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Releases: zendframework/zend-expressive

Expressive 2.0.0

07 Mar 15:45
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  • #450 adds support for PSR-11; Expressive is now a PSR-11 consumer.

  • #428 updates the zend-stratigility dependency to require ^2.0; this allows usage of both the new middleare-based error handling system introduced in zend-stratigility 1.3, as well as usage of http-interop/http-middleware implementations with Expressive. The following middleware is now supported:

    • Implementations of Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\MiddlewareInterface.
    • Callable middleware that implements the same signature as Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\MiddlewareInterface.
    • Callable middleware using the legacy double-pass signature (function ($request, $response, callable $next)); these are now decorated in Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\CallableMiddlewareWrapper instances.
    • Service names resolving to any of the above.
    • Arrays of any of the above; these will be cast to Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe instances, piping each middleware.
  • #396 adds Zend\Expressive\Middleware\NotFoundHandler, which provides a way to return a templated 404 response to users. This middleware should be used as innermost middleware. You may use the new Zend\Expressive\Container\NotFoundHandlerFactory to generate the instance via your DI container.

  • #396 adds Zend\Expressive\Container\ErrorHandlerFactory, for generating a Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\ErrorHandler to use with your application. If a Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator service is present in the container, it will be used to seed the ErrorHandler with a response generator. If you use this facility, you should enable the zend-expressive.raise_throwables configuration flag.

  • #396 adds Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator and Zend\Expressive\Middleware\WhoopsErrorResponseGenerator, which may be used with Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\ErrorHandler to generate error responses. The first will generate templated error responses if a template renderer is composed, and the latter will generate Whoops output. You may use the new Zend\Expressive\Container\ErrorResponseGeneratorFactory and Zend\Expressive\Container\WhoopsErrorResponseGeneratorFactory, respectively, to create these instances; if you do, assign these to the service name Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator to have them automatically registered with the ErrorHandler.

  • #396 adds Zend\Expressive\ApplicationConfigInjectionTrait, which exposes two methods, injectRoutesFromConfig() and injectPipelineFromConfig(); this trait is now composed into the Application class. These methods allow you to configure an Application instance from configuration if desired, and are now used by the ApplicationFactory to configure the Application instance.

  • #396 adds a vendor binary, vendor/bin/expressive-tooling, which will install (or uninstall) the zend-expressive-tooling; this package provides migration tools for updating your application to use programmatic pipelines and the new error handling strategy, as well as tools for identifying usage of the legacy Stratigility request and response decorators and error middleware.

  • #413 adds the middleware Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ImplicitHeadMiddleware; this middleware can be used to provide implicit support for HEAD requests when the matched route does not explicitly support the method.

  • #413 adds the middleware Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ImplicitOptionsMiddleware; this middleware can be used to provide implicit support for OPTIONS requests when the matched route does not explicitly support the method; the returned 200 response will also include an Allow header listing allowed HTTP methods for the URI.

  • #426 adds the method Application::getRoutes(), which will return the list of Zend\Expressive\Router\Route instances currently registered with the application.

  • #428 adds the class Zend\Expressive\Delegate\NotFoundDelegate, an Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface implementation. The class will return a 404 response; if a TemplateRendererInterface is available and injected into the delegate, it will provide templated contents for the 404 response as well. We also provide Zend\Expressive\Container\NotFoundDelegateFactory for providing an instance.

  • #428 adds the method Zend\Expressive\Application::getDefaultDelegate(). This method will return the default Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface injected during instantiation, or, if none was injected, lazy load an instance of Zend\Expressive\Delegate\NotFoundDelegate.

  • #428 adds the constants DISPATCH_MIDDLEWARE and ROUTING_MIDDLEWARE to Zend\Expressive\Application; they have identical values to the constants previously defined in Zend\Expressive\Container\ApplicationFactory.

  • #428 adds Zend\Expressive\Middleware\LazyLoadingMiddleware; this essentially extracts the logic previously used within Zend\Expressive\Application to provide container-based middleware to allow lazy-loading only when dispatched.


  • #440 changes the Zend\Expressive\Application::__call($method, array $args) signature; in previous versions, $args did not have a typehint. If you are extending the class and overriding this method, you will need to update your signature accordingly.

  • #428 updates Zend\Expressive\Container\ApplicationFactory to ignore the zend-expressive.raise_throwables configuration setting; Stratigility 2.X no longer catches exceptions in its middleware dispatcher, making the setting irrelevant.

  • #422 updates the zend-expressive-router minimum supported version to 2.0.0.

  • #428 modifies the Zend\Expressive\Container\ApplicationFactory constants DISPATCH_MIDDLEWARE and ROUTING_MIDDLEWARE to define themselves based on the constants of the same name now defined in Zend\Expressive\Application.

  • #428 modifies the constructor of Zend\Expressive\Application; the third argument was previously a nullable callable $finalHandler; it is now a nullable Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface with the name $defaultDelegate.

