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Representative Expo starter pack

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Expo starter

Expo starter package, includes:

  • Expo with TypeScript support
  • Theme base styles
  • ESLint + Prettier
  • Feature based architecture

How to use

The app is published to Expo and can be used via Expo Go app. You may need to have Expo Go installed on Android or iOS. When it's done, go ahead and scan with the phone QR code to run the app through Expo Go or :


After you fork project under it's new name, update expo-starter in package.json file to reflect the change. Make sure you configure EXPO_TOKEN (from account settings > access tokens) and EXPO_PROJECT_ID (from Projects > Project Overview > ID, looks like UUID)


Install Xcode and ensure you've installed iOS libraries when opened Xcode at least once, currently supported Xcode 15.3.

Install dependencies with npm install. Create new project in Expo via this link and following instructions how to set it up. Start developement by running regular npm start. Follow on screen prompt to setup expo on iOS/Android device.

WSL support

If you're using WSL, there is no initial support for routes from WSL through Windows to iOS/Android device. In order to make such support feel free to make use of scripts/wslbridge.ps1.

Run on windows scripts/wslbridge.ps1 and use npm run start:wsl instead of regular start.
