Procedural generation plugin for open source game Endless Sky
Partially derived from Nucleartaxi's Endless Sky Generators
Primarily a script to generate entire galaxy along with its content from systems, governments(aliens) with their own ships fully outfitted with each faction own outfits and even generated ship sprites.
WARNING: Highly experimental, may not stable enough for regular gameplay.
WARNING: Data folder and generated sprites will be reset every update to utilize new features, backup what you like.
Requires: Python 3.9+, and Pillow 8.4.0+ (For ship sprite generation) This plugin can be installed normally like any other plugin. Pre-generated data is provided here if you don't want to run the script.
To run the generator, simply run and wait. If success the console will say so and wait for input before closing.
Some part of the generator can be configured, check instructions.txt to see which can be used. (very messy right now, some option works, some don't, will fix later)