This ZenPack allows for monitoring of OpenStack from a service provider perspective. This means that in addition to the user-oriented components supported in the regular OpenStack ZenPack (instances, flavors, images), the underlying OpenStack servers and software are monitored.
- OpenStack (Icehouse or newer)
- Ceilometer
- A zenoss-specific ceilometer plugin must be installed on your ceilometer nodes (see below)
- If you do not have ceilometer installed and configured properly, some graphs will be black, and Zenoss will not detect changes (such as new instances or instance state changes) until a full model operation is performed.
- SSH credentials to the linux devices in your openstack environment
- Configure the zCommandUsername/zCommandPassword properties on the /Devices/Server/SSH/Linux/NovaHost device class.
- If your linux devices are already managed under Zenoss, move them into /Devices/Server/SSH/Linux/NovaHost
- Administrative credentials for your OpenStack environment
- Username, password, keystone URL, Region
Once the OpenStack ZenPack is installed and you can begin monitoring by going to the infrastructure screen and clicking the normal button for adding devices. You'll find a new option labeled, "Add OpenStack Endpoint (Infrastructure)."
Choose that option and you'll be presented with a dialog asking for the following inputs.
- Device To Create - name to use for this device in zenoss. Should not be an actual hostname, since that name will be used when the host is registered as a linux device.
- Auth URL - A keystone URL, such as http://<hostname></hostname>:5000/v2.0/
- Username, Password / API Key, Project/Tenant ID - *Administrative* credentials to your zenoss instance.
- Region Name - choose the correct region from the dropdown. You may only choose one, so each region you wish to manage must be registered as a separate endpoint in zenoss.
- Ceilometer URL - Will auto-populate based on the other selections.
The following types of elements are discovered.
- Tenants
- Instances (Servers)
- vNICs
- Images
- Flavors
- Nova API Endpoints
- Regions
- Availability Zones
- Hosts
- Nova Services (processes supporting nova servers)
- Hypervisors
- Images
- Flavors
- Instance Metrics
Disk Requests (requests/sec) Disk IO Rate (bytes/sec)
- Vnic Metrics
Network Packet Rate (packets/sec) Network Throughput (bytes/sec)
- Host Metrics (Zenoss Linux OS monitoring)
- Nova Service Metrics (Zenoss Process monitoring)
All metrics collected by OpenStack Ceilometer may be collected and graphed in Zenoss, and all events processed through ceilometer are exposed via the Zenoss Event Console.
Although you may add an openstack device to zenoss, as shown above, event and performance data will not be collected until the following steps are performed.
On your zenoss host, you must run the following command as the zenoss user: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
It will create a new user in rabbitmq and set up its permissions. It will print out the proper values to use for amqp_hostname, amqp_port, amqp_userid, amqp_password, and amqp_virtualhost during ceilometer configuration (see below)
Zenoss relies upon a ceilometer dispatcher plugin to ship raw event and metering data from ceilometer to Zenoss for storage in the Zenoss event and performance databases. This integration is done by publishing messages to Zenoss's RabbitMQ server.
This dispatcher should be installed on all nodes running any ceilometer, but particularly those running ceilometer-collector or ceilometer-agent-notification.
To install it, perform the following steps on each of these openstack nodes (NOT on the zenoss collector):
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
sudo pip -q install --force-reinstall sudo cp /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ceilometer_zenoss/event_definitions.yaml /etc/ceilometer/
Edit /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf, and add the following lines to the appropriate sections:
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
[notification] store_events=True
Also add the [dispatcher_zenoss] section reported by openstack_amqp_config above.
By default, instance state changes will be captured by Zenoss when certain events occur, for example, when an instance is shut down, the state change to SHUTDOWN will be reflected in Zenoss.
However, certain state changes that don't correspond to another defined event may not be picked up until the next time zenoss models the environment.
If you would like to reduce the likelihood of this occurring, you can configure OpenStack Nova to send an event (through ceilometer) to zenoss whenever any VM state change occurs by adding the following to nova.conf:
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
[DEFAULT] notify_on_state_change=vm_state
Note that this will cause increased event load, both on OpenStack and Zenoss, and additional processing within the event transforms in Zenoss to keep the model consistent. Since most instance changes will still be caught without this option enabled, it is recommended to leave this disabled if your OpenStack environment is very large.
Zenoss will process performance datapoints from ceilometer every 5 minutes, but by default, ceilometer will only produce one datapoint every 10 minutes. This can be adjusted by modifying the "interval: 600" line in your pipeline.yaml file (typically /etc/ceilomster/pipeline.yaml) to 300 seconds.
This ZenPack provides additional support for Zenoss Analytics. Perform the following steps to install extra reporting resources into Zenoss Analytics after installing the ZenPack.
- Copy from $ZENHOME/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure*/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/analytics/ on your Zenoss server.
- Navigate to Zenoss Analytics in your browser.
- Login as superuser.
- Remove any existing OpenStackInfrastructure ZenPack folder.
- Choose Repository from the View menu at the top of the page.
- Expand Public in the list of folders.
- Right-click on OpenStackInfrastructure ZenPack folder and choose Delete.
- Confirm deletion by clicking OK.
- Add the new OpenStackInfrastructure ZenPack folder.
- Choose Server Settings from the Manage' menu at the top of the page.
- Choose Import in the left page.
- Remove checks from all check boxes.
- Click Choose File to import a data file.
- Choose the file copied from your Zenoss server.
- Click Import.
- Domains
- OpenStackInfrastructure Domain
- Ad Hoc Views
- OpenStack Instance List
- Choose Ad Hoc View from the Create menu.
- Click Domains at the top of the data chooser dialog.
- Expand Public then OpenStackInfrastructure ZenPack.
- Choose the OpenStackInfrastructure Domain domain
- ZEN-14805: Ceilometer AMQP Heartbeat monitoring expects ceilometer-collector and ceilometer-agent-notification to run on a single host
- Most commonly, these processes would run on a single controller node, so this will not impact most users. No workaround available.
- ZEN-14585: The same endpoint can not be monitored both as user and an infrastructure endpoints.
- Workaround: If you have been previously monitoring the endpoint as a User endpoint, delete the device before you re-add it as an Infrastructure endpoint.
- ZEN-14491: A stacktrace may occur during the initial modeling of the device
- The trace will contain the error "ValueError: expected txn status 'Active' or 'Doomed', but it's 'Committed'"
- Workaround: Disregard the error. You may also manually model the device to confirm that no further errors are reported.
- 2.0.0
- Initial Release