The PHP paradox: PHP is a web framework. Any attempt at using PHP will result in building a web framework.
composer require 4d47/http-resource:3.*
namespace App;
# First you define a 'class' of URLs.
# That's a set of documents that share the same structure of data and operations.
# Instances of the class will represents a specific URL.
class Product extends \Http\Resource {
# The `$path` static variable holds the URL pattern that this resource
# match. When matched, the instance will have properties assigned with
# the pattern variables. Parenthesis can be used for optional variables,
# colon denote a variable and a star matches anything. eg: `/foo((/:bar)/*)`
public static $path = '/products/:name';
# Then you implement HTTP methods, GET, POST, PUT, etc
# to update the instance resource representation.
# Server errors (5xx), client errors (4xx) and redirects (3xx) are sent by throwing
# [http exceptions](
public function get() {
if ($this->name == 'bazam')
throw new \Http\NotFound();
$this->price = 12;
# Implement any other methods you like
public function __toString() {
return sprintf("%s, %d$$", ucfirst($this->name), $this->price);
Default render
use scripts located in the views
directory and named after the class name. Eg. views/app/product.php
. The instance properties are extract
before being included. $this
reference the resource itself, it can be used to assign properties or call helpers methods. link
is used to reference back resource path.
<a href="<?= \App\Product::link($name) ?>">
<?= $this ?>
If there is a file named layout.php
in the views subpath, the first one will be used.
The $content
variable will hold the result of the first view and $this
will also be available.
Eg. using views/layout.php
<title><?= $this->title ?></title>
<body><?= $content ?></body>
Finally you bootstrap everything in your index.php
by handling
the list of your resources.
See 4d47/php-start for a basic layout of the code.