Set up a modern multiple-page app by running one command. inspired by create-react-app.
Fes(front end scaffold), pronunciation: /fes/. It is build with webpack4 and koa2, which is fast、lightweight、powerful and easy to use.
fes Associates JS and DATA with the filename of the HTML. Where JS and DATA are optional. SCSS is introduced through JS and then optimized using mini-css-extract-plugin
. In addition, fes also provides build
, start
, preview
, tmpl
script commands.
npm install create-fes -g
If you don't install globally or locally, just do use npx
npx create-fes <project-name>
- Default
create-fes example
-B, --no-babel
indicates not to enable babel.
create-fes example -B
// or
create-fes example --no-babel
-t, --typescript
indicates to enable typescript.
create-fes example -t
// or
create-fes example --typescript
-n, --npm
indicates to direct use npm install modules.
create-fes example -n
// or
create-fes example --npm
--scripts-version <alternative-package>
indicates to use a non-standard version of fes-scripts.
create-fes example --scripts-version 1.0.x
-h, --help
indicates to get help info.
create-fes example -h
// or
create-fes example --help
Creating fes-app process with create-fes
command, which offers to choice templates function:
What template do you need?
other custom template(<path-to-template>)
Choosing other custom template(<path-to-template>)
option, and then:
Please input a valid path of template?
$ /path/to/your/template #absolute path
├── .babelrc ---> babel config
├── .browserslistrc ---> browserslist config. postcss、babel compiling source code with browserslist. More info:
├── tsconfig.js ---> typeScript config
├── package.json
├── app.config.js ---> app config
├── build ---> build dir
├── config ---> config dir
├── public ---> public assets
└── src ---> source code dir
If it is disable to meet your project demands that app.config.js
is applied, you can overwrite webpack config through
├── api ---> mock api by mockjs
├── assets ---> assets dir
├── javascripts ---> js source code dir(webpack entry generated on the dir)
├── mock ---> template variables. supporting filename extensions to `js` and `json`, and multi-file pattern(index.1.json, index.2.json.....). `common` is public template data among them.
├── styles ---> sass source code dir
└── views ---> twig source code dir
- isHot: Indicates whether the hmr is enabled. Default value is
(only dev mode). - proxy: Proxy config. detailed configuration reference...
- babelLoader:babel-loader config. Default value is
. detailed configuration reference... - spritesConfig: postcss sprites config. Default value is
. detailed configuration reference... - urlLoader: url-loader config. detailed configuration reference...
- sw: service worker config. Default value is
. detailed configuration reference... - tsChecker: fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin config, default value is
. detailed configuration reference... - extraDependencies: Add other files as dependencies to watch for dev. glob pattern is available(the path is relative to
). glob info - tmplLoader: template language loader setting, twig-loader by default.
tmplLoader: { test: /\.pug$/, loader: 'pug-loader', options: {}, }
- styleLoader: css pre-processor loader setting, sass-loader by default. If not use any pre-processor, just set
styleLoader: false
.styleLoader: { test: /\.less$/, loader: 'less-loader', options: {}, }
- htmlLoaderOptions: the options of
. - alias: webpack
config. - provide: webpack provide plugin config. detailed configuration reference...
- mockConfig:mock config
mockConfig: { // the access path as the key '/index': { // the api serving mock data to render api: '', // format mock data format: data => data.args, }, '/fes/info': { api: '', format: data => data.args, }, }
- cssModules: css modules config. default value is
. detailed configuration reference...。It is recommended to turn off if not needed. This will make webpack compile faster. - routerConfig: router config. It is able to customize route map.
'/your/path': 'index.html' // default: /index: 'index.html'
- dev: development mode.
- port: server port. Default value is
. - autoOpen: Indicates whether the browser is opened automatically. default value is
. Support boolean, String type. The/index
is turned on by default if exist, or one of the pages. If it is a string (such as: '/home'), it will be the open path. if the path does not exist, it will fall back to boolean. - qrcode: Indicates whether the qrcode is generated automatically. default value is
. - sourceMap: Indicates whether sourceMap is enabled. default value is
. - devtool: devtool config. Default value is
. detailed configuration reference... - focus: Indicates that only the specified route template file is compiled to improve the compilation speed. Support for String or Array types. default value is
- port: server port. Default value is
- build: production mode.
- foolMode: fool mode. If enable, splitChunks disable. default value is
. - debug: debug mode. default value is
. - publicPath: public path. default value is '/'.
- outputPath: output path config. the config can be
type.- isHash: Indicates whether to enable hash in filename. Default value is
. - css: css output path.
- others: assets apart from css、img、js files output path.
- img: img output path.
- js: js output path.