  • #450 modifies the signatures in several classes to typehint against PSR-11 instead of container-interop; these include:

    • Zend\Expressive\AppFactory::create()
    • Zend\Expressive\Application::__construct()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\ApplicationFactory::__invoke()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\ErrorHandlerFactory::__invoke()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\ErrorResponseGeneratorFactory::__invoke()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\NotFoundDelegateFactory::__invoke()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\NotFoundHandlerFactory::__invoke()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\WhoopsErrorResponseGeneratorFactory::__invoke()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\WhoopsFactory::__invoke()
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\WhoopsPageHandlerFactory::__invoke()
  • #450 changes the interface inheritance of Zend\Expressive\Container\Exception\InvalidServiceException to extend Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface instead of Interop\Container\Exception\ContainerException.


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  • #428 removes the following routing/dispatch methods from Zend\Expressive\Application:

    • routeMiddleware(); this is now encapsulated in Zend\Expressive\Middleware\RouteMiddleware.
    • dispatchMiddleware(); this is now encapsulated in Zend\Expressive\Middleware\DispatchMiddleware.
  • #428 removes the various "final handler" implementations and related factories. Users should now use the "default delegates" as detailed in sections previous. Classes and methods removed include:

    • Zend\Expressive\Application::getFinalHandler()
    • Zend\Expressive\TemplatedErrorHandler
    • Zend\Expressive\WhoopsErrorHandler
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\TemplatedErrorHandlerFactory
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\WhoopsErrorHandlerFactory
  • #428 removes the Zend\Expressive\ErrorMiddlewarePipe class, as zend-stratigility 2.X no longer defines Zend\Stratigility\ErrorMiddlewareInterface or has a concept of variant-signature error middleware. Use standard middleware to provide error handling now.

  • [#428](

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Expressive 1.1.1

14 Feb 14:31
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  • #447 fixes an error in the ApplicationFactory that occurs when the config service is an ArrayObject. Prior to the fix, ArrayObject configurations would cause a fatal error when injecting the pipeline and/or routes.

Expressive 1.1.0

13 Feb 22:38
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This release is primarily intended to introduce deprecations and forwards compatibility features in preparation for a forthcoming 2.0.0 release. Please read the migration document for details.

This release is fully backwards compatible with previous Expressive versions, and will be installed when creating an Expressive project from the existing 1.X series of the Expressive Skeleton.


  • #309 adds the ability to provide options with which to instantiate the FinalHandler instance, via the configuration:

        'final_handler' => [
            'options' => [ /* array of options */ ],
  • #373 adds interception of exceptions from the ServerRequestFactory for invalid request information in order to return 400 responses.

  • #432 adds two new configuration flags for use with Zend\Expressive\Container\ApplicationFactory:

    • zend-expressive.programmatic_pipelines: when enabled, the factory will ignore the middleware_pipeline and routes configuration, allowing you to wire these programmatically instead. We recommend creating these in the files config/pipeline.php and config/routes.php, respectively, and modifying your public/index.php to require these files in statements immediately preceding the call to $app->run().
    • zend-expressive.raise_throwables: when enabled, this will be used to notify zend-stratigility's internal dispatcher to no longer catch exceptions/throwables, and instead allow them to bubble out. This allows you to write custom middleware for handling errors.
  • #429 adds Zend\Expressive\Application::getDefaultDelegate() as a forwards-compatibility measure for the upcoming version 2.0.0. Currently, it proxies to getFinalHandler().

  • #435 adds support for the 2.X versions of zend-expressive-router and the various router implementations. This change also allows usage of zend-expressive-helpers 3.X.


  • #429 updates the minimum supported zend-stratigility version to 1.3.3.
  • #396 updates the Zend\Expressive\Container\ApplicationFactory to vary creation of the Application instance based on two new configuration variables:
    • zend-expressive.programmatic_pipeline will cause the factory to skip injection of the middleware pipeline and routes from configuration. It is then up to the developer to do so, or use the Application API to pipe middleware and/or add routed middleware.
    • zend-expressive.raise_throwables will cause the factory to call the new raiseThrowables() method exposed by Application (and inherited from Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe). Doing so will cause the application to raise any Throwable or Exception instances caught, instead of catching them and dispatching them to (legacy) Stratigility error middleware.


