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Token vesting contract


Clone this repository:
git clone

Install dependencies:
cd token-vesting-contract && npm install


Run unit tests:
npx hardhat test


Before running deployment you need to write out setup variables. Run cp .env.example .env and write down all params of .env file. Then go to ./scripts/deploy.js and write down token, beneficiary, start, cliff, release period, releases count variables.

  • token: Address of token, which beneficiary should receive
  • beneficiary: Address of beneficiary, who should receive vested tokens
  • start: Time when vesting start (should be UNIX timestamp of the certain date)
  • cliff: Additional time in seconds which will added to start. During the cliff releases is not available (can be setted as 0 if no cliff)
  • releasePeriod: Time in seconds for releases (e.g. 3 months should be as 7776000)
  • releaseCount: Total amount of upcoming releases

All popular networks are supported, for deploy run:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network [NETWORK]

Verification on Etherscan

For Etherscan verification after deployment run this commands:


How it works

After deploying the Vesting contract, it should receive tokens for future vesting logic. Owner can simply transfer required amount of tokens to the contract address. There are multiply releases with the same delay. When time will be reached release tokens will be available for claiming.


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