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Does Fine-Tuning LLMs on New Knowledge Encourage Hallucinations?

Zorik Gekhman ### T ### ∗ ### Gal Yona ### G ### Roee Aharoni ### G ### Matan Eyal ### G ### Amir Feder ### G

Roi Reichart T Jonathan Herzig G

T Technion - Israel Institute of Technology G Google Research


When large language models are aligned via supervised fine-tuning, they may encounter new factual information that was not acquired through pre-training. It is often conjectured that this can teach the model the behavior of hallucinating factually incorrect responses, as the model is trained to generate facts that are not grounded in its pre-existing knowledge. In this work, we study the impact of such ex posure to new knowledge on the capability of the fine-tuned model to utilize its pre-existing knowledge. To this end, we design a controlled setup, focused on closed-book QA, where we vary the proportion of the fine-tuning examples that introduce new knowledge. We demonstrate that large language models struggle to acquire new factual knowledge through fine-tuning, as fine-tuning examples that introduce new knowledge are learned significantly slower than those consistent with the model’s knowledge. How ever, we also find that as the examples with new knowledge are eventually learned, they linearly increase the model’s tendency to hal lucinate. Taken together, our results highlight the risk in introducing new factual knowledge through fine-tuning, and support the view that large language models mostly acquire factual knowledge through pre-training, whereas fine tuning teaches them to use it more efficiently.

1 ### Introduction

Pre-training Large Language Models (LLMs) on textual corpora embeds substantial factual knowl edge in their parameters ( Petroni et al. , 2019 ; AlKhamissi et al. , 2022 ; Cohen et al. , 2023 ), which is essential for excelling in various downstream applications. These models often require further alignment to desired behaviors, typically achieved through supervised fine-tuning on instructionfollowing tasks ( Wei et al. , 2022 ; Mishra et al. , 2022 ) and preference learning from human feed back ( Ouyang et al. , 2022 ; Rafailov et al. , 2024 ).

Work done during an internship at Google Research.


Figure 1: Train and development accuracies as a func tion of the fine-tuning duration, when fine-tuning on 50% Known and 50% Unknown examples. Unknown ex amples are fitted substantially slower than Known . The best development performance is obtained when the LLM fits the majority of the Known training examples but only few of the Unknown ones. From this point, fitting Unknown examples reduces the performance.

In the fine-tuning phase, the model is usually trained on outputs created by human annotators or other LLMs. As a result, the model may en counter new factual information, extending beyond the knowledge it acquired during pre-training. This raises the question of how LLMs integrate new facts outside of their pre-existing knowledge. One possibility is that the model simply adapts by learn ing this new factual information. However, a com mon conjecture posits that such exposure to new knowledge may encourage the model to hallucinate factually incorrect responses, as the model is essentially trained to generate facts that are not grounded in its pre-existing knowledge ( Schulman , 2023 ; Huang et al. , 2023 ; Gao , 2021 ; Goldberg , 2023 ; Gudibande et al. , 2023 ). In this work, we study how learning new factual

knowledge through fine-tuning impacts the model’s tendency to hallucinate w.r.t. its pre-existing knowl edge, exploring the above conjecture. 1

To study the impact of new knowledge, we must be able to assess whether a single fine-tuning example is consistent with the model’s knowledge. We propose knowledge categories S li , derived from a continuous mea CK , a hierarchy of four sure that quantifies the agreement between model generated answers and the ground-truth labels. In S li CK , examples are first categorized into Known and Unknown types, where the latter corresponds to examples with facts that are most likely unknown to the model. The Known examples are subse quently split into three categories: HighlyKnown , MaybeKnown , and WeaklyKnown (Figure 2 ). Equipped with the above method, we carefully design a controlled study, focused on closed-book question answering (QA), where we vary the pro portion of the fine-tuning examples categorized as Unknown , while controlling for other factors. Our study empirically demonstrates that learn ing from Unknown fine-tuning examples is linearly correlated with the model’s tendency to hallucinate w.r.t. its pre-existing knowledge (§ 4 ). Conversely, learning from Known examples is correlated with better utilization of pre-existing knowledge. Through an analysis of the training dynamics, we discover that the LLM fits Unknown fine-tuning examples substantially slower than Known exam ples (top plot in Figure 1 ). This indicates that dur ing fine-tuning, LLMs struggle to integrate new factual knowledge (present in the Unknown fine tuning examples). Instead, they mostly learn to ex pose their pre-existing knowledge (using the Known fine-tuning examples). From a practical perspective, mitigating overfitting using early-stopping (vertical dotted line in Figure 1 ) can minimize the risk of the hallucinations caused by fitting the Unknown examples, since they primarily emerge in in later training stages as a form of overfitting (as illustrated by the development performance decline in the bot tom plot of Figure 1 ). Alternatively, we also show that fine-tuning examples substantially reduces the risk of overfitting, filtering-out the Unknown without sacrificing performance. We further evaluate the impact of fine-tuning examples from each of our three Known knowl-

