- intro
- how to combine plot types into 1 plot
- how to make a scatter plot
- how to plot distributions
- make multiple plots at the same time
- save plots to a file
- faceting
- adjusting plot dimensions (scales)
- how to customize...
- look and feel (themes)
- colors
- titles and labels
- legend
- geom_point
- geom_histogram
- geom_line
- stat_density
- geom_bar
- geom_jitter
- geom_area (almost done but if x is a date it breaks)
- geom_abline
- geom_boxplot (doesn't really work)
- geom_blank
- geom_hline
- geom_vline
- stat_smooth
- geom_bin2d
- geom_density
- geom_rect
- geom_step
- geom_text
- geom_tile
- facet_wrap
- facet_grid
- ggplot
- qplot
- aes
- scale_alpha_identity
- scale_color_brewer
- scale_color_manual
- scale_color_gradient
- scale_color_identity
- scale_fill_identity
- scale_linetype_identity
- scale_shape_identity
- scale_size_identity
- scale_x_log
- scale_y_log
- scale_x_reverse
- scale_y_reverse
- scale_x_continuous
- scale_y_continuous
- scale_x_discrete
- scale_y_discrete
- scale_x_date
- scale_y_date
- date_format, date_breaks
- theme_538
- theme_gray
- theme_xkcd