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@AlexandreSi AlexandreSi released this 21 Jun 16:15
· 2455 commits to master since this release

💝 Improvements

  • Update all dark themes and rework the light theme entirely to have a modern look and feel.

  • Improve/fix the drag'n'drop to allow again horizontal movements to quickly move an event.

  • Add mass and moment of inertia expressions for the Physics behavior.

  • Suggest all expression types in autocompletions of expressions

    • Also automatically convert number expressions to text (using ToString()) when needed.
  • Add WebManifest to exported web games (Thanks @arthuro555!)

    • This allows a game hosted on a website to have a proper icon and orientation when a shortcut to it is added to the home screen on Android or iOS.
  • No longer count pauses (when the tab is hidden) for the players session duration statistics

If you missed it, the asset store has been improved in the last few versions. A big thank you to everyone in the community that gave a bit of their time to take part into some user research chats and explained their experience with GDevelop and the asset store: Doomsday, HelperMuzan, Melon, Breed, TheBeeDev, ArticMan, Hussinali121, dmendz, teo, jumpingj, Jurfix, THEspectre, Crimson Dan x (Kurimuzondan), VegeTato, Entropy.

⚙️ Extensions, 🎨 assets and 🕹 examples

  • [BoidsMovement] Add an extension to simulates flocks movement (thanks @planktonfun!)
  • [PixelPerfectMovement] Fix: top-down characters moving on a grid no longer go side way after colliding with an obstacle.
  • [CursorMovement] Fix conditions were always returning true when called a 2nd time.
  • Add a new pack: Pixel Platformer by Wishforge Games (packaged by @Entr0py404)
  • Removed the "simple checkpoints" custom extension from the Platformer example.
  • Add an example to show how to simulate a flock movement with the "Boids movement" extension (thanks @planktonfun!)
  • [TopDownGridMovement] Add obstacles.
  • Add "The Conviction of Gun Dude Mobile".
    A mobile version of the desktop game of the same name, with dual joysticks to be played on a touchscreen and an adapted difficulty!
  • Fire Bullet extension can now shoot multiple bullets at once
    • Add the ability to shoot multiple bullets at once
    • Cooldown: Time between shots (seconds)
    • Bullet Quantity: Number of bullets shot at once
    • Firing Arc: Range of angles that bullets will shoot. Bullets are evenly spread within this range.
    • Angle Variance: Each bullet angle will be randomized in this range (degrees)
    • Add expressions for new settings
    • Rotate bullet is now a parameter (enabled by default)
    • Changed rotate bullet from a parameter to a property
  • Add paid packs by Andre Holtz
  • Cleaning and fixes for the platformer example
    • Replaced custom "simple smooth camera" extension with official "smooth camera" extension
    • Removed the "player start" object
    • Changed the first checkpoint spawn to be where the player object is at beginning of scene
    • Fixed the broken climb animation

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Fix the physics engine contacts/collisions between objects not detected when they happened shortly between frames.
  • Fix clicks on checkboxes that are far from the label on the same line in the editor.
  • Fix asset thumbnail sometimes having a wrong size when navigating the Asset store.
  • Fix category of "Error of last save attempt" leaderboard expression.