凌风)
  • [Fixed] Caret of TEditView not move in some cases (Thanks for report: 欢乐飞刀)
  • [Fixed] MaxWidth of TDialogStyleManager didn't work
  • [Fixed] Children of TRelativeLayout and TLinearLayout position error (Thanks for report: 恢弘和凌风)
  • [Fixed] Wrong mouse event of TListViewEx (Thanks for report: keven)
  • [Fixed] Draw checked state error (Thanks for report: 凌风)


06 Apr 14:10
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  • Add Callback demo for Dialog
  • Add TDialogView responding for TabStop(Thanks for report:惠子)
  • Change SetDownPopup's gravity(Thanks for report:Jiang)
  • Change TSizeForm Windows hook for message。(Thanks for pull code:ying32)
  • Change TSizeForm for Windows can using WM_XXX now (Thanks for pull code: ying32)
  • Fix EditView SelStart not work(Thanks for report:Udcover)
  • Fix TGridsLayout missing views(Thanks for report:海歌)
  • Fix FilterChar of EditView not work in Android(Thanks for report:猴哥)
  • Fix TListViewEx error when childview using Margins or Padding(Thanks for report:凌风)
  • Fix size error of TGridsLayout and TTextView
  • Fix TListViewEx HotOver will not disable when cursor move out of form(Thanks for report:ying32)
  • Fix TSizeForm not work well with scale(Thanks for report:ying32)
  • Fix TListViewEx子View.Background.ItemDefault.Kind = TViewBrushKind.None HotOver of Child View do not refresh(Thanks for report:ying32)
  • Tweak TCameraViewer(Thanks for report:凌风)
  • Tweak TListViewEx,TStringGridView(Thanks for report:惠子,Udcover,[东莞]围墙)
  • Tweak Grid,add EnableControls/DisableControls(Thanks for code:惠子)
  • Tweak InstallApk,compatible with Android 8 or higher(Thanks for code:CodeCoolie)


23 Oct 09:17
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add pull action to THorzScrollView
add base frame demo
add vkhelper

tweak TBadgeView
tweak TDialog

disable all effect from TControl