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119 lines (119 loc) · 5.84 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (119 loc) · 5.84 KB
  • Create an 'Elements of Web Frameworks' blogpost:
    • Summarize my priorities in words (1-3)
    • Outline my rationale for deciding on priorities (1-2)
    • Add examples and screenshots where possible (3-5)
    • Add links where possible (2-4)
    • Proofread the article (1-3)
  • Create several prototypes/examples:
    • Create a CI'd demo on a Hydra (2-8)
    • Create a CD'd demo using Hail (2-8)
    • Create a desktop app demo (1-7)
    • Create a mobile app demo (3-8)
    • Create an example scaffold/skeleton (1-3)
    • Create a remote console demo (CloudHaskell) (2-5)
    • Create a dynamic render-on-demand JAM-alike demo (2-4) - PoC
    • Create an integration test demo (1-3)
    • Create an end-to-end test demo (3-6)
    • Create a criterion demo (1-3)
    • Create a weigh demo (1-3)
    • Create a performance evolution demo (5-10)
  • 7guis (low priority):
  • TodoMVC (low priority):
    • Include license of original TodoMVC CSS
    • Break up TodoMVC into modules
    • Simplify navigation component (TodoMVC)
    • Extract checkbox component
    • Extract a standalone DB component
    • Extract the domain model, create tests
  • HNPWA:
    • Convert code to a CssWriter Monad, extend Static DomBuilder
    • Switch to the 'unofficial HN API'
    • Extract domain model, create tests
    • Read/write to IndexedDb
    • Simplify and speed up(!) dataflow
  • RealWorld:
    • Build markdown view - mmark and foldl (MonadWidget m => FoldlM)
    • Add pagination (everywhere)
    • Wire up date views
    • Add edit/delete buttons to own articles
    • Add Yesod to Docker OR fix what's wrong with the Node code
    • Run integration tests
    • Create a Nix-based Docker container with Yesod code ?
    • Compare with QFPL's RealWorld
  • Storage:
    • DMap for multi-entity storage? With Vinyl/OpenUnion as the index?
    • Persistent interpreter for the effect
    • RPC interpreter
    • Caching interpreter (local storage + rpc as backup)
    • Look up Datascript for inspiration on queries
    • Set up hydra on bravo.z (upgrade nixpkgs, check Jabber, set up DNS, add services.hydra)
    • (lukeed/pwa)
  • Router:
    • Multi-frontend router/prerender
    • Asset gathering/prefetch/HTTP Push
    • ToServant <-> list of accessors isomorphism
    • SubApp combinator - that would make subroutes a lot easier, just search for the corresponding type on the typelevel...
    • Embed router into an app beneath toplevel, manage nested routers in user defined fashion (admin site vs user section)
    • HasGenerator = given a toplevel app, interpret routing effect
    • Finish allLinks combinator (links in a record)
    • Prerender CLI
    • Tie up (pre)render and server, implement an App instance for ServerT using a context item
  • ServiceWorker:
    • Routing - Regex/function => caching strategy (plugins, expiration, ...)
    • widgets (3rd party resources require CORS = crossorigin)
    • Background sync
    • Offline analytics
    • Push notifications
    • PushT transformer (or effect) for Servant
    • Parametric AppSW combinator
    • MatchStatic - support lists
  • Next research:
    • Research validation groups, create a demo in src-snippets/
    • Research freer, create a short demo in src-snippets/ using freer-simple
    • Research vessel (HKD), create a demo in src-snippets/
    • Research routing using obelisk-route, create a demo in src-snippets/
    • Research code generation using Swagger, Hydra, gRPC - where possible, create demos in src-snippets/
    • Research Hackage packaging best practices, make a checklist
    • Create a short demo for using NetworkInfo API in src-snippets/
    • Create a demo of Snack + Reflex-dom in src-snippets/
    • Create a POC for a manually stepping reflex-host for unit tests
    • Implement a CSS prerender demo with a "component" function in src-snippets/
    • Research asset gathering and config injection in obelisk, create a POC in src-snippets
    • Implement a POC for: Asset gathering -> prerender + routing (maybe even MIME-typed?) -> http2 push per route
    • Research and try to use HKD in Routes/RPC (Map RouteResult (x :: Routes))
    • Serializable operations - freer <~> aeson (kind-generic)
    • Prepare a printable 'Quickref' for Reflex+Reflex-dom
    • Set up hydra-build-results/ for thesis & presentation, point README there
    • Set up hydra expressions
    • Synchronized pomodoro app as the final task
    • Create a debugConsole to the Storage effect (introspection)
    • Create a demo of storage as RequesterT with pluggable backends (map, acid) - intent - DataScript-like functionality, supporting prerender - HasStorage X => ..., fetch @X query :: m (Dynamic t (Maybe X)), DMap of Dynamics as a core? (max. 3C now)
    • obelisk-route-servant - TH interop from Servant types to GADT?
    • Try to replace ./nix with nix-path or niv, report back on issues
    • Statically compiled deploy
    • Check out reflex's chromeDriver setup, replicate it
    • Try out static HTML generation with Reflex (a la blog)
    • Benchmarks evolution, commit impack
    • Memory benchmark for GHCJS (weigh?)
    • Continuous deployment using Hail
    • Continuous integration using Hydra
  • Follow-up:
    • Service worker generation using Workbox?
    • JAM - prebuilt statically and rebuilt on-demand
    • WebIDL generation - for WebManifest and ServiceWorker (jmacro/jshark + webbits + domconv-webkit)
    • End-to-end tests, assertions for back- and frontend both
    • Encode Servant types from an obelisk route type
    • Publish and clean up packages, RFCs
    • Recycle/repurpose thesis text for blog posts
    • Hydra/Gitlab tests for libs, apps
    • PR for ghc86 in reflex
    • Publish to LinkedIn