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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 12, 2022. It is now read-only.


End of live (almende#4306)
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* removed badges from readme

* updated history

* updated the README

* update the github templates

* update the github templates
  • Loading branch information
mojoaxel authored and yotamberk committed Jul 28, 2019
1 parent 5563fc6 commit 0b2a54a
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Showing 8 changed files with 79 additions and 179 deletions.
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This project is no longer in active development. See #4259 for details.

Please make sure to **read the following list** before creating a new issue:

* This issue tracker is not supposed to be used for questions on how to use visjs. It is intended to be used for bug reports and feature requests! In case you face yourself with a usage question, then post your question e.g. on [stackoverflow]( tagged with "vis.js".
* Have you already used the [github search](, read the [documentation]( and looked at the [examples](
* Make sure to mention which vis-component (network, timeline, graph2D, graph3d) you are referring to.
* Make sure to use the [latest version of vis.js]( for bug reports.
* Make sure to mention which browser and OS you are using when creating a bug report.
* Please provide a minimal code example that demonstrates your issue. We recommend using [jsbin]( for that.
* Delete this list from the actual issue.
Please contribute to the [visjs community](!
12 changes: 2 additions & 10 deletions .github/
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@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
**Thank you for contributing to vis.js!!**
This project is no longer in active development. See #4259 for details.

Please make sure to check the following requirements before creating a pull request:

* [ ] All pull requests must be to the [develop branch]( Pull requests to the `master` branch will be closed!
* [ ] Make sure your changes are based on the latest version of the [develop branch]( (Use e.g. `git fetch && git rebase origin develop` to update your feature branch).
* [ ] Provide an additional or update an example to demonstrate your changes or new features.
* [ ] Update the documentation if you introduced new behavior or changed existing behavior.
* [ ] Reference issue numbers of issues that your pull request addresses. (If you write something like `fixes #1781` in your git commit message this issue gets closed automatically by merging your pull request).
* [ ] Expect review comments and change requests by reviewer.
* [ ] Delete this checklist from your pull request.
Please contribute to the [visjs community](!
16 changes: 3 additions & 13 deletions
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@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
## Contributing
# Contributing

[Contributions](// to the vis.js library are very welcome! [We can't do this alone](//
This project is no longer in active development. See #4259 for details.

### Questions
If you have any *general question* on how to use the vis.js library in your own project please check out [stackoverflow]( for thinks like that. **This is NOT a JavaScript help forum!**

### Bugs, Problems and Feature-Requests
If you really want to open a new issue:
* Please use the [search functionality](// to make sure that there is not already an issue concerning the same topic.
* Please make sure to **mention which module** of vis.js (network, timeline, graph3d, ...) your are referring to.
* Note that development happens on the `develop` git branch. Be sure to submit PRs against this branch.
* If you think you found a bug please **provide a simple example** (e.g. on [jsbin]( that demonstrates the problem.
* If you want to propose a feature-request please **describe what you are looking for in detail**, ideally providing a screenshot, drawing or something similar.
* **Close the issue later**, when the issue is no longer needed.
Please consider contributing to the [visjs community](!
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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# vis.js history

## 2019-06-08, End of Live
- see #4259 for details

## 2017-10-12, version 4.21.0

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# vis.js
# vis.js (deprecated!)

[![Join the chat at](](
:exclamation: **This project is not maintained anymore! (See [Issue #4259]( for details)**<br/>**We welcome you to use the libraries from the [visjs community]( from now on.**

<a href="">
<img align="right" src="">

Vis.js is a dynamic, browser based visualization library.
The library is designed to be easy to use, handle large amounts
Expand All @@ -22,36 +20,21 @@ The library consists of the following components:

The vis.js library was initially developed by [Almende B.V](

## Badges


[![Dependency Status](](
[![devDependency Status](](

[![last version on CDNJS](](
[![GitHub contributors](](
[![GitHub stars](](

[![GitHub issues](](
[![Percentage of issues still open](]( "Percentage of issues still open")
[![Average time to resolve an issue](]( "Average time to resolve an issue")
[![Pending Pull-Requests](](

