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Deploy TiDB on GCP GKE
Learn how to deploy a TiDB cluster on GCP GKE.

Deploy TiDB on GCP GKE

This document describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster on GCP GKE with your laptop (Linux or macOS) for development or testing.


The GKE support for multiple disks per node has known issues that make it not ready for production usage. We are working to get GKE to resolve this issue.


First of all, make sure the following items are installed on your machine:


To guarantee a smooth deployment, you need to do some configuration. Before configuring Google Cloud SDK, API, and Terraform, download the following resource:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

git clone --depth=1 && \
cd tidb-operator/deploy/gcp

Configure Cloud SDK

After installing Google Cloud SDK, run gcloud init to perform initial setup tasks.

Configure APIs

If the GCP project that you use is a new one, make sure the following APIs are enabled:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

gcloud services enable \ \

Configure Terraform

To execute the Terraform script, you need to configure the following three variables. You can configure them as prompted by Terraform, or define them in a .tfvars file.

  • GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH: Path to a valid GCP credentials file.

    • It is recommended for you to create a separate service account to be used by Terraform. See Creating and managing service accounts for more information. ./ will create such a service account with minimal permissions.
    • See Creating and managing service account keys for information on creating service account keys. The steps in the script below detail how to do this using a script provided in the deploy/gcp directory, alternatively if creating the service account and key yourself, choose JSON key type during creation. The downloaded JSON file that contains the private key is the credentials file you need.
  • GCP_REGION: The Region in which to create the resources, for example: us-west1.

  • GCP_PROJECT: The GCP project in which everything will be created.

To configure Terraform with the three variables above, perform the following steps:

  1. Replace the GCP_REGION with your GCP Region.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    echo GCP_REGION=\"us-west1\" >> terraform.tfvars
  2. Replace the GCP_PROJECT with your GCP project name. Make sure you are connected to the correct project.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    echo "GCP_PROJECT=\"$(gcloud config get-value project)\"" >> terraform.tfvars
  3. Initialize Terraform.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    terraform init
  4. Create a service account for Terraform with restricted permissions and set the credentials path.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}


Terraform automatically loads and populates variables from the files matching terraform.tfvars or *.auto.tfvars. For more information, see the Terraform documentation. The steps above will populate terraform.tfvars with GCP_REGION and GCP_PROJECT, and with GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH.

Deploy a TiDB cluster

This section describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster.

  1. Decide on instance types.

    • If you just want to get a feel for a TiDB deployment and lower your cost, use the small settings:

      {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

      cat small.tfvars >> terraform.tfvars
    • If you want to benchmark a production deployment, use the production settings:

      {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

      cat prod.tfvars >> terraform.tfvars

      The prod.tfvars setup creates a new VPC, two subnetworks, and an f1-micro instance as a bastion machine. This setup is created with the following instance types as worker nodes:

      • 3 n1-standard-4 instances for PD
      • 3 n1-highmem-8 instances for TiKV
      • 3 n1-standard-16 instances for TiDB
      • 3 n1-standard-2 instances for monitor

      The production setup, as listed above, requires at least 91 CPUs which exceed the default CPU quota of a GCP project. To increase your project's quota, follow these instructions. You need more CPUs if you need to scale out.


    • Check the tidb_operator_version in the file for the default TiDB Operator version of the current scripts. If the default version is not your desired one, configure tidb_operator_version in terraform.tfvars.
    • The Regional cluster is created by default. In this scenario, the specified number of nodes are created in each one of the three Availability Zones (AZ). For example, if you configure pd_count = 1, three nodes are actually created for PD. You can specify the Availability Zones by configuring node_locations, or create the Zonal cluster by configuring location. See the example in examples/ for details.
    • The number of worker nodes to create depends on the number of Availability Zones in the specified Region. Most Regions have three zones, but us-central1 has four zones. See Regions and Zones for more information. See the Customize section to learn how to customize node pools in a regional cluster.
  2. Execute the script to deploy the TiDB cluster.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    terraform apply


    If you have not set the three variables above ahead of time, you might be prompted to set them when you run terraform apply. See Configure Terraform for details.

