You can from here(ranger github) know more.
This is my ranger configuration with some special setting. If you want, you can use it.
Show hidden file by default. Show line number by default.
Many operations are the same as vim
← | ↓ | ↑ | → |
h |
j |
k |
l |
shortcut | action |
J |
move cursor down 5 line |
K |
move cursor up 5 line |
alt +j |
scroll preview down 1 line |
alt +k |
scroll preview up 1 line |
[ |
parent up 1 line |
] |
parent down 1 line |
H |
prevous history |
L |
next history |
shortcut | action |
e |
edit |
q /Q |
quit / quit all |
r |
rename |
cw |
batch rename |
tf |
touch file |
td |
make a directory |
f |
ftsea (real-time search under the current path ) |
F |
start fzf select |
C |
compressed files (.rar .tar.gz .zip .7z ) |
X |
unzip files |
S |
reach the current path |
zh |
show hidden files toggle |
shortcut | action |
: or ; |
console |
V |
sudo nvim |
R |
reload cwd |
o |
sort file |
z |
settings |
g |
jump |
shortcut | action |
ctrl +n |
new tab |
ctrl +w |
close tab |
tab |
next tab |
shift +tab |
previous tab |
<alt> +1~9 |
select tab 1~9 |
shortcut | action |
' +<any> |
enter bookmark <any> |
m +<any> |
set bookmark <any> |
um +<any> |
unset bookmark <any> |
T |
tag toogel |
uT |
tag remove |
<space> |
mark one file toggel |
v |
mark all file toogel |
This plugin introduces a new linemode that prefixes file names with a file icon, here is its address.
This plugin uses glyphs from a patched NERDfont,
sudo pacman -S nerd-fonts-complete
sudo pacman -S adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
Best optio if on macOS and want to use Homebrew.
All fonts are available via Homebrew Cask Fonts on macOS (OS X)
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-fontn
If the NerdFont installed and the icons will not properly appear in Ranger.
So may you need to select the font in you terminal.
- If you want to preview pictures, remember to install
. - If you want to preview PDF, remember to install
. - If you want to preview vedio, remember to install
. It's used to generate a thumbnail of a vedio. - If you want to compressed file, you should install
Since 1.6.0, ranger can preview images in full color. This works by calling a program named w3mimgdisplay
that's included in the w3m web browser, which draws images directly into the terminal.
If you system is MacOS, when you install the w3m
the imgdisplay default is disable. I don't find some good way to solve this.
But if you use iTerm2, a Mac OS X terminal replacement, you can enable a method that takes advantage of the built-in drawing functionality so you won't need w3m.
- install w3m wth the image drawing feature. On Arch Linux, the package is called "w3m", on Debian and Fedora it's "w3m-img".
- terminal call
w3m -version
, you should seeimage
in the tips. - Add the line
set preview_images true
to your~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
. - Add the line
set preview_images_method w3m
to your~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
. - Restart ranger and navigate to an image file.
NOTE: You need at least iTerm2 version 2.9 for the image preview feature to work.
- Add the line
set preview_images true
to your~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
. - Add the line
set preview_images_method iterm2
to your~/.config/ranger/rc.conf
. - Restart ranger and navigate to an image file.