Autofill.js is a tiny JavaScript library that autofills forms inputs with specific or random values. It might help you during development and form testing.
If you already have a HTML form you just need to add the snippet below
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/autofill.min.js"></script>
- Include script from jsDelivr CDN
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/autofill.min.js"></script>
- Get a simple HTML form
<input type="text" name="username">
<input type="email" name="email">
<input type="password" name="password">
<select name="selectMultiple" multiple>
<option value="">Choose locations</option>
<option value="UKNW">Unknown</option>
<option value="OCN">Ocean</option>
<option value="MTN">Mountain</option>
<option value="PLCE">Place</option>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[opt1]" value="option1">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[opt2]" value="option2">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes[opt3]" value="option3">
- Init Autofill.js
This should generates random or/and preset value for every form(s) inputs present in the HTML DOM
(async() => {
await autofill()
console.log('form inputs filled')
You might also specify arbitrary values
email: '[email protected]',
// username: 'jdoe', // input is not defined so it lets it empty
selectMultiple: ['UKNW', 'PLCE'],
checkboxes: ['option1', 'option2'],
// as for selectMultiple you can check inputs by values
checkboxes: [0, 1],
// or by index position (result is the same as above)
Below the default Autofill.js config
autofillConfig = {
autofill: true, // enable autofill
autosubmit: false, // emit submit event after form's inputs filled
camelize: false, // e.g. allow input property 'inputName' to handle 'input-name' or 'input_name'
events: [], // trigger input events after value set
generate: false, // generate random value where an input's value is formatted as follow {{ password|len:16 }}
inputAttributes: ['data-autofill', 'name', 'id', 'class'], // input key attributes targets ordered from the highest priority to the lowest
inputAttributesSkip: [], // skip autofilling when input has specific attribute. e.g. 'disabled' or 'readonly',
inputTypesSkip: [], // skip autofilling when input has specific type
formsSelectors: ['form'], // default form query selector
inputsSelectors: ['input', 'textarea', 'select', 'progress', 'meter'], // default inputs support
maxlength: false, // truncate if value length > maxlength attribute
minlength: false, // fill with random char if value length < minlength attribute
overlay: false, // display an overlay with config infos & reset/autofill buttons
override: true, // override already defined input value
random: false, // if an input value is not defined it fills with a random value
randomPreset: false, // if random === true && randomPreset === true then it tries to find a significant preset
url: false // JSON config file url
If you need to set specific value (e.g. old input error handling), you might switch
When setting
overlay: true
, you'll have to import the CSS<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/css/autofill.min.css">
- Handle specific forms
// first arg is a query selector string
// second arg is the config
autofill('form#formId, form.formClasses', {
overlay: true,
// display an overlay with config infos & reset/autofill buttons
random: true,
// will generate random values for every undefined input
generate: true,
// generate string based on definition {{ password|len:16 }} => w{Ck.-FcUvg5!,-@
inputs: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: '{{ password|len:16 }}'
- Multiple forms independently
generate: true,
forms: {
'#formId': {
autosubmit: true, // it will autosubmit this form after autofilling
generate: false,
inputs: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: '{{ password|len:16 }}' // display raw text as generate === false for this specific form
'form.formClasses': {
email: '[email protected]',
password: '{{ password|len:100 }}' // generates a password
- Events dispatch
events: ['change', 'input'],
// dispatch events once input value set
inputs: {
username: 'jdoe', // trigger 'change' & 'input'
email: {
events: ['click'],
value: '[email protected]' // trigger only 'click'
password: 'S3cUrEd', // trigger 'change' & 'input'
- JSON Configuration
autofill({ url: '' })
You can try out Autofill.js on CodePen