    It might take 10 minutes or more to finish the process. A successful deployment gives the output like:

    Apply complete! Resources: 23 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    how_to_ssh_to_bastion = gcloud compute ssh tidb-cluster-bastion --zone us-west1-b
    kubeconfig_file = ./credentials/kubeconfig_tidb-cluster

Deploy the TiDB cluster and the monitor

  1. Prepare the TidbCluster and TidbMonitor CR files:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    cp manifests/{db,db-monitor}.yaml.example .

    Replace all CLUSTER_NAME in the db.yaml and db-monitor.yaml files with default_tidb_cluster_name (tidb-cluster by default) configured in the deployment using GKE.

    sed 's/CLUSTER_NAME/${cluster_name}/g' db.yaml.example > db.yaml
    sed 's/CLUSTER_NAME/${cluster_name}/g' db-monitor.yaml.example > db-monitor.yaml

    To complete the CR file configuration, refer to TiDB Operator API documentation and Configure Cluster using TidbCluster.


    • Make sure the number of PD nodes, TiKV nodes, or TiDB nodes is the same as the value of the replicas field in db.yaml. Note that in the Regional cluster, the number of nodes to actually create is pd_count * 3, tikv_count * 3, or tidb_count * 3.
    • Make sure spec.initializer.version in db-monitor.yaml is the same as spec.version in db.yaml. Otherwise, the monitor might not display correctly.
  2. Create Namespace:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_name} create namespace ${namespace}


    You can give the namespace a name that is easy to memorize, such as the same name as default_tidb_cluster_name.

  3. Deploy the TiDB cluster:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_name} create -f db.yaml -n ${namespace}
    kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_name} create -f db-monitor.yaml -n ${namespace}

Access the TiDB database

After terraform apply is successful executed, perform the following steps to access the TiDB cluster. Replace the ${} section with the output of running terraform apply above.

  1. Get the IP address of the TiDB Internal LoadBalancer:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_name} get svc ${cluster_name}-tidb -n ${namespace}

    EXTERNAL-IP is the IP address of the Internal LoadBalancer.

  2. Connect to the bastion machine by using ssh.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    gcloud compute ssh ${gke_cluster_name}-bastion --zone ${zone}
  3. Access the TiDB cluster via a MySQL client.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    mysql -h ${tidb_ilb_ip} -P 4000 -u root


    You need to install the MySQL client before you connect to TiDB via MySQL. If you use CentOS, install the client by executing sudo yum install -y mysql. `${tidb_ilb_ip} is the IP address of the Internal LoadBalancer acquired in step 1.

Interact with the GKE cluster

You can interact with the GKE cluster by using kubectl and helm with the credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_cluster_name} kubeconfig file in the following two ways.


The default gke_cluster_name is tidb-cluster, which can be modified by changing gke_name in the file.

  • Specify the --kubeconfig option:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_cluster_name} get po -n ${tidb_cluster_name}


    The --kubeconfig option used by the following command requires Helm 2.10.0 or later versions.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    helm --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_cluster_name} ls
  • Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_cluster_name}

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    kubectl get po -n ${tidb_cluster_name}

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    helm ls

Manage multiple TiDB clusters

An instance of a tidb-cluster module corresponds to a TiDB cluster in the GKE cluster. To add a new TiDB cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the file and add a tidb-cluster module.

    For example:

    {{< copyable "" >}}

    module "example-tidb-cluster" {
      providers = {
          helm = "helm.gke"
      source                     = "../modules/gcp/tidb-cluster"
      cluster_id                 = module.tidb-operator.cluster_id
      tidb_operator_id           = module.tidb-operator.tidb_operator_id
      gcp_project                = var.GCP_PROJECT
      gke_cluster_location       = local.location
      gke_cluster_name           = ${gke_cluster_name}
      cluster_name               = "example-tidb-cluster"
      cluster_version            = "v3.0.1"
      kubeconfig_path            = local.kubeconfig
      tidb_cluster_chart_version = "v1.0.0"
      pd_instance_type           = "n1-standard-1"
      tikv_instance_type         = "n1-standard-4"
      tidb_instance_type         = "n1-standard-2"
      monitor_instance_type      = "n1-standard-1"
      pd_node_count              = 1
      tikv_node_count            = 2
      tidb_node_count            = 1
      monitor_node_count         = 1


    • cluster_name must be unique for each cluster.
    • The total number of nodes actually to create for each component = the number of nodes in the configuration file * the number of Availability Zones in the Region. The number of Regional clusters is 3 by default.
  2. After you finish modification, execute terraform init and terraform apply to create the cluster.