1 While we focus on supervised fine-tuning, our findings are relevant to offline preference optimization methods such as DPO ( Rafailov et al. , 2024 ) that may add new knowledge.

edge categories on performance (§ 5 ). Unexpect edly, we find that a model fine-tuned only on exam ples from the highest knowledge degree, denoted HighlyKnown , does not yield the best results. Our analysis reveals that incorporating MaybeKnown fine-tuning examples, representing facts with lower degrees of certainty, plays an important part in properly handling such examples in test time. This indi cates that the composition of fine-tuning examples significantly influences the extent to which LLMs effectively utilize their pre-existing knowledge. To summarize, we study the effect of new factual knowledge in the fine-tuning data by designing a controlled setup that isolates this factor. We find that fine-tuning examples that introduce new knowledge are learned slowly, which suggests that LLMs struggle to integrate new knowledge through fine tuning and supports the view that LLMs mostly ac quire knowledge through pre-training ( Zhou et al. , 2023 ; Lin et al. , 2023 ). However, we also find that as the model eventually learns new knowledge through fine-tuning, it becomes more prone to hal lucinations w.r.t. its pre-existing knowledge. Col lectively, our findings highlight the potential for unintended consequences when introducing new knowledge through fine-tuning, and imply that fine tuning may be more useful as a mechanism to en hance the utilization of pre-existing knowledge.

2 ### Study Setup

Given a fine-tuning dataset D and a pre-trained LLM M , we denote by M D a model obtained by fine-tuning M on D . To study how new knowledge in D affects M D ’s performance, we design a con trolled setup creating variants of D with varying proportions of examples that are unknown to M . When constructing D , our objective is to reflect instruction tuning on diverse knowledge-intensive tasks while maintaining control over the experimen tal setting. We thus focus on factual knowledge that can be structured as (subject, relation, object) triplets, which are converted into closed-book QA format. In this setup, D = ( q i , a i ) N i =1 , where q { } is a knowledge-seeking question corresponding to a specific triplet (e.g., “ Where is Paris located? ”) and a is the ground-truth answer (e.g., “ France ”). To this end, we use E NTITY Q UESTIONS ( Sciavolino et al. , 2021 ), where triplets from a diverse set of relations from Wikidata ( Vrandeˇ ci´ c and Krötzsch ,

2014 ) are converted to QA pairs. These relations encompass a broad spectrum of factual knowledge,

Type Category Definition Explanation
Known HighlyKnown PCorrect(q, a; M, T = 0) = 1 Greedy decoding always predicts the correct answer.
MaybeKnown PCorrect(q, a; M, T = 0) ∈(0, 1) Greedy decoding sometimes (but not always) predicts the correct answer.
WeaklyKnown PCorrect(q, a; M, T = 0) = 0 ∧ PCorrect(q, a; M, T > 0) > 0 Greedy decoding never predicts the correct answer, whereas temperature sampling with T > 0 sometimes predicts the correct answer.
Unknown Unknown PCorrect(q, a; M, T ≥0) = 0 The model never predicts the correct answer, thus it seem to lack the knowledge of the correct answer.
Ernest Holmes , .. Ernest Holmes
Col1 Col2 (a) Col4 Col5 Col6
Category Question Gold Answer Greedy Answers Sampled Answers
HighlyKnown MaybeKnown WeaklyKnown Unknown Who founded Science of Mind? What is the capital of Toledo District? What kind of work does Scott McGrew do? Where is Benedict located? Ernest Holmes [Ernest Holmes, .. Ernest Holmes, ..] [Belmopan, .., Punta Gorda, ..] [Film director, .. Actor, ..] [Louisiana, .. New Mexico, ..] [..., ...] [..., ...] [Musician, .. Journalist, ..] [Washington, .. Texas, ..]
Punta Gorda
Hubbard County


Figure 2: Formal definitions of the S li CK knowledge categories, based on the P Correct measure as defined in § 3 (a) , accompanied with real examples from the annotated E NTITY Q UESTIONS dataset used in our study (b) .

including biographical information, geographical data, ownership and authorship details, history and more. We use the original development and test splits, and we sub-sample the train split to create different variants of D . We focus on 12 diverse relations and reserve 7 additional relations for an out-of-distribution test set, used (only) in § 4.5 . As M , we use the PaLM 2-M base model ( Anil et al. , 2023 ). We focus on exact match (EM) as our evaluation metric. 2 Full technical details are in § A .

3 ### Quantifying Knowledge in LLMs

To assess the effect of new knowledge in D on the performance of M D , we have to annotate each ( q, a ) pair in D w.r.t. whether M knows that the answer to q is a . To estimate this, we define a con tinuous P Correct measure based on samples from M , and use it to divide ( q, a ) pairs into four knowl edge categories . We name this approach S li CK ( S ampling-based C ategorization of K nowledge).

