Darksidewalletd is a feature included in lightwalletd, enabled by the
flag, which can serve arbitrary blocks to a Zcash
light client wallet. This is useful for security and reorg testing. It includes
a minimally-functional mock zcashd which comes with a gRPC API for controlling
which blocks it will serve.
This means that you can use darksidewalletd to control the blocks and transactions that are exposed to any light wallets that connect, to see how they behave under different circumstances. Multiple wallets can connect to the same darksidewalletd at the same time. Darksidewalletd should only be used for testing, and therefore is hard-coded to shut down after 30 minutes of operation to prevent accidental deployment as a server.
Leaving darksidewalletd running puts your machine at greater risk because (a)
it may be possible to use file: paths with StageBlocks
to read arbitrary
files on your system, and (b) also using StageBlocks
, someone can force
your system to make a web request to an arbitrary URL (which could have your
system download questionable material, perform attacks on other systems,
etc.). The maximum 30-minute run time limit built into darksidewalletd
mitigates these risks, but users should still be cautious.
Lightwalletd and most dependencies of lightwalletd, including Go version 1.11 or later, but not zcashd. Since Darksidewalletd mocks zcashd, it can run standalone and does not use zcashd to get blocks or send and receive transactions.
For the tutorial the grpcurl
tool is needed to call the darksidewalletd
Lightwalletd and the wallets themselves don’t actually perform any validation of the blocks (beyond checking the blocks’ prevhashes, which is used to detect reorgs). That means the blocks we give darksidewalletd don’t need to be fully valid, see table:
Block component | Must be valid | Must be partially valid | Not checked for validity |
nVersion | x | ||
hashPrevBlock | x | ||
hashMerkleRoot | x | ||
hashFinalSaplingRoot | x | ||
nTime | x | ||
nBits | x | ||
nNonce | x | ||
Equihash solution | x | ||
Transaction Data* | x |
*Transactions in blocks must conform to the transaction format, but not need valid zero-knowledge proofs etc.
For more information about block headers, see the Zcash protocol specification.
Lightwalletd provides us with a gRPC API for generating these minimally-acceptable fake blocks. The API allows us to "stage" blocks and transactions and later "apply" the staged objects so that they become visible to lightwalletd and the wallets. How this is done is illustrated in the tutorial below, but first we must start darksidewalletd.
To start darksidewalletd, you run lightwalletd with the
./lightwalletd --darkside-very-insecure --no-tls-very-insecure --data-dir . --log-file /dev/stdout
To prevent accidental deployment in production, it will automatically shut off after 30 minutes.
Now that darksidewalletd
is running, you can control it by calling various
gRPCs to reset its state, stage blocks, stage transactions, and apply the
staged objects so that they become visible to the wallet. Examples of using
these gRPCs are given in the following tutorial.
This tutorial is intended to illustrate basic control of darksidewalletd
using the grpcurl
tool. You can use any gRPC library of your choice in
order to implement similar tests in your apps' test suite.
In this example, we will simulate a reorg that moves a transaction from one block height to another. This happens in two parts, first we create and apply the "before reorg" state. Then we create the "after reorg" stage and apply it, which makes the reorg happen.
Here's a quick-start guide to simulating a reorg:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"saplingActivation": 663150,"branchID": "bad", "chainName":"x"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/Reset
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zcash-hackworks/darksidewalletd-test-data/master/basic-reorg/663150.txt"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocks
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663151,"count":10}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocksCreate
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663160}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/ApplyStaged
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663155,"count":10,"nonce":44}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocksCreate
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663164}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/ApplyStaged
If you haven't already started darksidewalletd, please start it:
./lightwalletd --darkside-very-insecure --no-tls-very-insecure --data-dir . --log-file /dev/stdout
First, we need to reset darksidewalletd, specifying the sapling activation height, branch ID, and chain name that will be told to wallets when they ask:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"saplingActivation": 663150,"branchID": "bad", "chainName":"x"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/Reset
Next, we will stage the real mainnet block 663150. In ECC's example wallets, this block is used as a checkpoint so we need to use the real block to pass that check.
