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Index the Solana chain using Substreams and Clickhouse.

Supported Programs

  • Raydium AMM
  • SPL Token Program
  • Pumpfun
  • System Program
  • MPL Token Metadata (limited support)

You can checkout schema.sql to see the data that is indexed.

If you have any suggestions on other programs that should be supported, feel free to open an issue!


  1. Use the v0.1.5 tag: git clone --branch v0.1.5
  2. Download substream-sink-sql v4.2.0.
  3. Setup DSN and STREAMINGFAST_KEY environment variables.
  4. Run make setup_db to setup the necessary tables.
  5. Run . ./ to setup the SUBSTREAMS_API_TOKEN environment variable.
  6. Run the sink with make sink START=<slot>.

Please note that setting up DSN involves creating a ClickHouse database and making it available by some combination of connection and credentials, both of which are described by the DSN variable.

Another important point is that if you start the indexing (step 5 of usage) on not so recent blocks, this will be done by batchs of a thousand, so you will have to wait a little while until you start seeing changes being pushed to the database. Once the indexer reaches the head though, new blocks are inserted as soon as they're ready (15-20 seconds of delay for me).