Sample code provide Payeezy Javascript Integration
- Payeezy.js (which is included on the page using a < script> tag) intercepts the form submit, and then asynchronously posts the credit card details to Payeezy. This call uses JSONP over https, passing in API key and an identifier– trtoken. Both of these values are provisioned for the merchant‘s developer via the developer portal.
- On success Payeezy returns a token (type=FDtoken) to payeezy.js. Failure messages are returned in the response, which can be handled as appropriate.
- Payeezy.js then submits the form with the primary and secondary transactions as shown in the diagram above.
- Please refer lastest Payeezy JS file for your development and Integration.
- Current version for merchants domiciled in US – v3.2
- Current version for non-US domiciled merchants – v4.1
For more details on 'Payeezy JS' example refer payeezy_js example
To run and test sample files online click - or visit list of files to run/debug files online
For more details on 'authorize' and 'purchase' transactions using javascript refer nodeJS
For more details on 'Payeezy JS Guide' refer payeezy_js guide
Token is generated for the card and the transactions are made using the token.US merchants will receive Transarmor multi-use tokens and EU merchants will receive Datavault tokens.
For Sample urls, download or visit Payeezy_TokenBased_Transactions.pdf
For more information, visit payeezy js guide
Payeezy_v1 and Payeezy_v2.1/Payeezy_v2.2 are deprecated (after 1-Jul-15 )
Using below listed steps, you can easily integrate your mobile/web payment application with Payeezy APIs and go LIVE!
For more information on getting started, visit [get_start_with_payeezy guide] ( or download
For test credit card,eCheck,GiftCard please refer to test data or [download] (
For HTTP status code, API Error codes and error description please refer to API error code and select your API
#Questions? We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Check out FAQ page or call us.
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We appreciate the time you take to try out our sample code and welcome your feedback. Here are a few ways to get in touch:
- For generally applicable issues and feedback, create an issue in this repository.
- [email protected] - for personal support at any phase of integration
- 1.855.799.0790 - for personal support in real time
Terms and conditions for using Payeezy JavaScript: Please see Payeezy Terms & conditions
The Payeezy JavaScript is open source and available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.