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83 lines (61 loc) · 4.08 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (61 loc) · 4.08 KB

How to Contribute

Contributing License Agreement

By contributing to this repo, you agree to become a Codalab framework contributor.

Python coding style

All Python code in our project should follow Google Python Style Guide (which is very similar to common PEP 8 Python style guide).

Use pylint to check your Python changes. To install pylint and retrieve TensorFlow's custom style definition:

pip install pylint
wget -O /tmp/pylintrc

To check a file with pylint:

pylint --rcfile=/tmp/pylintrc

Use Issues to keep track of bugs

Whenever you notice a bug or an issue, you should create an issue in the Issues page of this project. DO NOT SEND EMAILS ON ANY ISSUES!

When creating a new issue, copy this form and fill out:

**System information**

- OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): Linux Debian 9
- Did you use the Docker image `evariste/autodl`?: Yes
- Python version: 2.7.13
- CUDA/cuDNN version (optional): 9.0 / 7.0.3
- GPU model and memory (optional): GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, 10405 MB

**Describe the current behavior**
(Write description here. Can include for example a part of the copy of the error message and/or the script + the line number  that produces the error)

**Describe the expected behavior**
(Write description here.)

**Command line to reproduce the issue**

**Additional info**

For more information on creating issues on GitHub, please read official guide: Creating an issue.

How to contribute your code using pull request

For this project, we follow the fork and pull model of collaborative development. This means that collaborators have to suggest code changes by making pull requests from their own fork. These changes can then be pulled into the source repository by the project maintainer.

For collaborators, the steps to follow are:

  1. Create a fork, i.e. a copy of the source repository under your own GitHub account. To do this, go to the project main page, sign in and click on the Fork button on right top of the page;
  2. Clone your Fork. The standard clone command creates a local git repository from your remote fork on GitHub.
    git clone
    WARNING: Remember to change USERNAME to your own username.
  3. Modify the Code. In your local clone, modify the code and commit them to your local clone using the git commit command.
  4. Push your Changes. In your workspace, use the git push command to upload your changes to your remote fork on GitHub.
  5. Create a Pull Request. On the GitHub page of your remote fork, click the “Pull request” button. Wait for the owner to merge or comment your changes and be proud when it is merged :). If the owner suggests some changes before merging, you can simply push these changes into your fork by repeating steps #3 and #4 and the pull request is updated automatically.


  1. For changes of Jupyter notebooks, please do test by Cell -> Run All then save the notebook after doing Kernel -> Restart & Clear Output. This is to avoid the useless cell numbering, metadata and images changes.
  2. To update your repo and synchronize it with the original repo (zhengying-liu/autodl):
    git pull upstream master

Further reading