[![Test Coverage](](
[![Code Climate](](

## Install

Install via npm:

$ npm install vis
npm install vis

Install via bower:

$ bower install vis
bower install vis

Link via cdnjs:
Link via cdnjs:

Or download the library from the github project:
Expand All @@ -64,8 +47,8 @@ To use a component, include the javascript and css files of vis in your web page
<script src="webroot/vis/dist/vis.js"></script>
<link href="webroot/vis/dist/vis.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="vis/dist/vis.min.js"></script>
<link href="vis/dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
Expand All @@ -88,7 +71,6 @@ require(['vis'], function (math) {

A timeline can be instantiated as:

Expand All @@ -99,7 +81,6 @@ Where `container` is an HTML element, `data` is an Array with data or a DataSet,
and `options` is an optional object with configuration options for the

## Example

A basic example on loading a Timeline is shown below. More examples can be
Expand All @@ -111,8 +92,8 @@ of the project.
<title>Timeline basic demo</title>
<script src="vis/dist/vis.js"></script>
<link href="vis/dist/vis.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="vis/dist/vis.min.js"></script>
<link href="vis/dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<style type="text/css">
body, html {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,28 +125,38 @@ of the project.

To build the library from source, clone the project from github

$ git clone git://
git clone git://

The source code uses the module style of node (require and module.exports) to
organize dependencies. To install all dependencies and build the library,
run `npm install` in the root of the project.

$ cd vis
$ npm install
cd vis
npm install

Then, the project can be build running:

$ npm run build
npm run build

To automatically rebuild on changes in the source files, once can use

$ npm run watch
npm run watch

This will both build and minify the library on changes. Minifying is relatively
slow, so when only the non-minified library is needed, one can use the
`watch-dev` script instead:

$ npm run watch-dev
npm run watch-dev

## Custom builds

Expand All @@ -182,22 +173,22 @@ Before you can do a build:
- Install *node.js* and *npm* on your system:
- Install the following modules using npm: `browserify`, `babelify`, and `uglify-js`:

$ [sudo] npm install -g browserify babelify uglify-js
[sudo] npm install -g browserify babelify uglify-js

- Download or clone the vis.js project:

$ git clone
git clone

- Install the dependencies of vis.js by running `npm install` in the root of the project:

$ cd vis
$ npm install
cd vis
npm install

### Examples of custom builds

Expand All @@ -212,11 +203,15 @@ exports.Timeline = require('./lib/timeline/Timeline');

Then create a custom bundle using browserify, like:

$ browserify custom.js -t [ babelify --presets [es2015] ] -o dist/vis-custom.js -s vis
browserify custom.js -t [ babelify --presets [es2015] ] -o dist/vis-custom.js -s vis

This will generate a custom bundle *vis-custom.js*, which exposes the namespace `vis` containing only `DataSet` and `Timeline`. The generated bundle can be minified using uglifyjs:

$ uglifyjs dist/vis-custom.js -o dist/vis-custom.min.js
uglifyjs dist/vis-custom.js -o dist/vis-custom.min.js

The custom bundle can now be loaded like:

Expand All @@ -237,11 +232,15 @@ The custom bundle can now be loaded like:

The default bundle `vis.js` is standalone and includes external dependencies such as *hammer.js* and *moment.js*. When these libraries are already loaded by the application, vis.js does not need to include these dependencies itself too. To build a custom bundle of vis.js excluding *moment.js* and *hammer.js*, run browserify in the root of the project:

$ browserify index.js -t [ babelify --presets [es2015] ] -o dist/vis-custom.js -s vis -x moment -x hammerjs
browserify index.js -t [ babelify --presets [es2015] ] -o dist/vis-custom.js -s vis -x moment -x hammerjs

This will generate a custom bundle *vis-custom.js*, which exposes the namespace `vis`, and has *moment.js* and *hammer.js* excluded. The generated bundle can be minified with uglifyjs:

$ uglifyjs dist/vis-custom.js -o dist/vis-custom.min.js
uglifyjs dist/vis-custom.js -o dist/vis-custom.min.js

