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The QUIET release

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@2shady4u 2shady4u released this 30 May 12:15
· 199 commits to master since this release

Download the demo-project and/or the necessary binaries below.

Godot version

Godot v3.4.4

Supported Operating systems:

  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Android (arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a & x86)
  • iOS (arm64 & armv7)
  • HTML5

What's new?

  • The database's last_insert_rowid can now be manually set by the user.
  • Both query() and query_with_bindings() can now successfully execute multiple statements at once, see #58.
  • Added a new verbosity_level-variable which replaces the, now deprecated, verbose_mode-variable. This variable can be used to control the plugin's degree of console logging to a much finer extent than was previously possible. (As requested in #73)
  • The query_result-variable is now duplicated by default. This avoids a common situation where beginning users get into issues where they are overwriting their previous query's result by executing further queries that depend on the previous result.
  • Added the brand-new get_autocommit()-method used to get the database's autocommit mode. The database's autocommit mode is non-zero whenever there's a transaction in progress and can thus be used to determine if there's any dangling active transactions in the database.