php >= 7.2
(served best withFPM
database backendRedis
database backend
Application entrypoint is public/index.php
, all the requests must be marshalled here.
When running application rely on environment variables. Initial subset of variables is expected in .env
in project root. .env.dist
can be used as a blueprint.
Application uses MySQL and Redis as storage backends.
$ php artisan migrate --force
$ php artisan migrate:rollback --force
Usually takes place upon first deployment to populate DB with initial values
$ php artisan db:seed --force
[GET] /ping
- health check endpoint must return 200 OK if service is configured - REST resource
- polls CRUD - RPC
[POST] /polls/{id}/vote
- to vote in defined poll - RPC
[GET] /polls/{id}/results
- poll results - RPC
[GET] /summary
- polls summary
# Periodic collect to aggregate polls statustics which will be used in /summary API endpoint
$ php artisan polls:collect:status
# Running unit tests
$ php vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml