A library written in Rust language for running gRPC on LibP2P base on rust-libp2p and tonic crates. Inspired by go-libp2p-grpc
For a more example, check the examples/ folder.
Given an RPC service:
service NodeService {
// Echo asks a node infomation to respond with a message.
rpc Info(NodeInfoRequest) returns (NodeInfoResponse) {}
Required dependencies in your Cargo.toml:
tonic = <tonic-version>
prost = <prost-version>
libp2p-grpc-rs = <libp2p-grpc-rs-version>
tonic-build = <tonic-version>
For the server side, implement the service (see tonic's tutorial), then build libp2p Swarm and start listening.
let transport = tcp::tokio::Transport::default()
// create tonic gRPC router for services
let router = Server::builder().add_service(nodeinfo::new(local_peer_id.to_base58()));
let mut swarm = SwarmBuilder::with_tokio_executor(
GrpcBehaviour::new(local_peer_id.clone(), Some(router)),
let listener_port = args.listener_port.unwrap_or(0);
swarm.listen_on(format!("/ip4/{}", listener_port).parse()?)?;
For the client side, the Behaviour of this crate is introduced to build Swarm of libp2p.
use libp2p_grpc_rs::Behaviour as GrpcBehaviour;
let swarm = SwarmBuilder::with_tokio_executor(
GrpcBehaviour::new(local_peer_id.clone(), None),
and the initiate_grpc_outbound(target_peer_id) method of behaviour is called to get the Channel of tonic.
let grpc_outbound_result = self.swarm
let channel = match grpc_outbound_result.map().await {
Ok((channel, _)) => channel,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("gRPC outbound error: {:?}", e);
// build the client of the service
let mut client = NodeServiceClient::new(channel);
// call the service api
let resp = client.info(Request::new(NodeInfoRequest {})).await.unwrap();
tracing::debug!(response=?resp, "got response");
- Documentation comments
- Unit or integration tests
- More examples of gRPC features
- Performance testing
PRs accepted.