GATE - entorno de desarrollo de sistemas y componentes NLP (Java)
NLTK - herramientas de desarrollo de componentes NLP (Python)
Textalytics - API de analítica de texto
scikit-learn - herramientas de aprendizaje automático (Python)
Weka - herramientas de aprendizaje automático (Java)
Elasticsearch - motor de búsqueda e indexacion
Scrapy - herramienta de scraping web (Python)
d3js - herramientas de visualización (Javascript)
Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper Natural Language Processing with Python (UPDATED FOR PYTHON 3) --- Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit O'Reilly Media, 2009 (Disponible online)
Ronen Feldman, James Sanger The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches in Analyzing Unstructured Data Cambridge University Press, 2006
Chris Manning and Hinrich Schütze [Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT Press. Cambridge, MA: May 1999. Web
Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin SPEECH and LANGUAGE PROCESSING - An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition Second Edition Prentice Hall (May 16, 2008)
Grant S. Ingersoll, Thomas S. Morton , Andrew L. Farris Taming Text: How to Find, Organize, and Manipulate It Paperback January 24, 2013 Manning Publications
- [htpp://tmpnb.org] - Creates a temporary notebook server in a Docker container
- (Binder)[http://mybinder.org/]