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Yarick Yermak edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 9 revisions

MP3 to M4B Audio Book Converter


Yarick Yermak


  • Convert MP3 audiobooks to M4B format mostly known as iPod and iPhone audiobook format.
  • Use your iPhone Audiobook features (bookmarks, autosave position, art-work, chapters).
  • Combine multiple MP3 files into a single file for seamless listening.
  • Create chapters for hassle-free navigation.
  • Smart enhancement of audiobook with art work loaded from MP3 files or scanning audiobook folder for cover images.
  • Use all available cores/processors of your PC for maximum performance.
  • Easy to use. Free. Open Source.


Audio Book Converter converts any number of MP3 files into one big M4B audiobook file, mostly known on audiobook for iPods/iPhones. The advantage of doing this is that you can make use of the advanced audio book functionality of your audiobook player.

Your iPod or iPhone remembers the last position you were listening in your audiobook. So you can always start listening where you stopped the last time. Even if you were listening to music or another audio book in the meantime.

This feature gets really valuable for audio books consisting of many small files. With this software you can combine all this files to a single file and you don't have to worry anymore on which file you stopped listening the last time.

Audio Book Converter runs on 64-bit version of Windows. There is no version for Mac or Linux yet.


Before i wrote this program, i used MP3 to iPod Audiobook converter for many years. This solution worked fine, but was not very slow especially on 64-bit version of Windows with many processor cores. So, during X-mas break I decided to improve it a bit, by upgrading encoders to 64-bit version and found there is a lot of space for other speed improvements, a moment later I found myself missing some key features of audiobooks - artwork and chapters - while break was not yet over. And "Audio Book Converter V2" is the result. Florian Fankhauser (author of Original Version) has released it under the GNU General Public License in hope someone may find it useful, so I did not have much choice ;)

Major differences vs original version:

  • Performance improved form 5 to 15x times (depending on numbers of cores), old version of Faac replaced with fresh FFMpeg.
  • Added super-fast mode of parallel encoding of MP3 files.
  • Added Artwork support, smart combination of MP3 images and all images in MP3 folders.
  • Added Chapters support, based on MP3 files.
  • Improved (both speed and quality) of mp3 decoding due to switch to ffmpeg from java based decoder.
  • Improved tags support according to MP4 specification.
  • Fixed tags encoding issues due caused by legacy MP3 problems.
  • Fixed tags encoding issues with non-latin characters.
  • Faac replaced with FFMpeg
  • Added MP4V2 to support media for m4b (due to existing issue in ffmpeg
  • 64-bits only support.

Enjoy it!

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