Bazel repository rule for importing dependencies via conan with its pkg-config generator.
You must have conan
and pkg-config
installed on your host.
- Installing conan
can easily be installed with your system package manager
Add the following in your WORKSPACE
name = "bazel_conan_pkg_config",
strip_prefix = "bazel_conan_pkg_config-main",
urls = [""],
load("@bazel_conan_pkg_config//:conan.bzl", "conan_dep")
# Declare your dependency with the conan_dep() rule
# e.g: Say you want to use openssl 3.0.3 in your project
name = "openssl",
version = "3.0.3",
# The default is to build from source for conan packages not available in
# a binary form for your platform, i.e: conan install --build=missing
# Note: Building a package relies on your host tools, so you will need
# for instance to have cmake installed if a package is using cmake as
# its build system and you build it from source
# You can change this policy if needed with the option below, for example,
# say you NEVER want to build a dependency from source:
conan_install_args = [ "--build=never" ],
In your BUILD
name = "my_exe",
deps = [
The pkg-config part was made possible thanks to:
- original pkg-config rule:
- PKG_CONFIG_PATH addition: