- Top Bar: App logo, download button, responsive design.
- Hero Section: Headline, description, attractive background, CTA buttons for shopping and features.
- Categories Overview: Main categories with icons/images for easy navigation.
- App Features: Display 3-4 features with icons in a grid/horizontal layout.
- Why Choose Us: Benefits (e.g., quality, customer service) in a grid/vertical layout.
- Testimonials: 3-4 customer reviews with avatars.
- How It Works: 4-step process (download, create account, shop, deliver).
- Quick Links: Links to important pages like FAQs and support.
- Footer: Links, copyright, social media.
- Primary Colors: White background, dark gray text, orange CTA buttons, light blue links.
- Secondary Colors: Light gray background, medium gray text, category-specific colors.
- Typography: Bold for titles (36-48px), medium for subheadings (24-32px), 16-18px for body text.
- CTA Buttons: Hover effects, quick response.
- Links: Darken or underline on hover.
- Offers: Enlarge image or open pop-up on click.
- Testimonials: Sliding effects to display reviews.
- Fast Loading: Preload images, compress files, use WebP format.
- Responsive Design: Ensure functionality on all devices, use relative units (em, rem).
- SEO: Use descriptive Alt Text, logical heading order.
- Wireframe: Create a layout mockup before development using tools like Figma or Adobe XD.
- Design References: Review similar designs for inspiration.