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ztmr edited this page Dec 30, 2012 · 2 revisions


  • Prerequisities
  • EGTM installation
  • Getting started


  • Linux or anothe OS supported by the Erlang/OTP and FIS GT.M
  • installed Erlang/OTP
  • installed GT.M, according to GT.M Tutorial

EGTM installation

/tmp$ git clone
Cloning into 'egtm'...
remote: Counting objects: 152, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (80/80), done.
remote: Total 152 (delta 74), reused 137 (delta 59)
Receiving objects: 100% (152/152), 167.68 KiB | 235 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (74/74), done.
/tmp$ cd egtm
/tmp/egtm$ ./rebar get-deps
==> egtm (get-deps)
Pulling lager from {git,"","master"}
Cloning into 'lager'...
Pulling deepprops from {git,"",
Cloning into 'deepprops'...
Pulling folsom from {git,"","master"}
Cloning into 'folsom'...
Pulling ecache from {git,"","master"}
Cloning into 'ecache'...
==> lager (get-deps)
==> deepprops (get-deps)
==> folsom (get-deps)
Pulling bear from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.1.2"}}
Cloning into 'bear'...
Pulling meck from {git,"git://","master"}
Cloning into 'meck'...
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.
==> bear (get-deps)
==> meck (get-deps)
==> ecache (get-deps)
/tmp/egtm$ ./rebar compile
==> lager (compile)
Compiled src/lager_util.erl
Compiled src/lager_transform.erl
Compiled src/lager_app.erl
Compiled src/lager_crash_log.erl
Compiled src/lager_msg.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher.erl
Compiled src/lager_trunc_io.erl
Compiled src/lager_stdlib.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_config.erl
Compiled src/lager_default_formatter.erl
Compiled src/lager_console_backend.erl
Compiled src/error_logger_lager_h.erl
Compiled src/lager_file_backend.erl
Compiled src/lager.erl
Compiled src/lager_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_format.erl
==> deepprops (compile)
Compiled src/deepprops.erl
==> bear (compile)
Compiled src/bear.erl
==> meck (compile)
Compiled src/meck_mod.erl
Compiled src/meck_cover.erl
Compiled src/meck.erl
==> folsom (compile)
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram.erl
Compiled src/folsom_meter_timer_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter_reader.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_exdec.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ewma.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_history.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_spiral.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_counter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_gauge.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_duration.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_none.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram_ets.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_vm_metrics.erl
Compiled src/folsom_utils.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ets.erl
==> ecache (compile)
Compiled src/ecache_util.erl
Compiled src/ecache_sup.erl
Compiled src/ecache_app.erl
Compiled src/ecache_purge_server.erl
Compiled src/ecache.erl
==> egtm (compile)
Compiled src/egtm_pool_sup.erl
Compiled src/egtm_admin.erl
Compiled src/egtm_util.erl
Compiled src/egtm_worker.erl
Compiled src/egtm_util_eunit.erl
Compiled src/egtm_util_fmt.erl
Compiled src/egtm_pool.erl
Compiled src/egtm_worker_sup.erl
Compiled src/egtm_string.erl
Compiled src/egtm.erl
Compiled src/egtm_env.erl
Compiled src/egtm_metrics.erl
Compiled src/egtm_config.erl
Compiling c_src/egtm_worker.c
/tmp/egtm$ ./priv/egtm_console
Erlang R15B (erts-5.9) [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.9  (abort with ^G)
(egtm_console@gersemi)1> egtm:start ().
16:50:58.845 [info] Application lager started on node egtm_console@gersemi
16:50:58.847 [info] Starting up egtm on node egtm_console@gersemi...
16:50:58.848 [info] Application ecache started on node egtm_console@gersemi
16:50:58.850 [info] Running OS command: ./priv/initdb 
16:50:58.895 [info] %GDE-I-GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory 


                               *** TEMPLATES ***
                                                                          Std      Inst
                                             Def     Rec   Key Null       Null     Freeze   Qdb
 Region                                     Coll    Size  Size Subs       Coll Jnl on Error Rndwn
 <default>                                     0    4080   255 ALWAYS     N    Y   DISABLED DISABLED
                  Jnl File (def ext: .mjl)  Before  Buff      Alloc      Exten   AutoSwitch
 <default>        <based on DB file-spec>   Y       2308       2048       2048      8386560

 Segment          Active              Acc Typ Block      Alloc Exten Options
 <default>          *                 BG  DYN  4096       1000  3000 GLOB =4096
                                                                     LOCK = 40
                                                                     RES  =   0
                                                                     ENCR = OFF
 <default>                            MM  DYN  1024        100   100 DEFER
                                                                     LOCK = 40