Scale the TiDB cluster

To scale the TiDB cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Increase the value of the pd_count, tikv_count, or tidb_count variable in the .tfvars file.
  2. Run terraform apply.


Currently, scaling in is not supported because it cannot be determined which node will be removed. Scaling in by modifying tikv_count can lead to data loss.

Scaling out needs a few minutes to complete, you can watch the scaling-out process by running the following command:

kubectl --kubeconfig credentials/kubeconfig_${gke_cluster_name} get po -n ${tidb_cluster_name} --watch

For example, to scale out the cluster, you can modify the number of TiDB instances (tidb_count) from 1 to 2:

tidb_count = 2


Incrementing the node count creates a node per GCP Availability Zone.


While you can change the default values in the file, such as the cluster name or image version, it is recommended that you specify values in terraform.tfvars or another file of your choice.

Customize GCP resources

In GCP, you can attach a local SSD to any instance type that is n1-standard-1 or greater, which provides good customizability.

Customize TiDB parameters

The Terraform scripts provide proper default settings for the TiDB cluster in GKE. You can also specify override_values or override_values_file variables in the file for each TiDB cluster. If both variables are configured, then override_values is enabled and overrides the default settings. For example:

{{< copyable "" >}}

override_values = <<EOF
  image: pingcap/tidb-operator:v1.0.1
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      cpu: 250m
      memory: 150Mi
      cpu: 30m
      memory: 30Mi

{{< copyable "" >}}

override_values_file = "./test-cluster.yaml"

By default, the cluster uses values/default.yaml in the deploy/modules/gcp/tidb-cluster module as the overriding values file.

In GKE, some configuration items are not customizable in values.yaml, such as the cluster version, the number of replicas, NodeSelector, and Tolerations. NodeSelector and Tolerations are controlled by Terraform to ensure consistency between the infrastructure and TiDB clusters.

To customize the cluster version and the number of replicas, directly modify arguments of the tidb-cluster module in the file.


It is not recommended to include the following configurations (default configurations of the tidb-cluster module) in the customized values.yaml.

  storageClassName: pd-ssd
  stroageClassName: local-storage
    type: LoadBalancer
    annotations: "Internal"
  separateSlowLog: true
  storageClassName: pd-ssd
  persistent: true
      type: LoadBalancer

Customize TiDB Operator

You can customize TiDB Operator by specifying overriding values through the operator_helm_values variable or specifying an overriding values file through the operator_helm_values_file variable. If both variables are configured, then operator_helm_values will be enabled and its value will be passed into the tidb-cluster module.

{{< copyable "" >}}

operator_helm_values = <<EOF
      cpu: 250m
      memory: 150Mi
      cpu: 30m
      memory: 30Mi

{{< copyable "" >}}

operator_helm_values_file = "./test-operator.yaml"

Customize logging

GKE uses Fluentd as its default log collector, which then forwards logs to Stackdriver. The Fluentd process can be quite resource hungry and consume a non-trivial share of CPU and RAM. Fluent Bit is a more performant and less resource intensive alternative. It is recommended to use Fluent Bit over Fluentd for a production set up. See this repository for an example of how to set up Fluent Bit on a GKE cluster.

Customize node pools

The cluster is created as a regional, as opposed to a zonal cluster. This means that GKE replicates node pools to each Availability Zone. This is desired to maintain high availability, however, for the monitoring services, like Grafana, this is potentially unnecessary. It is possible to manually remove nodes if desired via gcloud.


GKE node pools are managed instance groups, so a node deleted by gcloud compute instances delete will be automatically recreated and added back to the cluster.

Suppose that you need to delete a node from the monitor pool. You can perform the following steps:

  1. Get the managed instance group and the Available Zone.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed list | grep monitor

    The output is something like this:

    gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18-grp  us-west1-b  zone   gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18  0     0            gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18  no
    gke-tidb-monitor-pool-7e31100f-grp  us-west1-c  zone   gke-tidb-monitor-pool-7e31100f  1     1            gke-tidb-monitor-pool-7e31100f  no
    gke-tidb-monitor-pool-78a961e5-grp  us-west1-a  zone   gke-tidb-monitor-pool-78a961e5  1     1            gke-tidb-monitor-pool-78a961e5  no

    The first column is the name of the managed instance group, and the second column is the Available Zone where it is created.

  2. Get the name of the instance in that instance group.

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances ${instance_group} --zone ${zone}

    For example:

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18-grp --zone us-west1-b

    The output is something like this:

    NAME                                       ZONE        STATUS   ACTION  INSTANCE_TEMPLATE                     VERSION_NAME  LAST_ERROR
    gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18-c7vd  us-west1-b  RUNNING  NONE    gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18
  3. Delete the instance by specifying the name of the managed instance group and the name of the instance.

    For example,

    {{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete-instances gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18-grp --instances=gke-tidb-monitor-pool-08578e18-c7vd --zone us-west1-b

Destroy a TiDB cluster

When you are done, the infrastructure can be torn down by running the following command:

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

terraform destroy


When terraform destroy is running, an error with the following message might occur: Error reading Container Cluster "tidb": Cluster "tidb" has status "RECONCILING" with message"". This happens when GCP is upgrading the Kubernetes master node, which it does automatically at times. While this is happening, it is not possible to delete the cluster. When it is done, run terraform destroy again.

Delete disks after use

If you no longer need the data and would like to delete the disks in use, you can choose one of the following two ways:

  • Manual deletion: do this either in Google Cloud Console or using the gcloud command-line tool.

  • Setting the Kubernetes persistent volume reclaiming policy to Delete prior to executing terraform destroy: Do this by running the following kubectl command before terraform destroy.

    kubectl --kubeconfig /path/to/kubeconfig/file get pvc -n namespace-of-tidb-cluster -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.volumeName}'|fmt -1 | xargs -I {} kubectl --kubeconfig /path/to/kubeconfig/file patch pv {} -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}'

    This command gets the persistent volume claims (PVCs) in the TiDB cluster namespace and sets the reclaiming policy of the persistent volumes to Delete. When the PVCs are deleted during terraform destroy execution, the disks are deleted as well.

    The following script simplifies the above process in the deploy/gcp directory comparing to the root directory of the repository.

    ./ /path/to/kubeconfig/file tidb-cluster-namespace

Manage multiple Kubernetes clusters

This section describes the best practices for managing multiple Kubernetes clusters, each with one or more TiDB clusters installed.

The Terraform module in TiDB typically combines the following sub-modules:

  • tidb-operator: provisions the Kubernetes Control Plane and TiDB Operator for TiDB clusters
  • tidb-cluster: creates the resource pool in the target Kubernetes cluster
  • A vpc module, a bastion module, and a project-credentials module: dedicated to TiDB clusters on GKE

The best practices for managing multiple Kubernetes clusters are as follows:

  • Creating a new directory for each of your Kubernetes clusters.
  • Combining the above modules according to your needs via Terraform scripts.

If you use the best practices, the Terraform states among clusters do not interfere with each other, and it is convenient to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters. Here's an example (assume you are in the project root directory):

{{< copyable "shell-regular" >}}

mkdir -p deploy/gcp-staging &&
vim deploy/gccp-staging/

The content of deploy/gcp-staging/ could be:

provider "google" {
  credentials = file(var.GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH)
  region      = var.GCP_REGION
  project     = var.GCP_PROJECT

