- iOS 固定ZLPhotoBrowser为3.1.2
- iOS fixed ZLPhotoBrowser to 3.1.2
- Android 修复保存屏幕截图到相册时,因文件后缀名造成的崩溃问题。
- Android fixes the crash caused by the file extension when saving screenshots to albums.
- 修复 iOS 因为图片(right_arrow.png、left_arrow.png、error.png)导致的各种问题
- Fix various problems caused by pictures (right_arrow.png, left_arrow.png, error.png) on iOS
- 临时修复 MethodChannel.Result 为 null 崩溃问题
- Temporarily fix crash when MethodChannel.Result is null
- 使用了sdk29,适配Android Q
- Used sdk29, adapted to Android Q
- 安卓修复小米Android Q 问题
- Android fixes Xiaomi Android Q issue
- 安卓修复安卓Q .gif 图片裁剪后无法播放的问题
- Android fix the problem that Android Q .gif picture cannot be played after cropping
- 新增保存图片ByteData数据
- Added Byte Data for saving pictures
- 修复iOS压缩图片异常
- Fix iOS compressed picture abnormal
- 修复flutter回调异常
- Fix flutter callback exception
类 改为CropConfig
class changed toCropConfig
class, andcorpConfig
in the parameter was changed tocropConfig
- ios修复ios13获取图片路径没有后缀名问题,修复没有设置裁剪获取图片路径为null的问题
- ios fix ios 13 get image path without suffix
- ios修复ios13获取相册路径错误问题
- iOS fix iOS13 getting album path error problem
- android优化预览多图片时内存问题
- Android optimization memory issues when previewing multiple pictures
- 添加预览多图功能
- Add preview multi-picture function
- 修改ui主题颜色功能,由原来的预制ui颜色改为动态设置ui颜色
- Modify the ui theme color function from the original pre-made ui color to dynamically set the ui color
- 修复无法展示gif图片功能(注意:忽略了gif裁剪/压缩功能)
- Fix unable to display gif image function (note: gif crop/compress function is ignored)
- 安卓修复加载库报错问题
- Android fixes some mobile phone loading library error
- 修复项目主页重定向问题
- Fix project homepage redirection problem
- Modify bug
- 适配安卓安卓Q,增加ui主题配置功能,增加直接拍照和录制视频功能
- Adapt Android Android Q, add ui theme configuration function, increase direct photo and record video function
- Fix Android P can't preview image
- configuration description
- Increase the save network video to album function
- Support Android iOS
- Android i OS supports local language environment (Chinese or English)
- image_pickers Support picture selection, video multiple selection, support to save network pictures to albums, support preview video and preview picture function