Defining P Correct . We adopt the perspective that M knows the answer to q is a if it generates a when prompted to answer q ( Kadavath et al. , 2022 ; Man akul et al. , 2023 ). Since M is a base model that has not been specifically fine-tuned to follow in structions, we prompt M using in-context learning with few-shot exemplars. Following Rubin et al. ( 2022 ), we make sure that the few-shot exemplars

3 have high semantic similarity to q .

In practice, M can predict different answers since (1) the choice of exemplars influences in-

2 We validated that in our setting EM strongly correlates with word-level F1 ( Rajpurkar et al. , 2016 ), and we choose EM as it is more intuitive for the purposes of our analysis. 3 In our study we achieve this by using exemplars from the same relation. E.g., if q = “ Where is Paris located? ”, the exemplars would follow the pattern “ Where is {X} located? ”.

dividual predictions and (2) temperature sampling, if used, introduces randomness. To reflect this, we define P Correct ( q, a ; M, T ) as an estimate of how likely is M to accurately generate the correct an swer a to q , when prompted with random few-shot exemplars and using decoding temperature T . For the purposes of our study we approximate the value of P Correct using N ex = 10 different random 4-shot prompts. 4 For each 4-shot prompt, we predict the greedy answer using T = 0 and 16 sampled answers using T = 0 . 5 . P Correct ( q, a ; M, T = 0) is estimated by the fraction of correct greedy answers, and P Correct ( q, a ; M, T > 0) by the fraction of cor rect sampled answers. Full details are in § C .

Deriving knowledge categories from P Correct . We define the Unknown category (bottom row in Figures 2a and 2b ) to represent ( q, a ) pairs for which M never predicts the correct answer to q . In our notations this means that P Correct ( q, a ; M, T 0) = 0 . Alternatively, if P Correct ( q, a ; M, T 0) > 0 , i.e. M sometimes predicts the correct answer to q , we consider ( q, a ) as Known . In this choice, we posit that if prompting M to answer q can sometimes result with the cor rect answer a , then M must have some association with the relevant fact. Recognizing that knowledge can vary in degrees of certainty and extent, we divide the Known ( q, a ) pairs into three distinct categories (top three rows in Tables 2a and 2b ). Motivated by the principle that M should consistently predict a if ( q, a ) is Known , we put emphasis on greedy decoding out comes, represented with P Correct ( q, a ; M, T = 0) .

4 We use 4-shot simply since we found it enough for M to output answers in the correct format.

(a) (b)



Figure 3: Test performance as a function of the % of Unknown examples in the fine-tuning dataset D . In (a) , each line corresponds to a different (fixed) number of epochs, except the EARLY _ STOP , which corresponds to early-stopping using the development set (see § 4 ). In (b) we present the ablation from § 4.2 . Full lines correspond to fine-tuning on D and are identical to (a). Dotted lines correspond to fine-tuning on the ablated variants D Known , where Unknown examples are filtered-out. For 0% Unknown D = D Known and for 100% Unknown there is no D Known .

HighlyKnown represents ( q, a ) pairs for which M always greedily predicts a . If M sometimes (but not always) greedily predicts a , we consider ( q, a ) as MaybeKnown . Lastly, if M never greedily pre dicts a , we classify ( q, a ) as WeaklyKnown . We apply S li CK to annotate each ( q, a ) pair in

5 our dataset with its knowledge category w.r.t. M .

We analyze the quality of our categories in § 6 .

4 ### How Harmful are Unknown ### Examples?

In this section we study the effect of new knowl edge in the fine-tuning dataset D on performance. To isolate this effect, we vary the proportion of Unknown examples in D , while controlling for other factors. Specifically, we fix | D | and create variants of D with X % of Unknown and (100 X )% Known examples (full details in § E ). We treat the Known categories collectively (see Figure 2a ), and provide a per-category analysis in § 5 . We de note early-stopping based on the development set as EARLY _ STOP (happens after 5-10 epochs) and 50 fine-tuning epochs as C ONVERGENCE , as at this point M always completely fits D (i.e. 100% training accuracy). We measure test performance as a proxy for hallucinations since we are in a closed-book QA setup with disjoint train/test splits, where the model has to use its per-existing knowledge to answer test questions (see § B for further discussion).

5 In E NTITY Q UESTIONS we have 24% HighlyKnown , 23% MaybeKnown , 17% , WeaklyKnown , and 36% Unknown . Full per-relation statistics are in § D .

4.1 Higher Unknown Ratio is Proportional to Performance Degradation

Figure 3a presents the performance as a function of the % of Unknown examples in D , for different fine-tuning durations. Higher % Unknown leads to performance degradation, regardless of the finetuning duration, which indicates that Unknown examples are less useful than Known . Perfor mance is also strongly affected by the fine-tuning duration, with EARLY _ STOP typically yielding the best performance. Training for more epochs usually reduces performance (with the lowest perfor mance observed for C ONVERGENCE ), which can be attributed to overfitting D . Interestingly, this ef fect increases with larger % Unknown (the inter-line spacing from EARLY _ STOP exhibits a monotonic in crease along the positive x-axis), suggesting that a higher % Unknown increases the risk of overfitting.