The custom bundle can now be loaded as:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,8 +286,10 @@ var timeline = new Timeline(container, data, options);

The application can be bundled and minified:

$ browserify app.js -o dist/app-bundle.js -t babelify
$ uglifyjs dist/app-bundle.js -o dist/app-bundle.min.js
browserify app.js -o dist/app-bundle.js -t babelify
uglifyjs dist/app-bundle.js -o dist/app-bundle.min.js

And loaded into a webpage:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,24 +347,26 @@ There is also an [demo-project]( sh

To test the library, install the project dependencies once:

$ npm install
npm install

Then run the tests:

$ npm run test
npm run test

## License

Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Almende B.V. and Contributors

Vis.js is dual licensed under both

* The Apache 2.0 License
- [The Apache 2.0 License](


* The MIT License
- [The MIT License](

Vis.js may be distributed under either license.
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# HowTo Help
# How to help!

The company that developed vis.js for the main part, *almende* is [not able to maintain the project at the moment](./ So help from the community is very needed and welcome!
This project is no longer in active development. See #4259 for details.

## There are many ways to help:

### Answering questions

There are new [issues with questions](// how to use vis.js opened almost every day. Be part of the community and help answer them!

A better way to ask questions on how to use vis.js is [stackoverflow]( Questions are posed here also and need to be answered by the community. [Please help answering questions]( here also.

### Closing old issues

A new issue is often opened fast and then forgotten. Please help go through [the old issues](// (especially the [questions](// and ask the creator of the issues if the problem still exists before closing the issue. The support team uses the **issue inactive** label to mark these issues.

### Improve the webpage

The webpage is hosted on the [gh-pages branch](// If you find a typo or anything else that should be improved feel free to create a pull-request to *gh-pages*. Please make changes in your own fork of gh-pages so the support team can view the changes in your hosted fork.

### Create new examples

We have [a collection of examples](// Please help by creating interesting new ones that show a specific problem or layout. Keep the examples easy to understand for beginners and remove unnecessary clutter.

### Provide interesting showcases

If you use vis.js to develop something beautiful feel free to create a pull-request to our show cases page in the gh-pages branch](// [These showcases are displayed on our webpage]( and we are always looking for new examples.

### Confirming and fixing bugs

Every software has bugs. We also have [quite a nice collection]( ;-)
Feel free to fix as many bugs as you want!

You can not only help by fixing bugs, but also by confirming the bug or even creating a minimal code example to prove this bug exists.

### Implementing Feature-Requests

A lot of people have a lot of ideas for improving vis.js. [We label these issues as **Feature-Request**]( Feel free to implement a new feature by creating a new Pull-Request.

[Some issues are labeled **For everybody!**](// These are a good starting point.

### Reviewing Pull-Requests

We use [GitHub's two-step review](// to make sure pull-requests are clean. You can help by checking out pull-request branches and testing them. You also can comment on lines of code and make sure the pull-request introduces no new bugs or typos.

## Creating Pull Requests

There are some rules for pull-request:

* All pull-request must be to the [develop-branch](// Pull-request against the [master-branch](// must be closed. (Changes to [gh-pages](// are also ok.)

* Only commit changes done in the source files in the folder `lib`, not to the builds
which are located in the folder `dist`.

* Keep your changes small and clear. Only work on one topic at one time and only change lines of code that you have to change to reach your goal.

* Test your changes before creating a pull-request. The easiest way is to open the existing examples and playing with them.

* If you are fixing or implementing an existing issue, please refer to it in the description and in the commit message.

* If you are introducing a new feature, add some documentation and a new example to make it easy to adapt.

* If you introduce breaking changes, like changing the signature of a public function, point that out in your description. Breaking changes result in a new major release.

* Always adapt to the code style of the existing source. Never adapt existing code to your personal taste. :trollface:

* Pull-requests must be reviewed by at least two member of the support team. The First must approve the pull-request, the second can than merge after also checking it.

**Happy Helping!!**
Please consider contributing to the [visjs community](!

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