This is a list that collects problems and motivations related to crypto wallets in general. This is not focusing on a specific implementation.
While we already have a working wallet it is important to get back to the basics and re-evaluate: What are the problems we want to solve in real life with a crypto wallet?
So now please sit down and write 5 short sentences that start with, "My problem is, ..."
Regarding crypto...
What is your biggest problem?
What is your top three most annoying problems?
What is your pain-point?
What do you spend the most time on?
What do you spend the most money on?
What is the most important thing for you?
- How and where can I buy bitcoin?
- Which software should I use?
- Where can I get some help if I have problems?
- I had to study Bitcoin before using it, learning curve.
- I don't know how to send/receive.
- Who can send me bitcoin?
- I cannot use the software, I don't know what to do there.
- I don't understand specific terminology.
- I don't speak English.
- How much fiat do I have currently in my wallet?
- I am not sure that I am properly doing things. Is my workflow good or not?
- I don't know the exact fees.
- Badly designed wallets. They are ugly.
- Confirmation time and fees how is it related.
- The UI of the wallets are not good.
- Different units used that are unknown sats, bitcoin.
- Unknown and not standardized terms used in different software.
- I have to send my address every time I receive, complicated.
- I want to have only one wallet with one backup, but somehow different profiles to separate businesses.
- I want to have only one wallet even among devices (mobile phone and desktop).
- How can I segregate my transaction history?
- What are the statistics on my receiving and spending habits?
- I am not able to personalize the feature in my wallet.
- I cannot use the same wallet software on every platform (desktop and mobile).
- Interoperability between different wallets, bisq?
- How and where can I buy bitcoin?
- Where can I get some help if I have problems?
- Who is storing my money?
- I don't know who to trust?
- Which software should I use?
- Why bitcoin?
- How is it different from the traditional banking system?
- What happens if I lose my device or it gets stolen?
- I didn't know everyone can see my transactions. I thought bitcoin is anonymous.
- I don't know what kind of private information am I sharing with who, when I am using a wallet. (comparison table)
- I didn't know that I have coins.
- Confirmation time and fees how is it related.
- Different units used that are unknown sats, bitcoin.
- How can I segregate my transaction history?
- I had to study Bitcoin before using it, learning curve.
- I am not sure that I am properly doing things. Is my workflow good or not?
- What happens if I lose my device or it gets stolen?
- I don't know if my wallet is safe if somebody gets my laptop.
- I am not sure that I have written down correctly my mnemonics and stored it safely.
- I am not sure that I have backed up my wallet properly.
- I have to verify a lot of characters when I copy/paste bitcoin addresses, which is scary.
- Should I buy bitcoin or altcoins?
- I have to test the wallet in life with real money. What if I do something wrong and lose that money?
- I want to invest in bitcoin.
- I want to store my money.
- I want my financial privacy back.
- I don't trust anyone, I want to store and control my own money.