// required for taints on node pools
provider "google-beta" {
  credentials = file(var.GCP_CREDENTIALS_PATH)
  region      = var.GCP_REGION
  project     = var.GCP_PROJECT

locals {
  gke_name        = "another-gke-name"
  credential_path = "${path.cwd}/credentials"
  kubeconfig      = "${local.credential_path}/kubeconfig_${var.gke_name}"

module "project-credentials" {
  source = "../modules/gcp/project-credentials"

  path = local.credential_path

module "vpc" {
  source              = "../modules/gcp/vpc"
  create_vpc          = true
  gcp_project         = var.GCP_PROJECT
  gcp_region          = var.GCP_REGION
  vpc_name            = "${locals.gke_name}-vpc-network"
  private_subnet_name = "${locals.gke_name}-private-subnet"
  public_subnet_name  = "${locals.gke_name}-public-subnet"

module "tidb-operator" {
  source                = "../modules/gcp/tidb-operator"
  gke_name              = locals.gke_name
  vpc_name              = module.vpc.vpc_name
  subnetwork_name       = module.vpc.private_subnetwork_name
  gcp_project           = var.GCP_PROJECT
  gcp_region            = var.GCP_REGION
  kubeconfig_path       = local.kubeconfig
  tidb_operator_version = "v1.0.0"

module "bastion" {
  source             = "../modules/gcp/bastion"
  vpc_name           = module.vpc.vpc_name
  public_subnet_name = module.vpc.public_subnetwork_name
  gcp_project        = var.GCP_PROJECT
  bastion_name       = "${locals.gke_name}-tidb-bastion"

# HACK: enforces Helm to depend on the GKE cluster
data "local_file" "kubeconfig" {
  depends_on = [module.tidb-operator.cluster_id]
  filename   = module.tidb-operator.kubeconfig_path
resource "local_file" "kubeconfig" {
  depends_on = [module.tidb-operator.cluster_id]
  content    = data.local_file.kubeconfig.content
  filename   = module.tidb-operator.kubeconfig_path

provider "helm" {
  alias          = "gke"
  insecure       = true
  install_tiller = false
  kubernetes {
    config_path = local_file.kubeconfig.filename
module "tidb-cluster-a" {
  providers = {
    helm = "helm.gke"
  source                     = "../modules/gcp/tidb-cluster"
  gcp_project                = var.GCP_PROJECT
  gke_cluster_location       = var.GCP_REGION
  gke_cluster_name           = locals.gke_name
  cluster_name               = "tidb-cluster-a"
  cluster_version            = "v3.0.1"
  kubeconfig_path            = module.tidb-operator.kubeconfig_path
  tidb_cluster_chart_version = "v1.0.0"
  pd_instance_type           = "n1-standard-1"
  tikv_instance_type         = "n1-standard-4"
  tidb_instance_type         = "n1-standard-2"
  monitor_instance_type      = "n1-standard-1"

module "tidb-cluster-b" {
  providers = {
    helm = "helm.gke"
  source                     = "../modules/gcp/tidb-cluster"
  gcp_project                = var.GCP_PROJECT
  gke_cluster_location       = var.GCP_REGION
  gke_cluster_name           = locals.gke_name
  cluster_name               = "tidb-cluster-b"
  cluster_version            = "v3.0.1"
  kubeconfig_path            = module.tidb-operator.kubeconfig_path
  tidb_cluster_chart_version = "v1.0.0"
  pd_instance_type           = "n1-standard-1"
  tikv_instance_type         = "n1-standard-4"
  tidb_instance_type         = "n1-standard-2"
  monitor_instance_type      = "n1-standard-1"

output "how_to_ssh_to_bastion" {
  value= module.bastion.how_to_ssh_to_bastion

As shown in the code above, you can omit several parameters in each of the module calls because there are reasonable defaults, and it is easy to customize the configuration. For example, just delete the bastion module call if you do not need it.

To customize a field, use one of the following two methods:

  • Modify the parameter configuration of module in the *.tf file directly.
  • Refer to the file of each module for all the modifiable parameters and set custom values in terraform.tfvars.


  • When creating a new directory, pay attention to its relative path to Terraform modules, which affects the source parameter during module calls.
  • If you want to use these modules outside the tidb-operator project, make sure you copy the whole modules directory and keep the relative path of each module inside the directory unchanged.
  • Due to limitation hashicorp/terraform#2430 of Terraform, the # HACK: enforces Helm to depend on the GKE cluster section is added in the above example to deal with the Helm provider. If you write your own tf file, you need to include this section.

If you are unwilling to write Terraform code, you can also copy the deploy/gcp directory to create new Kubernetes clusters. But note that do not copy a directory that you have already run terraform apply against. In this case, it is recommended that you re-clone the tidb-operator repository before copying the directory.