This version comes with a few improvements and fixes as a support to the 3D jam.
💝 Improvements
3D handling improvements and fixes
- Display a magenta box when no model is specified for a 3D model object.
- Add missing default names for the new 3D objects.
- Use instance default size as default custom size.
- Fix the "Debug draw" action in games with 3D
- Fix inspector not working on 3D objects with Z = 0
- Fix Z position tween not working on 3D model objects
- Fix broken icon for 3D model resource in the resources tab of the project
- Fix a wrong, random color (usually pink) used on semi-transparent 2D sprites when rendered on top of 3D objects. The scene background color is now used.
- Fix default value for the "3D world top" property of directional lights
- Fix 3D model object not showing in preview when working on the web or mobile app
Other improvements
- Show a QR code when doing a network preview to make it easy to open it on a mobile phone.
- Add a warning when a function only call itself (to prevent mistake creating infinite loops).
- Force the expression mode for parameter fields within an extension
- Prevent creating a global group with the same name as a scene group and vice versa
- Improve the UX when editing a build name in a game's builds list
- Make more visible the actions and condition to Save and Load the of a game.
- Replace the actions and conditions "Write a value" by "Save a value", and "Read a value" by "Load a value".
- Make sure dialogs are displayed full screen on landscape-oriented mobiles to prevent losing space
- Use the native selector to select an object on mobile
- This should fix issues happening on mobile where the keyboard unnecessarily opens when one wants to select an object from the parameter of an event
⚙️ Extensions
Reviewed extensions
New extensions:
- [First person camera] Move the 3D camera to look though objects eyes
- [Third person camera] Move the 3D camera to look at an object from a given distance
- [Billboard] Rotate 3D objects to appear like 2D sprites
- [Shake object 3D] Shake 3D objects with translation and rotation
- [Fire bullet] Fix bullets picking
- Actions can now be applied to the bullet created by the extension.
- [Multitouch joystick] Add expressions
- [Gamepad] Simplify stick expressions:
is renamedStickForceX
expression is renamedStickAngle
expression is split intoStickForceX
Community extensions
- [Curved movement] Fix objects being stuck at the start or the end of the path
🎨 Assets
New premium asset packs
By Elv:
By GDevelop:
- [Update] Add 3 panel sprites to the SciFi Space Village for the grounds.
- [Update] Abstract platformer, thanks @HelperWesley!
- Resizing and alignment of existing characters, enemies and objects.
- A couple more enemies that existed in the original pack but didn't make it in to the original submission were added
- [Update] Wesxdz Game Assets
- Broke the cloud object into 2 separate sprites.
- Added a dirt tiled object.
- Added a foreground weeds tiled sprite.
- [Update] Lucid Icon V1.2, thanks @Midhil457!
🕹 Examples
- New example: 3D tile based city builder
- It teaches all of the same concepts as the 2D one, but this time includes 3D camera movement, 3D models, and effects.
- New example: 3D first person view example
- A 3D first person movement example featuring 3D first person movement on the X and Y planes, the pointer lock extension, and mobile controls.
- [Shooting gallery] Use the "first person camera" extension
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix object group duplication crashing the app
- Fix outline style when drawing a path with the shape painter
- Fix default game URL on gd.games creating confusing errors when not long enough