To create a new lidar configuration and initialize it with one of the samples use
with option create
To check out the osc sample, type:
cd lidar/lidarconfig
./ create samples/osc
Change to the newly created configuration directory:
cd ../lidarconfig-osc
./ +v
Open http://localhost:8000 in your web browser:
Click Start Server.
Click Tab UI to change to the lidarTool Web UI.
Each sample has a file Read file content for more information.
To check out the osc sample and assign it a different name, type:
./ create myosc init samples/osc
Change to the newly created configuration directory:
cd ../lidarconfig-myosc
observer.txt contains the observer definitions. Change according to your needs.
Create a file LidarSensors.txt if you want to use specific devices. If you have a LD09 connected to serial port 0 and a RPLidar A1M8 connected to serial port 1, the content should be:
ld09:0 a1m8:1