Forest Fire Prediction is a Supervised Machine learning problem statements. Using Regression and Classification Algorithm, Regression and Classification Model is build that detected future fires based on certain Weather report.
A framework is created using Flask and deployed on Heroku
Data Pre-Processing
- Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
Model Building
- Sklearn, statsmodels
Hyperparameter Tuning
- RandomizedSearchCV, GridSearchCV
Algerian Forest Fires
Data set Available at: link text
Data Set Information:
The dataset includes 244 instances that regroup a data of two regions of Algeria,namely the
Bejaia region located in the northeast of Algeria and the Sidi Bel-abbes region located in the northwest of Algeria.
122 instances for each region.
The period from June 2012 to September 2012.
The dataset includes 11 attribues and 1 output attribue (class)
The 244 instances have been classified into fire (138 classes) and not fire (106 classes) classes.
Attribute Information:
1. Date : (DD/MM/YYYY) Day, month ('june' to 'september'), year (2012)
Weather data observations
2. Temp : temperature noon (temperature max) in Celsius degrees: 22 to 42
3. RH : Relative Humidity in %: 21 to 90
4. Ws : Wind speed in km/h: 6 to 29
5. Rain: total day in mm: 0 to 16.8
FWI Components
6. Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) index from the FWI system: 28.6 to 92.5
7. Duff Moisture Code (DMC) index from the FWI system: 1.1 to 65.9
8. Drought Code (DC) index from the FWI system: 7 to 220.4
9. Initial Spread Index (ISI) index from the FWI system: 0 to 18.5
10. Buildup Index (BUI) index from the FWI system: 1.1 to 68
11. Fire Weather Index (FWI) Index: 0 to 31.1
12. Classes: two classes, namely Fire and not Fire
- Data Collection
- Data Pre-Processing
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Feature Engineering
- Feature Selection
- Model Building
- Model Selection
- Hyperparameter Tuning
- Flask framework
- Model deployment
- For regression analysis FWI(Fire weather Index) considered as dependent feature because it highly correlated with classes variable with more than 90% correlation.
Model Used:
- Linear regression
- Lasso Regression
- Ridge Regression
- Decision tree
- Random forest
- K-Nearest Neighbour regressor
- Support Vector Regressor
- For Classification Classes is dependent feature which is a Binary Classification(fire, not fire)
Model Used:
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- K-Nearest Neighbour
- XGboost.
HyperParameter Tuning performed using RandomizedsearchCV for the model which performed best for both Regression and Classification.
For Regression r2_score metrics is used to select best model.
For Classification Stratified Kfold Cross-Validation metrics is used.
The best Mean CV Accuracy Model is used for Model Deployment.
- framework is created using Flask.
Model Running Instuction
- conda activate forest-fire
- python
- if anything is not running,kindly install : pip install