  • #429 deprecates the following methods and classes:
    • Zend\Expressive\Application::pipeErrorHandler(); use the raise_throwables flag and standard middleware to handle errors instead.
    • Zend\Expressive\Application::routeMiddleware(); this is extracted to a dedicated middleware class for 2.0.
    • Zend\Expressive\Application::dispatchMiddleware(); this is extracted to a dedicated middleware class for 2.0.
    • Zend\Expressive\Application::getFinalHandler() (this patch provides getDefaultDelegate() as a forwards-compatibility measure) - Zend\Expressive\Container\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; this will be removed in 2.0.0, and places where it was used will instead throw Zend\Expressive\Exception\InvalidArgumentException.
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\Exception\NotFoundException; this exception is never thrown at this point.
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\TemplatedErrorHandlerFactory
    • Zend\Expressive\Container\WhoopsErrorHandlerFactory
    • Zend\Expressive\ErrorMiddlewarePipe; Stratigility 1.3 deprecates its Zend\Stratigility\ErrorMiddlewareInterface, and removes it in version 2.0. use the raise_throwables flag and standard middleware to handle errors instead.
    • Zend\Expressive\TemplatedErrorHandler; the "final handler" concept is retired in Expressive 2.0, and replaced with default delegates (classes implementing Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface that will be executed when the internal pipeline is exhausted, in order to guarantee a response). If you are using custom final handlers, you will need to rewrite them when adopting Expressive 2.0.
    • Zend\Expressive\WhoopsErrorHandler


  • #406 removes the RouteResultSubjectInterface implementation from Zend\Expressive\Application, per the deprecation prior to the 1.0 stable release.


  • #442 fixes how the WhoopsFactory disables JSON output for whoops; previously, providing boolean false values for either of the configuration flags json_exceptions.show_trace or json_exceptions.ajax_only would result in enabling the settings; these flags are now correctly evaluated by the WhoopsFactory.

Expressive 1.0.6

09 Jan 16:12
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  • #420 fixes the routeMiddleware()'s handling of 405 errors such that it now no longer emits deprecation notices when running under the Stratigility 1.3 series.

Expressive 1.0.5

08 Dec 17:15
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  • #403 updates the AppFactory::create() logic to raise exceptions in either of the following scenarios:
    • no container is specified, and the class Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager is not available.
    • no router is specified, and the class Zend\Expressive\Router\FastRouteRouter is not available.
  • #405 fixes how the TemplatedErrorHandler injects templated content into the response. Previously, it would write() directly to the existing response body, which could lead to issues if previous middleware had written to the response (as the templated contents would append the previous contents). With this release, it now creates a new Zend\Diactoros\Stream, writes to that, and returns a new response with that new stream, guaranteeing it only contains the new contents.
  • #404 fixes the swallowDeprecationNotices() handler such that it will not swallow a global handler once application execution completes.

Expressive 1.0.4

07 Dec 18:32
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  • #402 fixes how Application::__invoke() registers the error handler designed to swallow deprecation notices, as introduced in 1.0.3. It now checks to see if another error handler was previously registered, and, if so, creates a composite handler that will delegate to the previous for all other errors.

Expressive 1.0.3

11 Nov 17:41
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  • #395 updates Application::__invoke() to add an error handler to swallow deprecation notices due to triggering error middleware when using Stratigility 1.3+. Since error middleware is triggered whenever the raiseThrowables flag is not enabled and an error or empty queue situation is encountered, handling it this way prevents any such errors from bubbling out of the application.


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Expressive 1.0.2

11 Nov 14:44
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  • #393 updates Application::run() to inject the request with an originalResponse attribute using the provided response as the value.


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  • #393 fixes how each of the TemplatedErrorHandler and WhoopsErrorHandler access the "original" request, URI, and/or response. Previously, these used Stratigility-specific methods; they now use request attributes, eliminating deprecation notices emitted in Stratigility 1.3+ versions.

Expressive 1.0.1

11 Nov 13:46
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  • #306 adds a cookbook recipe covering flash messages.
  • #384 adds support for Whoops version 2 releases, providing PHP 7 support for Whoops.


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  • #391 fixes the Application::run() implementation to prevent emission of deprecation notices when used with Stratigility 1.3.

Expressive 1.0.0

28 Jan 15:58
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Initial stable release.


  • #279 updates the documentation to provide automation for pushing to GitHub pages. As part of that work, documentation was re-organized, and a landing page provided. Documentation can now be found at:
  • #299 adds component-specific CSS to the documentation.
  • #295 adds support for handling PHP 7 engine exceptions in the templated and whoops final handlers.


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  • #280 fixes references to the PlatesRenderer in the error handling documentation.
  • #284 fixes the reference to maximebf/php-debugbar in the debug bar documentation.
  • #285 updates the section on mtymek/blast-base-url in the "Using a Base Path" cookbook recipe to conform to its latest release.
  • #286 fixes the documentation of the Composer "serve" command to correct a typo.
  • #291 fixes the documentation links to the RC5 -> v1 migration guide in both the CHANGELOG as well as the error messages emitted, ensuring users can locate the correct documentation in order to upgrade.
  • #287 updates the "standalone" quick start to reference calling $app->pipeRoutingMiddleware() and $app->pipeDispatchMiddleware() per the changes in RC6.
  • #293 adds a require 'vendor/autoload.php'; line to the bootstrap script referenced in the zend-servicemanager examples.
  • #294 updates the namespace referenced in the modulear-layout documentation to provide a better separation between the module/package/whatever, and the application consuming it.
  • #298 fixes a typo in a URI generation example.