This is a movie and TV show catalog app built with Next.js, React Icons, React YouTube, and Tailwind CSS.
The app has the following features:
- A home page with a cover that displays a random movie each time the user visits the page.
- A movies page where users can browse movies by genre or category, or search for movies by title.
- A TV shows page where users can browse TV shows by genre or category, or search for TV shows by title.
- An actor details page where users can see more information about an actor, including their filmography.
- A movie details page where users can see more information about a movie, including its trailer, cast, and crew.
- A TV show details page where users can see more information about a TV show, including its trailer, cast, and crew.
The app is styled with Tailwind CSS, which makes it easy to create a custom look and feel for the app.
- Riadh MOUAMNIA | linkedin
- Mohamed MATASSI | linkedin
- Meriem MANSOURI | linkedin
- Mohamed TCHOKETCH | linkedin
- Abdel Hakim TIABI | linkedin
Home page desktop:
Home page desktop smaller screen:
Home page desktop smaller screen 2:
Home page mobile:
Movie details page desktop:
Movie details page mobile 1:
Movie details page mobile 2: