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中文新秀榜 > 资料类 > Rust

数据更新: 2022-08-03   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated Created
1 skyzh/type-exercise-in-rust Learn Rust black magics by implementing an expression framework in database systems 873 2022-04-12 2022-01-20
2 tyrchen/geektime-rust 我的极客时间 Rust 课程的代码仓库,随课程更新 616 2022-04-28 2021-08-17
3 phodal/quake Quake is a knowledge management meta-framework for geeks. Use meta-data + Transflow to CRUD data, Git + markdown to management content, Web Component for frontend-custom. Quake 是面向极客的知识管理元框架。 353 2022-07-12 2021-11-17
4 wangzhe3224/awesome-systematic-trading A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for systematic trading. Crypto, Stock, Futures, Options, CFDs, FX, and more 量化交易 量化投资 223 2022-07-31 2021-12-11
5 rustlang-cn/rust-algos <<Rust算法题解>>,用Rust语言实现常见的算法和数据结构,以及leetcode题解,algos = algorithms,written with ❤️ by team 221 2022-07-05 2021-12-02
6 sunface/fancy-rust Rust酷库推荐 - 使用我们精心挑选的开源代码,让你的Rust项目Fancy起来! Written with ❤️ by team 161 2022-02-18 2021-12-29
7 doodlewind/learn-wgpu-cn 🇨🇳 《Learn Wgpu》中文版 70 2022-04-30 2022-04-23
8 Justin02180218/blockchain_rust 本系列是用Rust实现简单的区块链,包括区块和区块链,工作量证明,交易和UTXO集合,持久化,钱包及用rust-libp2p实现的点对点分布式网络。 27 2022-04-24 2022-04-19

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