         *** NAMES ***
 Global                             Region
 *                                  EGTM
 Big*                               EGTMBIG

                                *** REGIONS ***
                                                                                                Std      Inst
                                 Dynamic                          Def      Rec   Key Null       Null     Freeze   Qdb
 Region                          Segment                         Coll     Size  Size Subs       Coll Jnl on Error Rndwn
 EGTM                            EGTM                               0     4080   255 ALWAYS     N    Y   DISABLED DISABLED
 EGTMBIG                         EGTMBIG                            0    32240   255 ALWAYS     N    Y   DISABLED DISABLED

                          *** JOURNALING INFORMATION ***
 Region                          Jnl File (def ext: .mjl)  Before Buff      Alloc      Exten   AutoSwitch
 EGTM                            <based on DB file-spec>   Y      2308       2048       2048      8386560

 EGTMBIG                         <based on DB file-spec>   Y      2308       2048       2048      8386560

                                *** SEGMENTS ***
 Segment                         File (def ext: .dat)Acc Typ Block      Alloc Exten Options
 EGTM                            $EGTM_DB_DEFAULT    BG  DYN  4096       1000  3000 GLOB=4096
                                                                                    LOCK=  40
                                                                                    RES =   0
 EGTMBIG                         $EGTM_DB_BIG        BG  DYN 32256       1000  3000 GLOB=4096
                                                                                    LOCK=  40
                                                                                    RES =   0

                                  *** MAP ***
   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - Names -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 From                            Up to                            Region / Segment / File(def ext: .dat)
 %                               Big                              REG = EGTM
                                                                  SEG = EGTM
                                                                  FILE = $EGTM_DB_DEFAULT
 Big                             Bih                              REG = EGTMBIG
                                                                  SEG = EGTMBIG
                                                                  FILE = $EGTM_DB_BIG
 Bih                             ...                              REG = EGTM
                                                                  SEG = EGTM
                                                                  FILE = $EGTM_DB_DEFAULT
 LOCAL LOCKS                                                      REG = EGTM
                                                                  SEG = EGTM
                                                                  FILE = $EGTM_DB_DEFAULT
%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK

%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK

%GDE-I-GDCREATE, Creating Global Directory file 
Created file /tmp/egtm/priv/gbls/egtm.dat
Created file /tmp/egtm/priv/gbls/egtmbig.dat
16:50:58.920 [info] Starting up egtm_worker on node egtm_console@gersemi... 
16:50:58.921 [info] Application egtm started on node egtm_console@gersemi
(egtm_console@gersemi)2> egtm:zversion ().
"GT.M V6.0-000 Linux x86_64"
(egtm_console@gersemi)3> q (). 
(egtm_console@gersemi)4> 16:51:15.308 [info] Shutting down egtm on node egtm_console@gersemi...
/tmp/egtm$ ./rebar eunit apps=egtm
==> egtm (eunit)
Compiled src/egtm_pool_sup.erl
Compiled src/egtm_admin.erl
Compiled src/egtm.erl
Compiled src/egtm_util_eunit.erl
Compiled src/egtm_worker.erl
Compiled src/egtm_pool.erl
Compiled src/egtm_worker_sup.erl
Compiled src/egtm_util_fmt.erl
Compiled src/egtm_util.erl
Compiled src/egtm_string.erl
Compiled src/egtm_env.erl
Compiled src/egtm_config.erl
Compiled src/egtm_metrics.erl
======================== EUnit ========================
module 'egtm_pool'
module 'egtm_admin'
module 'egtm_pool_sup'
module 'egtm_util_eunit'
module 'egtm_string'
module 'egtm_worker_sup'
module 'egtm'
  egtm: basic_test...16:54:47.071 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
16:54:47.074 [info] Application ecache started on node nonode@nohost
16:54:47.074 [info] Starting up egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:47.074 [info] Running OS command: /tmp/egtm/priv/initdb 
16:54:47.093 [info] FORMAT ERROR: [] []
16:54:47.119 [info] Starting up egtm_worker on node nonode@nohost... 
16:54:47.120 [info] Application egtm started on node nonode@nohost
16:54:47.133 [info] Shutting down egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:47.134 [info] Application egtm exited with reason: stopped
[0.079 s] ok
  egtm: order_direction_test...16:54:47.137 [info] Starting up egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:47.137 [info] Running OS command: /tmp/egtm/priv/initdb 
16:54:47.156 [info] FORMAT ERROR: [] []
16:54:47.156 [info] Starting up egtm_worker on node nonode@nohost... 
16:54:47.156 [info] Application egtm started on node nonode@nohost
16:54:47.158 [info] Shutting down egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:47.158 [info] Application egtm exited with reason: stopped
[0.022 s] ok
  egtm: order_speed_test...16:54:47.161 [info] Starting up egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:47.161 [info] Running OS command: /tmp/egtm/priv/initdb 
16:54:47.179 [info] FORMAT ERROR: [] []
16:54:47.180 [info] Starting up egtm_worker on node nonode@nohost... 
16:54:47.180 [info] Application egtm started on node nonode@nohost
16:54:49.689 [info] Shutting down egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:49.689 [info] Application egtm exited with reason: stopped
[2.527 s] ok
  [done in 2.636 s]
module 'egtm_worker'
module 'egtm_env'
egtm_util_fmt: basic_test (module 'egtm_util_fmt')...ok
module 'egtm_util'
  egtm_util: longstring_test...16:54:49.716 [info] Starting up egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:49.717 [info] Running OS command: /tmp/egtm/priv/initdb 
16:54:49.735 [info] FORMAT ERROR: [] []
16:54:49.736 [info] Starting up egtm_worker on node nonode@nohost... 
16:54:49.736 [info] Application egtm started on node nonode@nohost
16:54:49.757 [info] Shutting down egtm on node nonode@nohost...
16:54:49.757 [info] Application egtm exited with reason: stopped
[0.041 s] ok
  egtm_util: foreach_test...ok
  [done in 0.046 s]
module 'egtm_config'
module 'egtm_metrics'
  All 6 tests passed.
16:54:49.771 [info] Application ecache exited with reason: stopped

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Dec-2012::16:54:49 ===
    application: lager
    exited: stopped
    type: permanent

Getting started

/tmp/egtm$ ./priv/egtm_console
Erlang R15B (erts-5.9) [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.9  (abort with ^G)
(egtm_console@gersemi)1> egtm:start ().
16:57:26.999 [info] Application lager started on node egtm_console@gersemi
16:57:27.001 [info] Starting up egtm on node egtm_console@gersemi...
16:57:27.002 [info] Application ecache started on node egtm_console@gersemi
16:57:27.004 [info] Running OS command: ./priv/initdb 
16:57:27.024 [info] FORMAT ERROR: [] []
16:57:27.051 [info] Starting up egtm_worker on node egtm_console@gersemi... 
16:57:27.052 [info] Application egtm started on node egtm_console@gersemi

> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA"], 1).      
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "HQ"], 1).   
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "HQ", "Address"], "Antala Sta#ka 1859/34|Prague|Czech Republic|Earth").
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "HQ", "Team", "jsmith"], "John Smith|[email protected]|developer"). 
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "HQ", "Team", "nhook"], "Nick Hook|[email protected]|project manager").
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "HQ", "Team", "jcook"], "Jim Cook|[email protected]|tester").       
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "MARS"], 0).
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA"], "1991").
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["Google"], 1998).
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "MARS", "Team", "johnmartian1"], "John the Martian #1|[email protected]|long distance messaging").
> egtm:set ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "MARS", "Team", "davemartian1"], "David the Martian #1|[email protected]|interplanetary billing").
> egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", []).
> egtm:kill ("^Company", ["Google"]).
> egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", []).
> egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", ["IDEA"]).
> egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD"]).
> egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "MARS"]).
> egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "MARS", "Team"]).
^Company["IDEA","%BRCD","MARS","Team","davemartian1"]="David the Martian #1|[email protected]|interplanetary billing"
^Company["IDEA","%BRCD","MARS","Team","johnmartian1"]="John the Martian #1|[email protected]|long distance messaging"
> egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", [], fun (G, S, _) -> Name = lists:last (S), Branches = egtm_util:foreach (G, S++["%BRCD"], fun (_, S2, A2) -> [lists:last (S2)|A2] end), io:format ("The company ~s was founded on ~s and has branches: ~s.~n", [Name, egtm:getp (G, S), (fun ({ok, L}) -> string:join (L, ", "); (nomatch) -> "N/A" end) (Branches)]), done end). 
The company Google was founded on 1998 and has branches: N/A.
The company IDEA was founded on 1991 and has branches: MARS, HQ.
> io:format ("IDEA MARS team:~n"), egtm_util:foreach ("^Company", ["IDEA", "%BRCD", "MARS", "Team"], fun (G, S, A) -> Key = lists:last (S), io:format ("  ~s, ~s, ~s;~n", [egtm:getp (G, S), egtm:getp (G, S, 2), egtm:getp (G, S, 3)]) end).
  David the Martian #1,, interplanetary billing;
  John the Martian #1,, long distance messaging;
> q().
17:56:01.126 [info] Shutting down egtm on node egtm_console@gersemi...
Clone this wiki locally