This decentralized application allows users to post job listings for work they need done, and freelancers can select these jobs, complete them, and get paid in a secure, trustless manner.
- Create Listing: Users can create job listings with details about the work they need done.
- Browse Listings: Freelancers can browse through available listings to find work they want to complete.
- Select Listing: Freelancers can choose a job to work on from the marketplace.
To install and build the project locally:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/0xtarunkm/solcrow-escrow.git cd solcrow-escrow
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Build the Anchor program:
anchor build
Deploy the program to Solana Localnet:
anchor deploy
Once deployed, users can interact with the contract via CLI or through a web interface (if implemented). The contract supports the following operations:
- Create Escrow: Create a new escrow for a specific listing.
- Deposit money in vault: Maker can deposit money in vault
- Refund the money: Maker can refund the money to itself from the vault
- Settle the listing: Taker can settle the listing and withdraw money
The marketplace program for solwork can be found at marketplace program
The web interface for this solwork can be found at solcrow web