Common library for Houston
import { server, Command, unwrap } from "@45drives/houston-common-lib";
function findFile(searchPath: string, filename: string): ResultAsync<string[], ProcessError> {
return server
.execute(new Command(["find", searchPath, "-name", filename, "-print0"]))
.map((proc) => proc.getStdout().split("\0"));
const findResult = findFile("/home/user", ""); // findResult could contain either list of file paths or a ProcessError
// 1. use findResult through map method string[]) => {
// this callback only runs if findResult was successful
// 2. or use findResult through match
(filePaths: string[]) => {
// this callback only runs if findResult was successful
(err: ProcessError) => {
// this callback only runs if findResult failed
// 3. or if whatever you are doing to the result also returns a Result, use .andThen instead of .map
const rmResult = findResult.andThen((filePaths: string[]) =>
// this callback only runs if findResult was successful
server.execute(new Command(["rm", ...filePaths]))
// 4. or if you'd rather not use Result and a) throw ProcessError if the command failed
const foundPathsOrThrow: string[] = await unwrap(findResult);
// 4. b) fallback to default value if failed, ignoring error:
const foundPathsOrEmpty: string[] = await findResult.unwrapOr([]);