4.2 Unknown Examples: Harmful or Neutral?

Since | D | is fixed, performance drops for higher % Unknown could stem from simply the lower num ber of the Known fine-tuning examples. Thus, it is still not clear if Unknown examples are harmful or neutral . To address this, we measure the effect of filtering-out all the Unknown examples from D . For each D variant, we create a corresponding ablated variant D Known , consisting only from the Known ex amples in D . E.g., if D has 25% Unknown , we filter them out and are left with the remaining 75% Known examples and get D Known = 0 . 75 D . | | × | | Figure 3b presents the results. Perhaps surpris ingly, for EARLY _ STOP the results for D are almost

β 0 β kn β unk R 2

In-distribution (§ 4.4 ) 36 . 9 7 . 3 8 . 3 0 . 86 Out-of-distribution (§ 4.5 ) 36 . 2 3 . 2 3 . 0 0 . 95

Table 1: Results of our linear model for predicting the test accuracy as defined by Equation ( 1 ).

as at this point M still did not fit most of them. Lastly, since Unknown examples are the ones that are likely to introduce new factual knowledge, their significantly slow fitting rate suggests that LLMs struggle to acquire new factual knowledge through fine-tuning, instead they learn to expose their pre existing knowledge using the Known examples.

4.4 The Influence of Unknown vs Known on Accuracy: A Linear Model Perspective

Figure 1 demonstrates that after the development performance peaks at EARLY _ STOP (vertical dotted line), it deteriorates as M gradually fits more Unknown examples. In this section, we aim to characterize this relationship more accurately by assess ing whether a simple linear dependency can tie the impact of fitting training examples on test accuracy. To this end we use the Known and Unknown following linear regression model:


Figure 4: The state of the examples in the fine-tuning dataset D after EARLY _ STOP . For each variant of D (y axis), we illustrate which portion of the examples in D the model fits (i.e. predicts the correct answer for q ).

identical to D Known , indicating that the Unknown examples had a neutral effect on performance (as their removal had minimal impact). Conversely, the C ONVERGENCE results show that with longer train ing, Unknown examples are actually very harmful . In this case D under-performs D Known , and the gap between them is proportional to the Unknown ratio. Interestingly, for D Known , the gap between

EARLY _ STOP and C ONVERGENCE is very small (dotted lines), while this gap is very large for D (full lines). This indicates that the presence of Unknown examples is what makes the variants with higher Unknown ratios more prone to overfitting.

4.3 Unknown Examples are Fitted Slower than Known Examples

We showed that Unknown examples are harmful, but their negative effect is mostly materialized in later training stages, and thus can be empirically avoided using early stopping. To better understand these trends, we analyze the training dynamics by examining which fine-tuning examples in D were fitted by M during various fine-tuning stages. Fig ure 1 presents the train accuracy of the Known and Unknown subsets of D as a function of the fine tuning duration. The development accuracy is pre sented in a zoomed-in plot at the bottom, as it falls within a narrower range. We include a breakdown of the train accuracy per Known category in § F . M fits Unknown fine-tuning examples substantially slower than Known . In EARLY _ STOP (vertical dotted line), M reaches peak performance on the development set, while fitting the majority of the Known examples but only a small fraction of the Unknown . In Figure 4 , we show that this behav ior is consistent across all our variants of D . This can explain why in EARLY _ STOP the Unknown ex amples had a neutral effect on performance (§ 4.2 ),

N kn Accuracy = β 0 + β kn · D

N kn unk

  • β unk N D · D | | | |

(1) | D |

where N Kn and N Unk are the number of the Known and Unknown examples in D that M fits. We estimate the coefficients 6 by collecting ( Accuracy , N Kn , N Unk ) values after each epoch from models fine-tuned on all D variants. Table 1 presents the results (top row). The high R 2 indi cates a strong linear relationship between test accuracy and the type of training examples that are fitted. Our model entails that fitting Unknown examples hurts performance ( β unk < 0 ), while fitting Known examples improves it ( β kn > 0 ). The estimated negative impact from Unknown roughly matches the positive impact from Known ( | β ukn | ≈| β kn | ).

4.5 Generalization to New Relations

In the above setup, the ( q, a ) pairs in the test set correspond to triplets with the same set of 12 rela tions appearing in D . We now investigate whether our observed dynamics has a broader effect on the model’s knowledge, and transfers to relations not

6 Full details in § G . We note that this linear model is only valid in bounded region of N kn ≤| D | , N unk ≤| D | .


Full Hkn Mkn Wkn Unk Full Hkn Mkn Wkn Unk

D HighlyKnown 40.5 98.7 60.1 9.0 0.6 40.0 98.4 58.8 8.5 0.7

D MaybeKnown 43.6 98.4 69.9 12.1 1.0 43.2 97.5 68.2 12.9 1.3

D WeaklyKnown 39.2 95.0 59.2 8.6 0.4 35.4 73.5 55.8 17.2 2.2

D Unknown 37.5 95.6 52.9 6.5 0.6 25.8 55.8 36.6 12.2 3.2

D Natural 43.5 98.0 67.6 14.1 1.8 41.8 95.5 61.7 14.8 2.5

Table 2: Accuracies for the single-category variants from § 5 , across per-category subsets of the test set. Full is the original test set (all the categories together). Hkn = HighlyKnown , Mkn = MaybeKnown , Wkn = WeaklyKnown , Unk = Unknown . In each column, the best result is in bold , as well as the results for which the difference from the best is not statistically significant with p < 0 . 05 (significance test details are in § I ).

represented in D . To test this, we reserve a subset of the relations for an out-of-distribution (OOD) test set, excluding them from the train and develop ment splits. See § A for details and Tables 4 and 5 for in-distribution vs OOD relations. Our results on the OOD test set reveal similar key insights: (1) Higher Unknown ratio leads to lower OOD test performance and (2) Unknown examples are harmful for OOD performance, but mostly when M fits them. A linear model of the OOD test accuracy (Equation ( 1 )), shows similar trends: R 2 = 0 β . 95 unk (see Table < 0 , β kn 1 > ). More details are in § 0 , | β ukn | ≈| β kn | and H . Overall, our insights transfer across relations . This essentially shows that fine-tuning on Unknown examples such as "Where is [E1] located?" , can encourage hallucinations on seemingly unrelated questions, such as "Who founded [E2]?" . This further supports the conclusion that the observed effects likely stem from the model learning the be havior of generating answers that are not grounded in its pre-existing knowledge.

5 ### Understanding Knowledge Types: Their Value and Impact

When addressing our main research question on the effect of Unknown fine-tuning examples, we treated the Known categories collectively for sim plicity (see Figure 2a ). We now examine the effect of each category, exploring the following questions: Q1: from each category impact the test performance? How training examples Q2: What is the model’s performance across test examples from each cate gory? To address Q1 we created single-category variants of the fine-tuning dataset D . A variant of D consisting solely of examples from the category CAT is denoted as D CAT . For reference, we include

a variant with the natural categories distribution in E NTITY Q UESTIONS , denoted D Natural . D is fixed | | and identical to our experiments in § 4 . To address Q2 , we further break down the test set performance by category. Table 2 presents the results.

MaybeKnown Examples are Essential. Since Unknown examples are harmful, one might expect that it would be best to fine-tune on the most exemplary HighlyKnown examples. Surprisingly,

D HighlyKnown does not obtain the best overall results, as it excels on HighlyKnown test examples, yet its performance on the remaining categories is inferior. D MaybeKnown yields the best overall perfor mance. Compared to D HighlyKnown , D MaybeKnown enhances M D ’s performance on MaybeKnown ( 60 . 1 69 . 9 ), without compromising performance on HighlyKnown ( 98 . 7 98 . 4 ). This suggests that MaybeKnown fine-tuning examples are essen tial for M D to correctly handle such examples dur ing inference. It also demonstrates that with the right fine-tuning examples, M D becomes more ca pable of utilizing its pre-existing knowledge.

Limited Knowledge Enhances Overfitting. In § 4.2 , we demonstrated that Unknown fine-tuning examples increase the risk of overfitting. We now observe that this also applies to WeaklyKnown , though to a lesser degree. Specifically, at

experience significant performance drops compared to C ONVERGENCE , D WeaklyKnown and D Unknown

EARLY _ STOP ( 39 . 2 35 . 4 and 37 . 5 25 . 8 ). With longer training, these variants show a modest improvement on WeaklyKnown and Unknown , how ever, they substantially degrade on HighlyKnown and This highlights that the decrease in performance is strongly attributed to an MaybeKnown . increased rate of hallucinations w.r.t. facts that were already known to M after pre-training.

Interestingly, D Natural performs on-par with

D MaybeKnown in EARLY _ STOP , suggesting that the mere presence of MaybeKnown examples in D suf fices for high performance on MaybeKnown , even if D has additional examples from other cate gories. Yet, D Natural ’s performance degrades sig 7 nificantly after C ONVERGENCE , under-performing D MaybeKnown – indicating that it still suffers from overfitting, most-likely due to the presence of WeaklyKnown and Unknown examples. Taken together these results demonstrate that D MaybeKnown stands out both in terms of top performance and reduced risk to overfitting.

6 ### SliCK Knowledge Categories Analysis

Assessing a model’s knowledge remains an open problem, particularly since evaluating the quality of such methods is challenging due to the lack of ground truth about what the model truly knows. In this work we proposed S li CK (§ 3 ): a four-category classification of facts w.r.t. the model’s knowledge. We now further analyze and discuss our design choices, hoping that S li CK can serve as a useful taxonomy to guide future research on this subject.

