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Releases: 3vi1/IMP

v0.7.5 - Next... Topic.

15 Mar 23:25
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  • Adds option to only perform KOS checks when doing a double Ctrl-C. This is the new default, but the old behavior can be re-enabled from a checkbox within the Settings dialog.

  • Add an option to disable showing the pilot avatars in the messages window.

v0.7.4 - The Myopic Supersonic Uber-toxic Lycanthropic Hot Topic

12 Mar 15:59
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  • Fix a bug that could cause people to be reported RBL if their last corp wasn't in CVA DB.

v0.7.3 - The Supersonic Uber-toxic Lycanthropic Hot-Topic

11 Mar 16:58
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Another dead bug.

  • Discovered that kos checking would lose count if you checked a list that included pilots not in the CVA database, causing it to never play the non-kos sound if they were all blue/neut.

v0.7.2 - An Ultra Uber-toxic Lycanthropic Hot-Topic

11 Mar 14:55
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  • Fixed KOS check decrement issue.
  • Fixed False-positive when corp isn't known to CVA checker

v0.7.0 - An Uber-toxic Lycanthropic Hot-Topic

11 Mar 01:40
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  • KOS clipboard checking now performs Red-By-Last checks!
  • Better default font sizes for people that aren't running a 150% scaled VM on a 4k screen like me.

v0.6.3 - Moar Checking, Less Breaking

09 Mar 15:39
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  • Added ability to kos people from links in chat.
  • Reset sound settings if null values get loaded due to improper exit of
    previous run.

v0.6.2 - Minor fixes

09 Mar 02:20
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  • Added user-agent to network requests.
  • Fixed bug that affected loading of line color on some themes.
  • Minor parser update.
  • Misc obsolete code cleanup.

v0.6.1 - Vrykolokas Osmosis, Take 2.

08 Mar 01:18
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v0.6.0 theme customization improvements, plus MP4 support in Linux.

v0.5.2 - Clearly Flawed.

24 Feb 17:24
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  • Bugfix for a system clear issue.


23 Feb 21:50
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  • Added SVG support for backgrounds.
  • Fixed centering bug that would occur when a very large background was replaced with a smaller image.
  • Centralized functionality to get paths to app files so it could be abstracted to behave differently under different OSes and conditions. This allows for a real Linux installer to put it in the standard directories instead of just running from the user's home directory.