issues Search Results · repo:zeeshanlakhani/schema-gen language:Clojure
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inzeeshanlakhani/schema-gen (press backspace or delete to remove)
@gfredericks @sgrove
- 3
- Opened on Sep 4, 2015
- #18
Bit of necromancy for #1 perhaps, but what would it take to get ClojureScript support? Also, I forgot about this
library, wrote all of my Prismatic Schema definitions, and then manually wrote generators. ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 2, 2015
- #16
(schema- gen BigDecimal) returns a generator of floats, when I d prefer that it would crash because it doesn t know how
to generate BigDecimal.
The reason it does this is because the s/Num clause is using ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 22, 2015
- #15
I ve done some work on this that s really specific to our data at sfx (and within private repos). Will look into doing
something more general.
- Dive into Prismatic coercers approach
Related Issue/Comment ...
- 9
- Opened on Jul 9, 2014
- #2

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