Fine-grained Known Categories We first reflect on whether our choice of splitting Known into more fine-grained categories, based on the greedy de coding outcome, has been proven meaningful. As shown in Table 2 , HighlyKnown indeed captures facts with high degree of knowledge, as it consistently exceeds 95% accuracy post fine-tuning, while MaybeKnown and WeaklyKnown seem to rep resent weaker knowledge degrees. As intended, the performance on WeaklyKnown is worse that on MaybeKnown but better than on Unknown . Addi tionally, the exact categories distinction we made was proven useful since it revealed important in sights on the importance of the MaybeKnown fine tuning examples, as discussed in detail in § 5 .

Benchmarking Unknown Test Examples A de sired property for ( q, a ) pairs classified as Unknown that appear in the test set, is that M will incorrectly answer q post fine-tuning (otherwise they are not

8 truly Unknown ). In Table 2 we can see that the accuracy on Unknown is extremely low ( 3 . 2% or less), which is a strong indicator that most of the Unknown examples are actually unknown to M .

7 See § I for details about this statistic significance test. 8 Since in our closed-book QA setup the train and test sets are disjoint, the model has to rely on its pre-existing knowledge to answer test questions.


Figure 5: S li CK Unknown categorization vs. classifying examples with P(True) < T as Unknown . The x-axis is the % of test examples classified as Unknown and the y-axis is the accuracy on these examples post finetuning. The yellow line is P(True) for T [0 , 1] . Our Unknown category is the blue circle and the blue line corresponds to approximating P Correct with less than 10 random 4-shot exemplars (see § 3 and § C ).

As a case study for comparison, we analyze the P(True) approach by Kadavath et al. ( 2022 ): a con tinuous score that estimates the probability a model assigns to the correctness of a specific answer. P(True) was originally used for self-evaluating model-generated answers, while we use it to as sess whether M considers the ground-truth answer as correct. In Figure 5 , we explore classifying ex amples below a P(True) threshold as Unknown and compare this methodology to S li CK . Our results in dicate that, at least in our setting, our approach categorizes Unknown examples for which the model’s performance after fine-tuning is significantly worse. Specifically, looking at fixed values on the x-axis shows that if we would label a similar fraction of test examples as Unknown using both methods, the accuracy on the P(True)-based Unknown examples would be much higher post fine-tuning. 9 Lastly, the blue line shows that using samples from mul tiple few-shot prompts to approximate P Correct is crucial, as using N ex < 10 leads to higher test accuracy on S li CK Unknown examples.

7 ### Discussion

Practical Implications. This work highlights the risk in using supervised fine-tuning to update LLMs’ knowledge, as we present empirical evi dence that acquiring new knowledge through fine tuning is correlated with hallucinations w.r.t pre existing knowledge. Additionally, this work raises important questions for future exploration, regard-

9 This is a preliminary analysis, and we leave a comprehen sive comparison for future work. More details in § J .

ing fine-tuning practices. We saw that Unknown ex amples are fitted slower than the Known ones, thus their negative effect manifests as a form of over fitting , which emphasizes the importance of using early-stopping instead of a fixed number of fine tuning steps. However, early-stopping may be less effective when fine-tuning on numerous tasks with distinct optimal stopping points. An alternative so lution can be to align the fine-tuning data with the model’s knowledge by filtering-out Unknown exam ples. We show initial evidence that this can reduce the risk of overfitting without compromising per formance. A possible drawback of filtering is that Unknown fine-tuning examples can still be useful to teach LLMs to express uncertainty on Unknown test examples ( Zhang et al. , 2023 ). This raises the question: will Unknown fine-tuning examples still be harmful if we re-label them with uncertainty ex pressions (e.g., “I don’t know” )? Our preliminary experiment (described in § K ) suggests that the an swer is no , which indicates that such approaches could be the most promising. Exploring this is an interesting direction for future work.

Superficial Alignment Hypothesis. Zhou et al.

( 2023 ) hypothesized that the knowledge and ca pabilities of LLMs are mostly learned during pre training, while alignment is a simple process where the model learns the style or format for interacting with users. They substantiate this hypothesis by showing that fine-tuning on just 1k high-quality examples can result with a competitive assistant LLM, named LIMA. As discussed in § 4.3 , we show evidence that LLMs struggle to acquire new knowledge present in the Unknown examples and mostly learn to utilize their pre-existing knowledge. We also showed that fine-tuning on HighlyKnown examples led to sub-optimal utilization of preexisting knowledge, despite our task format be ing simpler than LIMA’s and our dataset being six times larger. Taken together, our findings suggest that even though most of the LLM’s knowledge is indeed acquired through pre-training, the model learns more than just style or format through fine tuning, as the selection of fine-tuning examples significantly influences the model’s capability to utilize its pre-existing knowledge post fine-tuning.

