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Releases: 3vi1/IMP

Nah Loopy Just Lupine

15 May 01:00
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  • Fixed message view colors when resetting style to "-None-".

  • Fixed initialization of jump bridges when bridgemap has changed during run.

  • Now saves jumpbridge visibility state.

  • Fixed another KOS checker bug, tripped when specific error returns from CVA.

Been a busy week, so the updates are kind of light. More substantial fixes next week, hopefully.

Shout out and thanks to Nah Col for his donation this week!

Wolves Up, Dock!

06 May 01:11
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Quick YouTube Demo HERE

  • Modified message list to be a dockable widget. You can now move it to any side of the window, or detach it to be it's own floating window.

  • Added a few additional test styles: Blood Raider, Ore, and Entellag.

Stylish Pocket Hermes Wolfessesen

29 Apr 12:54
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  • Added initial skin/styles support. This adds a new UI tab to the settings dialog where you can select the style. You can add your own styles by placing them in the /styles subdirectory. Styles are standard qss (like Mumble and other apps use): Take a look at for more info on the format. There will be more cleanup/expansion to the styles and UI in subsequent releases. Until this is further along, the app still defaults to unskinned.

  • Added the ability to drag window by grabbing the non-map/list areas. Note: If you drag the window in this manner on a high-DPI screen with a desktop manager that's doing scaling, the window may shrink slightly on each move due to a bug inside the Qt QWidget::move() function that I have not yet investigated. It works fine on non-4k/scaled screens.

  • Fixes "show avatars" option not being saved.

  • Fixes calculation of word wrap to better fit text in message list if you have avatars disabled.

  • Fix some minor memory leaks.

Gallente skin and overlay mode, with title toggled back on

Thank you shout out to Eva kindar for the isk donation this week!

Pocket Hermes Wolfessesen

20 Apr 23:19
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  • "Overlay Mode" added. This disables drawing of (only) the map and window background, turns on frameless window mode, hides the menu, and enables the Always on Top flag. This allows you to put IMP on top of the game window and obscure much less of the game (particularly if you drag the message list to the closed position). Use 'O' to toggle overlay mode on/off.

  • Added transparency support: Click the map (to make sure the app has focus) and then use Ctrl+Alt+Mousewheel to adjust transparency of the entire application. This is different than overlay mode in that overlay mode makes only the map/window backgrounds fully transparent, whereas transparency support adjusts all visual

  • "Frameless Window" option added. Use 'W' to toggle the window title bar on/off. This can also be used from Overlay mode to re-enable the title-bar for easy re-positioning and then to re-disable it.

  • Added an Always on Top hotkey: 'T'. Note: When using the Unity desktop on Ubuntu, Compiz doesn't seem to honor toggling the flag off correctly. You will have to disable it by right-clicking the title-bar if you're using that desktop. KDE, and the Windows desktops toggle the always-on-top state as expected.

  • Added Menu hide/unhide hotkey: 'M' You can use this in desktops like KDE and Windows to toggle the menubar on/off while in overlay mode.

  • Added "--debuglogging" flag. Log writing is now disabled by default unless this flag is set.

  • Fixed a bug where some Linux desktops would not load themes due to auto-shortcuts.

  • Fixed two more missing KOS texts.

v0.8.2 - Pocket Hermes Wolfess

15 Apr 17:27
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  • Now supports pocket status requests (i.e. "b-w pocket status?", "jeiv pocket stat?", etc.)

  • Fixes kos checker message text that went awol in 0.8.0.

I've been fighting with the new nVidia 381 drivers on Linux for most of the week so this release is a little light. Look for more substantial features/fixes next week - if not sooner!

-3vi1 / Khasm

v0.8.1 - Hermes Wolfess

09 Apr 17:46
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  • Fixes a crash that had been introduced on ESS messages, after CCP ruined ESS usage. This was the reason some people had to clear out their chatlogs directory in order to get IMP to start.

Thanks to Aamp Kira for assistance finding the issue!

v0.8.0 - Hermes Wolf

07 Apr 23:23
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  • Messages in list can now be doubleclicked to find the related system.

  • Message text is now colorized to highlight the mentioned systems, ships, and other keywords. A future release will make all of these colors configurable options.

  • Message view resizing has been improved to size much better. It will now show the entire message when set smaller.

v0.7.8 - Still Some Sort of Lycanthropic Hot Topic

01 Apr 21:11
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  • Now remembers which of your pilots you have disabled in the pilots menu.

  • Windows users will now see a "Window" menu, which has the "Always on Top" option that's missing from their desktop compositor.

  • Fixes a bug where if IMP was started before Eve, newly logged-in pilots that had not been played for 24+ hours would not show their position until someone said something in local.

  • The list of available audio files is now rebuilt each time you open the options dialog, so you do not need to restart IMP to see newly added files.

  • Changes to option saving: Most options are now saved when the options dialog is accepted, to lessen chance of corruption on abnormal system shutdown.

v0.7.7 - Yada Yada Yada Lycanthropic Hot Topic

25 Mar 21:41
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  • Catches network/server failures on KOS lookups and plays a new "incomplete" lookup sound. The new sound is configurable on KOS tab in options, and defaults to the sound of a bottle-cap being dropped.

  • Red-by-last checking now properly distinguishes between new, unlisted, pilots who are in red corps and people that are red by their previous player corp membership.

  • Change default map refresh from 3 to 1 second.

Kind of a light release this week - been working a crazy number of hours and had my car totalled by someone who doesn't know how intersections work. More improvements next week!

Infernal Phoenix in a Lycanthropic Hot Topic

18 Mar 21:09
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  • Fixed a couple of potential crashes when clicking map/subsetting messages.

  • Fixed it so that IMP will not add the intel channels multiple times if you have joined them with multiple pilots.

  • Stop "x4" from setting off alarms in X-4. x[2-9] are no longer considered potential system abbreviations.

  • Message view can now be sized smaller.

  • Renamed Regions menu to Map and added a "Reset Rotation" option, just in case someone manages to desync system/map rotation before I make that system smarter.

  • Shout outs to Fenix Inferni and Subelectro Shanzaar for the donations!