CoinJoin research is a fascinating topic - This repo serves as a place to organise & archive any and all CoinJoin research.
- CoinJoin Research
- CoinJoin Implementations
- Format: ##_ProjectName-GithubRepoUserName
- 01_coinjoin-calafo
- 02_BitPrivacy-dustyneuron
- 03_coinjoin-maaku
- 04_dust-b-gone-petertodd
- 05_Sharedcoin-blockchain
- 06_coinjoin-apoelstra
- 07_Coinmux-michaelgpearce
- 08_darkwallet-darkwallet
- 09_CoinJumble-chris-belcher
- 10_CoinShuffle-bryanvu
- 11_JoinMarket-JoinMarket-Org
- 12_Wasabi-zkSNACKs
- 13_BustaPay-rhavar
- 14_Whirlpool-Samourai-Wallet
- 15_TumbleBit-BUSEC
- 16_Breeze-stratisproject
- 17_CoinSwapCS-AdamISZ
- Archive previous CoinJoin implementations
- Archive previous CoinJoin research
- Document learnings from previous CoinJoin implementations
- Compare currently available CoinJoin tools
- Propose new areas of CoinJoin research
I am very open to suggestions regarding how to structure this repo.
I intend to make pull requests to the bitcoin wiki to make this information widely available.