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zcash-hackworks/darksidewalletd-test-data/master/basic-reorg/663150.txt"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocks
This has put block 663150 into darksidewalletd's staging area. The block has not yet been exposed to the internal block-processing mechanism in lightwalletd, and thus any wallets connected will have no idea it exists yet.
Next, we will use the StageBlocksCreate
gRPC to generate 100 fake blocks on top of 663150 in darksidewalletd's staging area:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663151,"count":100}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocksCreate
Still, everything is in darksidewalletd's staging area, nothing has been shown to any connected wallets yet. The staging area now contains the real mainnet block 663150 and 100 fake blocks from 663151 to 663250.
Next we'll stage a transaction to go into block 663190. 663190 is within the range of blocks we've staged; when we "apply" the staging area later on darksidewalletd will merge this transaction into the fake 663190 block.
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663190,"url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zcash-hackworks/darksidewalletd-test-data/master/transactions/recv/0821a89be7f2fc1311792c3fa1dd2171a8cdfb2effd98590cbd5ebcdcfcf491f.txt"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageTransactions
We have now finished filling darksidewalletd's staging area with the "before reorg" state blocks. In darksidewalletd's staging area, we have blocks from 663150 to 663250, with a transaction staged to go in block 663190. All that's left to do is "apply" the staging area, which will reveal the blocks to lightwalletd's internal block processor and then on to any wallets that are connected. We will apply the staged blocks up to height 663210 (any higher staged blocks will remain in the staging area):
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663210}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/ApplyStaged
Note that we could have done this in the opposite order, it would have been okay to stage the transaction first, and then stage the blocks later. All that matters is that the transactions we stage get staged into block heights that will have blocks staged for them before we "apply".
Now we can check that the transaction is in block 663190:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663190}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlock
"height": "663190",
"hash": "Ax/AHLeTfnDuXWX3ZiYo+nWvh24lyMjvR0e2CAfqEok=",
"prevHash": "m5/epQ9d3wl4Z8bctOB/ZCuSl8Uko4DeIpKtKZayK4U=",
"time": 1,
"vtx": [
"index": "1",
"hash": "H0nPz83r1cuQhdn/LvvNqHEh3aE/LHkRE/zy55uoIQg=",
"spends": [
"nf": "xrZLCu+Kbv6PXo8cqM+f25Hp55L2cm95bM68JwUnDHg="
"outputs": [
"cmu": "pe/G9q13FyE6vAhrTPzIGpU5Dht5DvJTuc9zmTEx0gU=",
"epk": "qw5MPsRoe8aOnvZ/VB3r1Ja/WkHb52TVU1vyHjGEOqc=",
"ciphertext": "R2uN3CHagj7Oo+6O9VeBrE6x4dQ07Jl18rVM27vGhl1Io75lFYCHA1SrV72Zu+bgwMilTA=="
"cmu": "3rQ9DMmk7RaWGf9q0uOYQ7FieHL/TE8Z+QCcS/IJfkA=",
"epk": "U1NCOlTzIF1qlprAjuGUUj591GpO5Vs5WTsmCW35Pio=",
"ciphertext": "2MbBHjPbkDT/GVsXgDHhihFQizxvizHINXKVbXKnv3Ih1P4c1f3By+TLH2g1yAG3lSARuQ=="
Now, we can stage that same transaction into a different height, and force a reorg.
First, stage 100 fake blocks starting at height 663180. This stages empty blocks for heights 663180 through 663279. These are the blocks that will change after the reorg.
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663180,"count":100}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocksCreate
Now, stage that same transaction as before, but this time to height 663195 (previously we had put it in 663190):
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663195,"url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zcash-hackworks/darksidewalletd-test-data/master/transactions/recv/0821a89be7f2fc1311792c3fa1dd2171a8cdfb2effd98590cbd5ebcdcfcf491f.txt"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageTransactions
Finally, we can apply the staged blocks and transactions to trigger a reorg:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663210}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/ApplyStaged
This will simulate a reorg back to 663180 (new versions of 663180 and beyond, same 663179), and the transaction will now be included in 663195 and will not be in 663190.
After a moment you should see some "reorg" messages in the lightwalletd log output to indicate that lightwalletd's internal block processor detected and handled the reorg. If a wallet were connected to the lightwalletd instance, it should also detect a reorg too.
Now we can check that the transaction is no longer in 663190:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663190}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlock
"height": "663190",
"hash": "btosPfiJBX9m3nNSCP+vjAxWpEDS7Kfut9H7FY+mSYo=",
"prevHash": "m5/epQ9d3wl4Z8bctOB/ZCuSl8Uko4DeIpKtKZayK4U=",
"time": 1
Instead, it has "moved" to 663195:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663195}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetBlock
"height": "663195",
"hash": "CmcEQ/NZ9nSk+VdNfCEHvKu9MTNeWKoF1dZ7cWUTnCc=",
"prevHash": "04i1neRIgx7vgtDkrydYJu3KWjbY5g7QvUygNBfu6ug=",
"time": 1,
"vtx": [
"index": "1",
"hash": "H0nPz83r1cuQhdn/LvvNqHEh3aE/LHkRE/zy55uoIQg=",
"spends": [
"nf": "xrZLCu+Kbv6PXo8cqM+f25Hp55L2cm95bM68JwUnDHg="
"outputs": [
"cmu": "pe/G9q13FyE6vAhrTPzIGpU5Dht5DvJTuc9zmTEx0gU=",
"epk": "qw5MPsRoe8aOnvZ/VB3r1Ja/WkHb52TVU1vyHjGEOqc=",
"ciphertext": "R2uN3CHagj7Oo+6O9VeBrE6x4dQ07Jl18rVM27vGhl1Io75lFYCHA1SrV72Zu+bgwMilTA=="
"cmu": "3rQ9DMmk7RaWGf9q0uOYQ7FieHL/TE8Z+QCcS/IJfkA=",
"epk": "U1NCOlTzIF1qlprAjuGUUj591GpO5Vs5WTsmCW35Pio=",
"ciphertext": "2MbBHjPbkDT/GVsXgDHhihFQizxvizHINXKVbXKnv3Ih1P4c1f3By+TLH2g1yAG3lSARuQ=="
Just to illustrate a little more about how ApplyStaged
works, we can check
that the current height is 663210 just like we specified in our last call to
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLatestBlock
"height": "663210"
Then apply 10 more of the blocks that are still in the staging area:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"height":663220}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/ApplyStaged
And confirm that the current height has increased:
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetLatestBlock
"height": "663220"
That concludes the tutorial. You should now know how to stage blocks from a
URL using StageBlocks
, stage synthetic empty blocks using
, stage transactions from a URL to go into particular
blocks using StageTransactions
, and then make the staged blocks and
transactions live using ApplyStaged
On top of what we covered in the tutorial, you can also...
- Stage blocks and transactions directly (without them having to be
accessible at a URL) using
. - Get all of the transactions sent by connected wallets using
(and clear the buffer that holds them usingClearIncomingTransactions
See darkside.proto for a complete definition of all the gRPCs that darksidewalletd supports.
There’s a tool to help with generating these fake just-barely-valid-enough blocks, it’s called genblocks. To use it you create a directory of text files, one file per block, and each line in the file is a hex-encoded transaction that should go into that block:
mkdir blocksA
touch blocksA/{1000,1001,1002,1003,1004,1005}.txt
echo “some hex-encoded transaction you want to put in block 1003” > blocksA/1003.txt
This will output the blocks, one hex-encoded block per line. This is the
format that will be accepted by StageBlocks
Tip: Because nothing is checking the full validity of transactions, you can get any hex-encoded transaction you want from a block explorer and put those in the block files. The sochain block explorer makes it easy to obtain the raw transaction hex, by viewing the transaction (example), clicking “Raw Data”, then copying the “tx_hex” field.
The GetMempoolTx
gRPC will return staged transactions that are either within
staged blocks or that have been staged separately. Here is an example:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"saplingActivation": 663150,"branchID": "bad", "chainName":"x"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/Reset
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zcash-hackworks/darksidewalletd-test-data/master/tx-incoming/blocks.txt"}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.DarksideStreamer/StageBlocks
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"txid":["qg=="]}' localhost:9067 cash.z.wallet.sdk.rpc.CompactTxStreamer/GetMempoolTx
Check out some of the potential security test cases here: wallet <-> lightwalletd integration tests