{ path: 'static/css/', filename: '[name].[chunkhash:8].js', chunck: '[name].[chunkhash:8].chunk.js', }
- isHash: Indicates whether to enable hash in filename. Default value is
- report: Indicates whether a report is generated automatically. default value is
. Support Boolean and Object type. iftrue
, generating an analysis report on the default configuration. ifobject
, generating an analysis report on the config object.config object - isTmpl: Indicates whether backend template is generated automatically. default value is
. - sourceMap: Indicates whether sourceMap is enabled. default value is
. - devtool: devtool config. Default value is
. detailed configuration reference... - htmlMinify: Indicates whether html minification is enabled. default value is
. detailed configuration reference... - optimizeCssAssetsPlugin: Indicates that css minification config object. detailed configuration reference...
- splitChunks:splitChunks config。detailed configuration reference...
- foolMode: fool mode. If enable, splitChunks disable. default value is
- tmpl: backend template preview mode. note:the mode only works on
isTmpl: true
- port: server port. default value is
. - autoOpen: Indicates whether the browser is opened automatically. default value is
. - qrcode: Indicates whether the qrcode is generated automatically. default value is
- port: server port. default value is
- preview: preview mode.
- port: server port. default value is
. - autoOpen: Indicates whether the browser is opened automatically. default value is
. - qrcode: Indicates whether the qrcode is generated automatically. default value is
- port: server port. default value is
- dev
npm start
- build
npm run build
- preview
npm run preview
- template preview
npm run tmpl
Background There is a problem when multiplexing templates at the front and back ends (I don't know if you have this feeling): When splicing templates, the variable data needs to be given by the backend as a document. However, this not only has the problem of information synchronization, but also the front and back ends are not very convenient to develop. The front end needs to mock the template data, sometimes it is difficult to simulate the online data environment; when the backend updates the data structure, it may not be synchronized to the front end in time.
Solution This requires the backend to do some extra work on the template rendering data. An additional interface that contains the data for the render template is required for the front end (only in the development environment, it needs to be closed when going online). There is no development cost. Simply define a specific prefix for the interface and then intercept the output data before the template rendering logic. This not only maintains data consistency, but is also easy to maintain.
mockConfig: { // the access path as the key '/index': { // the api serving mock data to render api: '', // format mock data format: data => data.args, }, '/fes/info': { api: '', format: data => data.args, }, }
And then type
command to get the corresponding mock data in dev mode.$ mock Mock Data: { "common": "commons", "name": "fes-index-page", "data": { "name": "fes" } }
The following all commands are available:
- mock: viewing mock data to render templates.
- view: outputting access info including access address and qrcode.
- clear: clear console.
Note: The global
mode is enabled by default. To use it, you need to declare local
- scss
/* scss filename:_cssm.scss */
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 30%;
background-color: rgba(54, 54, 54, 0.486);
box-shadow: 1px 1px 0.2rem rgba(2, 2, 2, 0.568);
font-size: 1rem;
color: rgb(133, 233, 150);
background-color: rgb(19, 19, 19);
color: #fff;
- html
<div class="cssm"></div>
- JS
import cssm from '../styles/modules/_cssm.scss';
const getCssmHtml = cssmObj => (`
<div class="${cssmObj.cnt}">
<h3 class="${}">css-module</h3>
<p class="${cssmObj.des}">介绍fes中css-modules的使用</p>
const cssmContainer = document.querySelector('.cssm');
cssmContainer.innerHTML = getCssmHtml(cssm);
Note: The reference to the image must be relative to the entry page. The absolute path way is recommended.
html: absolute path
<!-- alias: @:/Users/singsong/github/fes/src -->
<img src="@/assets/puppy.jpg" alt="">
<div style="background-image: url('${require(`@/assets/puppy.jpg`)}')">
html: relative path is relative to the entry html file
<img src="../assets/puppy.jpg" alt="">
<!-- require -->
<div style="background-image: url('${require(`../assets/puppy.jpg`)}')">
scss:relative path is relative to the entry css file
.icons {
background-image: url(../assets/husky.jpg);
position: relative;
padding: 10px 40px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #cbce08;
.ant {
float: left;
background: url(../assets/sprite/ant1.png) no-repeat 0 0;
height: 64px;
width: 64px;
&:hover {
background-image: url(../assets/sprite/ant2.png);
transform: scale(1.2);
scss:absolute path
// alias: @:/Users/singsong/github/fes/src
.icons {
background-image: url(~@/assets/husky.jpg);
position: relative;
padding: 10px 40px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #cbce08;
.ant {
float: left;
background: url(~@/assets/sprite/ant1.png) no-repeat 0 0;
height: 64px;
width: 64px;
&:hover {
background-image: url(~@/assets/sprite/ant2.png);
transform: scale(1.2);