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Tags: 0xsubh/carla



 * Added new **instance aware semantic segmentation** sensor `sensor.…


  * Added new API classes: `MaterialParameter`, `TextureColor` and  `TextureFloatColor` to encode texture data and field (normal map, diffuse, etc)
  * Added new API functions: `apply_color_texture_to_object`, `apply_float_color_texture_to_object` and `apply_textures_to_object` to paint objects in **runtime**
  * Added the option for users to set a **route** using RoadOption elements to a vehicle controlled by the Traffic Manager.
  * **Cache** now has an extra folder with current version of CARLA (so different cache per version)
  * Added **set_percentage_random_left_lanechange** and **set_percentage_random_right_lanechange**.
  * Improved handling of **collisions** in Traffic Manager when driving at **very high speeds**.
  * Added physical simulation to **vehicle doors**, capable of opening and closing
  * Added **open/close doors** feature for vehicles.
  * Added API functions to **3D vectors**: `squared_length`, `length`, `make_unit_vector`, `dot`, `dot_2d`, `distance`, `distance_2d`, `distance_squared`, `distance_squared_2d`, `get_vector_angle`
  * Added API functions to **2D vectors**: `squared_length`, `length`, `make_unit_vector`
  * Added a **seed** for better reproducibility of pedestrians
    - New API function `set_pedestrians_seed`
    - New parameter **--seedw** in script
  * Added missing dependency `libomp5` to **Release.Dockerfile**
  * Added API functions to interact with **pedestrian bones**:
    - `get_bones / set_bones`:  to get/set the bones of a pedestrian
    - `blend_pose`:  to blend a custom pose with current animation
    - `show_pose / hide_pose`:  to show or hide the custom pose
    - `get_pose_from_animation`:  to set the custom pose with the animation current frame
  * Added a new script in **PythonAPI/examples/** to draw the bones of a pedestrian from client side
  * Improved **collision** detection of the Python agents
  * Added the new **VehicleLightStage** to the Traffic Manager to dynamically update the vehicle lights.
  * Added two new examples to **PythonAPI/util**: Conversion of OpenStreetMaps to OpenDRIVE maps `` and Extraction of map spawn points ``
  * Fixed the **import of props** without any map
  * Fixed **global route planner** crash when being used at maps without lane markings
  * Fixed bug causing the server to **sigsegv** when a vehicle collides an environment object in recording mode.
  * Fixed **RSSSensor**: made client side calculations threaded
  * Fixed **keep_right_rule** parameter.




 * Improved the documentation for use with pandoc tool by converting …

…html tags to their markdown equivalent * Refactored FAQ section of docs to use minimal html and fix broken layout * Extended the local planner with a lateral `offset` * Upgraded to DirectX 12 on Windows * Added the new core pipeline for the simulator * Added parameter to carla settings to control culling * Added fully deterministic option for Traffic Manager, sorting vehicles by ID and avoiding race conditions * Added the option to sweep the wheel shape for collision. This requires to patch the engine * Added the possibility of changing physics substepping options from client * Added 'noise_seed' to sensors to initialize the random generators * API extensions: - Added `actor.set_enable_gravity()` function to enable/disable the gravity affecting the actor - Added `load_map_layer` and `unload_map_layer` to control map layers on new maps that support subleveling - Added `get_environment_objects`call to get all the placed objects in the level - Added `enable_environment_objects`call to enable/disable objects of the level - Added `horizontal_fov` parameter to lidar sensor to allow for restriction of its field of view - Added `WorldSettings.deterministic_ragdolls` to enable deterministic or physically based ragdolls * Fixed RSSSensor python3 build and import of open drive maps by updating to ad-rss v4.2.0 and ad-map-access v2.3.0. * Python import of dependent 'ad' python modules reflects now the namespaces of the C++ interface and follow doxygen documentation * Fixed sensor transformations and sensor data transformations mismatch in IMU and camera-based sensors * Fixed random dead-lock on synchronous mode at high frame rate * Fixed bug on Windows causing sun reflection artifacts * Fixed bug in `waypoint.get_landmarks()` causing some landmarks to be missed when s = 0 * Fixed the `actor.set_simulate_physics()` for pedestrians and vehicles * Fixed bug causing camera-based sensors to stop sending data * Fixed the lack of determinism on the output of raycast sensors * Fixed missing `laneChange` record in converted OSM maps * Fixed bug in the actor's id returned by the semantic lidar * Fixed error when using `--config` parameter in `make package` * Fixed dependency of library **Xerces-c** on package * Fixed minor typo in the simulation data section of the documentation * Fixed the `` to read the `.osm ` files in proper `utf-8` encoding

