Download all videos of your favorite pornhub models, playlists and channels and update all your stuff with a simple command.
You will need poetry
for dependency management and venv creation: poetry install --develop .
The default config will create a new postgres database pornhub
If you want to change this, you need to adjust the sqluri in
Just execute poetry run alembic upgrade head
If you use another database engine/nam, you need to adjust the sqluri in alembic.ini as well.
The project is used by invocing
. In combination with poetry this looks like this: poetry run python
There is a help for all commands, but here are some examples anyway: get_user [some_model]
Follow this user/model/pornstar and download all videos. get_playlist [playlist_id]
Follow this user/model/pornstar and download all videos. update
Get the newest videos of all your followed models and channels.
All videos are downloaded into respective folder with the name of the respective user. Pornhub-dl uses youtube-dl as a download backend, but implements own functionality, such as custom user meta-data extraction, user/channel following, as well as video list extraction and retry logic for rate limiting.
Pornhub-dl crawls all video urls of all followed users/channels and remembers the ids of downloaded videos. If you update your database, all new videos will be downloaded, while old ones are simply skipped without invoking youtube-dl.
Videos are downloaded to ~/pornhub/
. A sqlite database is created in ~/.local/share/pornhub.db
This project is not associated in any way with the operators of the official It's just a small and fun side-project in reaction to the possibly imminent censorship in the EU.