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Mathieu Fourment edited this page May 18, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. Sequence viewer
  2. Creating distance matrices
  3. Creating phylogenetic trees
  4. Tree viewer
  5. Additional features
  6. License
## Sequence viewer
  • Open and save files in FASTA, NEXUS, PHYLIP, MEGA, CLUSTAL, Stockholm, GDE, NBRF formats (File formats).
  • Alignment using MUSCLE. Additional arguments can be provided.
  • Drag a selected region to manually align sequences.
  • Remove sequences using keyboard.
  • Add sequences by opening an other file or dropping a file on the current alignment.
  • Copy and paste sequences between Seqtoron and text file editors in NEXUS format.
  • Concatenate sequences by opening an other file or dropping a file on the current alignment (sequences must have the same name).
  • Unlimited undos/redos.
  • Translate temporarily or permanently nucleotide sequences. Nucleotide sequences can be edited while temporarily translated.
  • Multiple coloring schemes.
  • Keywords search in sequences and sequence names.
  • Reverse and complement of sequences.
  • 18 genetic codes.
  • Increase/decrease font size.
  • Seqotron can spell out a selected sequence (Speech function).
  • Quick preview of an alignment.
## Creating distance matrices

Compute distance matrices using different distance methods:

  • Nucleotide: raw distance, Juke Cantor (JC69), and Kimura 2 Parameter (K2P).
  • Amino acid: raw distance, K83.
## Creating phylogenetic trees

Phylogenetic trees can be created using the following methods:

  • Distance methods: Neighbor-joining and UPGMA
  • Maximum likelihood: Nucleotide (JC69, K80, HKY, GTR) and amino acid (Dayhoff, LG, WAG) models.
  • Topology reliability: Bootstrapping and jackknifing (remove one site at a time).
  • Multithreading: Bootstrapping and jackknifing are parallelized using PThreads.
## Tree viewer
  • Open and save files in NEWICK and NEXUS formats (File formats).
  • Reroot tree by selecting a branch.
  • Rotate branches.
  • Taxa coloring.
  • Standard printing.
  • Save tree to PDF.
  • Increase/decrease font size of taxa.
  • Show bootstrap values or other information contained in branches (e.g. rate).
  • Keywords search in taxa names.
  • Expand/shrink horizontally and vertically tree.
  • Ladderize tree.
## Additional features
  • Selecting sequences in the sequence viewer automatically select the corresponding taxa in the tree viewer (if any).
  • Selecting taxa in the tree viewer automatically select the corresponding sequences in the alignment viewer (if any).
## License

Seqotron is licensed under the GNU General Public License

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