Enable deploy of four number version


 * Added retrieval of bounding boxes for all the elements of the leve…

…l * Added deterministic mode for Traffic Manager * Added support in Traffic Manager for dead-end roads * Upgraded CARLA Docker image to Ubuntu 18.04 * Upgraded to AD RSS v4.1.0 supporting unstructured scenes and pedestrians, and fixed spdlog to v1.7.0 * Changed frozen behavior for traffic lights. It now affects to all traffic lights at the same time * Added new pedestrian models * API changes: - Renamed `actor.set_velocity()` to `actor.set_target_velocity()` - Renamed `actor.set_angular_velocity()` to `actor.set_target_velocity()` - RGB cameras `exposure_mode` is now set to `histogram` by default * API extensions: - Added `carla.Osm2Odr.convert()` function and `carla.Osm2OdrSettings` class to support Open Street Maps to OpenDRIVE conversion - Added `world.freeze_all_traffic_lights()` and `traffic_light.reset_group()` - Added `client.stop_replayer()` to stop the replayer - Added `world.get_vehicles_light_states()` to get all the car light states at once - Added constant velocity mode (`actor.enable_constant_velocity()` / `actor.disable_constant_velocity()`) - Added function `actor.add_angular_impulse()` to add angular impulse to any actor - Added `actor.add_force()` and `actor.add_torque()` - Added functions `transform.get_right_vector()` and `transform.get_up_vector()` - Added command to set multiple car light states at once - Added 4-matrix form of transformations * Added new semantic segmentation tags: `RailTrack`, `GuardRail`, `TrafficLight`, `Static`, `Dynamic`, `Water` and `Terrain` * Added fixed ids for street and building lights * Added vehicle light and street light data to the recorder * Improved the colliders and physics for all vehicles * All sensors are now multi-stream, the same sensor can be listened from different clients * New semantic LiDAR sensor (`lidar.ray_cast_semantic`) * Added ``, a more friendly LiDAR visualizer * Added make command to download contributions as plugins (`make plugins`) * Added a warning when using SpringArm exactly in the 'z' axis of the attached actor * Improved performance of raycast-based sensors through parallelization * Added an approximation of the intensity of each point of the cloud in the LiDAR sensor * Added Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) camera based on ESIM simulation   * Improved LiDAR and radar to better match the shape of the vehicles   * Added support for additional TraCI clients in Sumo co-simulation   * Added script example to synchronize the gathering of sensor data in client   * Added default values and a warning message for lanes missing the width parameter in OpenDRIVE   * Added parameter to enable/disable pedestrian navigation in standalone mode   * Improved mesh partition in standalone mode   * Added Renderdoc plugin to the Unreal project   * Added configurable noise to LiDAR sensor   * Replace deprecated `platform.dist()` with recommended `distro.linux_distribution()`   * Improved the performance of capture sensors   * Fixed the center of mass for vehicles   * Fixed a number of OpenDRIVE parsing bugs   * Fixed vehicles' bounding boxes, now they are automatic   * Fixed a map change error when Traffic Manager is in synchronous mode   * Fixes add entry issue for applying parameters more than once in Traffic Manager   * Fixes std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon error in Traffic Manager   * Fixed memory leak on `` scripts (sensor listening was not stopped before destroying)   * Fixed a bug in `` script computing not allowed routes for a given vehicle class   * Fixed a bug where `get_traffic_light()` would always return `None`   * Fixed recorder determinism problems   * Fixed several untagged and mistagged objects   * Fixed rain drop spawn issues when spawning camera sensors   * Fixed semantic tags in the asset import pipeline   * Fixed `` from failing when the root folder contains a space on it   * Fixed dynamic meshes not moving to the initial position when replaying   * Fixed colors of lane markings when importing a map, they were reversed (white and yellow)   * Fixed missing include directive in file `WheelPhysicsControl.h`   * Fixed gravity measurement bug from IMU sensor   * Fixed LiDAR’s point cloud reference frame   * Fixed light intensity and camera parameters to match   * Fixed and improved auto-exposure camera (`histogram` exposure mode)   * Fixed delay in the TCP communication from server to the client in synchronous mode for Linux   * Fixed large RAM usage when loading polynomial geometry from OpenDRIVE   * Fixed collision issues when `debug.draw_line()` is called   * Fixed gyroscope sensor to properly give angular velocity readings in the local frame   * Fixed minor typo in the introduction section of the documentation   * Fixed a bug at the local planner when changing the route, causing it to maintain the first part of the previous one. This was only relevant when using very large buffer sizes


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request carla-simulator#2951 from carla-simulator/dsantoso…


Raycast parallelization


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Remove intermediate map when changing map. (carla-simulator#2911)

* Fixed load_new_episode and removed intermediate check.

* Recovered intermediate state.

* Removing intermediate map

* Fixing merge issue

* Remove unnecessary check in load_new_episode

Fixed map loading crash in windows.

Removed the temporal workarounds


 * Introduced hybrid mode for Traffic Manager

  * Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.24
  * Fixed autonomous agents' incorrect detection of red traffic lights affecting them
  * Improved manual_control by adding realistic throttle and brake
  * Added walkable pedestrian crosswalks in OpenDRIVE standalone mode
  * Improved mesh generation with a chunk system for better performance and bigger maps in the future
  * Added security features to the standalone OpenDRIVE mode aiming to prevent cars from falling down from the road
  * Added junction smoothing algorithm to prevent roads from blocking other roads with level differences
  * Added new Behavior agent
  * Added automatic generation of traffic lights, stop signal and yield signal from OpenDRIVE file
  * Upgraded to AD RSS v3.0.0 supporting complex road layouts and i.e. intersections
  * Added examples of sumo co-simulation for Town01, Town04 and Town05
  * Added ptv vissim and carla co-simulation
  * Fixed `GetLeftLaneMarking()` from a possible runtime error
  * API extensions:
    - Added new methods to `Map`: `get_all_landmarks`, `get_all_landmarks_from_id` and `get_all_landmarks_of_type`
  * Added synchronization of traffic lights in sumo co-simulation
  * Added light manager to control the lights of the map.