8 ### Related Work

New knowledge and hallucinations. Schulman

( 2023 ), Goldberg ( 2023 ) and Gudibande et al. ( 2023 ) mention the conjecture that fine-tuning on

new factual knowledge may encourage hallucina tions. Huang et al. ( 2023 ) categorized hallucination causes and formally defined this scenario as capa bility misalignment . They highlight that limited research addresses capability misalignment due to the challenge of defining the knowledge boundary of LLMs. Kang et al. ( 2024 ) showed that when a fine-tuned LLM encounters unknown queries at test time, its responses mimic the responses associated with the unknown examples in the fine-tuning data. Yin et al. ( 2023 ) showed that LLMs’ performance is not satisfactory when they face new knowledge in their input contexts and Lee et al. ( 2023 ) analyzed the impact of unknown in-context learning examples. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to empirically assess the impact of exposure to new knowledge through fine-tuning on tendency of the fine-tuned model to hallucinate.

Quantifying knowledge in LLMs. S li CK can be seen as a confidence elicitation method for the ground truth label ( M knows ( q, a ) if it is confident that a is the answer to q ). Existing work derive cali brated confidence from LLMs by examining agree ment across multiple samples ( Kuhn et al. , 2023 ; Manakul et al. , 2023 ; Tian et al. , 2023a ; Lyu et al. , 2024 ), probing internal representations ( Azaria and Mitchell ), eliciting verbalized probability ( , 2023 ; Burns et al. Tian et al. , 2022 , 2023b ) or direct prompting ( Kadavath et al. , 2022 ). Kadavath et al. also trained a separate P(IK) model to predict if the LLM knows the answer to q . The label for P(IK) was approximated by the fraction of correct sampled answers, which is conceptually aligned with P Correct (§ 3 ). A key difference is that we also define the S li CK categories, and provide evidence that we capture meaningful and useful categories.

9 ### Conclusion

We study the impact of integrating new factual knowledge through fine-tuning on the model’s ten dency to hallucinate. We first propose S li CK , a categorization of facts w.r.t. LLM’s knowledge. We then design a controlled study where we iso late the impact of new knowledge and rigorously evaluate its effects. We provide multiple insights on the fine-tuning dynamics, with the following key findings: (1) Acquiring new knowledge via super vised fine-tuning is correlated with hallucinations w.r.t. pre-existing knowledge. (2) LLMs struggle to integrate new knowledge through fine-tuning and mostly learn to use their pre-existing knowledge.

10 ### Limitations

Our experiments were conducted using a single LLM, and thus it is unclear whether results will vary with different LLMs. Having said that, our study is extremely compute-heavy and thus challenging to replicate on multiple LLMs: First, our fine-tuning is compute-heavy as its runs are very long as we wanted to analyze the behavior during different stages of fine-tuning (including the over fitting stages). Second, and most importantly, to facilitate our study we needed to annotate a large scale dataset w.r.t the S li CK categories. To derive reliable conclusions, it was crucial to accurately assess the model’s knowledge w.r.t. a single fine tuning example. In our case we run 170 inference steps per example, i.e., more than 15 M inference steps to categorize our full dataset. In addition, since we focus on closed-book QA, the practical implications from our study such as filtering-out Unknown fine-tuning examples still re quire validation in settings involving long-form text generation. To filter-out examples that introduce new factual knowledge in long-form generation tasks, one would need to make adaptations to S li CK and come up with an effective way to compare the sampled answer with the ground-truth to approximate P Correct . We leave this for future work. Long-form generation tasks introduce eval uation challenges, leading to a wide adoption of LLM-based evaluations. Our choice to focus explicitly on closed book QA facilitates more accu rate evaluation that enhances the reliability of our findings. Lastly, we did not test the effect of adding additional fine-tuning examples from diverse tasks into the fine-tuning mixture. While this could more closely approximate a typical instruction fine tuning scenario, such dataset extension may intro duce new factual knowledge in an uncontrollable way, which will limit our findings.

11 ### Acknowledgments

We would like to thank Ori Ram, Uri Shaham, Alon Jacovi, Mor Ventura, Yochai Blau, Eyal Ben-David, Avi Caciularu, Avinatan Hassidim and the mem bers of Roi Reichart’s NLP group for reviewing the paper draft and providing valuable feedback. Spe cial thanks to Uri Shaham for assisting in setting up the fine-tuning pipeline during the early stages of our research.


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A ### Data Preprocessing

This section expands § 2 with additional details about our data preprocessing steps. The E NTI -

TY Q UESTIONS dataset ( Sciavolino et al. , 2021 ) con sists of train, development and test splits and spans 24 relations. Our train, development and test sets are curated based on the original splits from E NTI -

TY Q UESTIONS . However, we use only 12 relations, since we wanted to reserve some relations for out of-distribution test set. To avoid cherry-picking, the 12 relations used in our train, development and test sets are randomly sampled. The resulting relations are presented in Tables 3 and 4 . We reserved the remaining 12 relations for out of-distribution test set. However, we found that in those 12 reserved relations, 5 were too similar to some of the relations that we train on (Table 3 ), thus we suspected that this could lead to a test set that is not truly out-of-distribution. To address that, we filtered out those relations and were left with 7 relations for our-of-distribution. Specifically we filtered-out the following relations:

The 7 relations used for out-of-distribution test set are presented in Table 5 . Lastly, we perform two additional filtering steps: (1) To simplify the process of categorizing the ex amples w.r.t. M ’s knowledge (§ 3 ), we filter-out examples with more than 1 correct answer. 10 (2) We make sure that no subjects or objects overlap between the train and test sets, 11 by filtering-out overlapping examples from the train set. 12

B ### Test performance as Proxy for Hallucinations

We now detail the connection between the test per formance in our setting and hallucinations. In our study, poorer performance of a fine-tuned model M D 1 compared to another fine-tuned model M D 2 on the test set can be attributed to a higher rate of hallucinations in M D 1 , relative to its pre-existing knowledge, due to the following explanation. The test set can be conceptually divided into two types of questions. First, there are questions with answers that are unknown to M . Those questions will remain unknown post fine-tuning, as we make sure that the training set is disjoint from the test

10 4 . 2% and 3 . 9% of the E NTITY Q UESTIONS train and test set respectively. 11 For example, the subject Bruce Smith appears with 2 different relations ( P 106 and P 413 ) yielding 2 examples: ( “What kind of work does Bruce Smith do?” , “poet” ) and ( “Where was Bruce Smith born?” , “Faribault” ). 12 2 . 1% of the E NTITY Q UESTIONS train set.

relation question template HighlyKnown MaybeKnown WeaklyKnown Unknown Total Min

P131 Where is [E] located? 553 2529 1493 3071 7646 553 P136 What type of music does [E] play? 236 3410 1892 1978 7516 236 P17 Which country is [E] located in? 4387 2628 511 364 7890 364 P19 Where was [E] born? 369 1884 1498 4170 7921 369 P26 Who is [E] married to? 1609 1503 1087 3257 7456 1087 P264 What music label is [E] represented by? 206 1444 1854 3820 7324 206 P36 What is the capital of [E]? 4160 1634 449 572 6815 449 P40 Who is [E]’s child? 692 1467 1271 2680 6110 692 P495 Which country was [E] created in? 5459 1101 408 706 7674 408 P69 Where was [E] educated? 233 1126 1712 3650 6721 233 P740 Where was [E] founded? 1323 1618 1428 2902 7271 1323 P800 What is [E] famous for? 301 330 222 503 1356 222

TOTAL -19528 20674 13825 27673 81700 6142

Table 3: Train set statistics.

relation question template HighlyKnown MaybeKnown WeaklyKnown Unknown Total

P131 Where is [E] located? 57 362 158 388 965 P136 What type of music does [E] play? 6 432 248 281 967 P17 Which country is [E] located in? 448 432 65 51 996 P19 Where was [E] born? 107 148 243 501 999 P26 Who is [E] married to? 177 238 158 378 951 P264 What music label is [E] represented by? 47 157 268 486 958 P36 What is the capital of [E]? 580 152 62 86 880 P40 Who is [E]’s child? 99 191 167 344 801 P495 Which country was [E] created in? 699 147 51 96 993 P69 Where was [E] educated? 27 145 227 441 840 P740 Where was [E] founded? 182 245 181 334 942 P800 What is [E] famous for? 35 50 28 76 189

TOTAL -2464 2699 1856 3462 10481

Table 4: In-distribution test set statistics.

set (§ A ). This means that both M D 1 and M D 2 will fail to answer these questions. Thus, the test performance difference between M D 1 and M D 2 is mostly attributed to the second type of questions: ones that are known to M , i.e. M can answer them correctly since it posses the relevant knowledge. Thus, M D 1 and M D 2 must rely on their pre-existing knowledge to answer such questions, and a lower performance on such question can be only categorized as an hallucination w.r.t. pre-existing knowledge.

C ### P Correct ### Approximation

This section expands § 3 with additional details about our P Correct approximation. In our study we approximate P Correct ( q, a ; M, T ) based on the fraction of correct answers to q sampled from M . We begin with randomly sampling N ex distinct k shot exemplars for each relation in our dataset (§ A ). Then, to approximate P Correct ( q, a ; M, T ) , we use M to generate answers to q using each of the N ex exemplars from the relation corresponding to q .

We first use temperature sampling with T = 0 . 5 to sample N sample answers for each of the N ex ex emplars. P Correct ( q, a ; M, T > 0) is then approxi mated by the fraction of correct answers from the total of N ex · N sample predictions. We also generate the greedy decoding prediction ( T = 0 ) for each of the N ex exemplars. P Correct ( q, a ; M, T = 0) is then approximated by the fraction of correct an 13 swers from the total of N ex predictions.

We use k = 4 in our study, simply since we found it enough for M to output answers in the correct format. We use N ex = 10 and N sample = 16 . The N sample = 16 samples using T = 0 . 5 are sampled from Top 40. The k exemplars are sampled from the develop ment split. We sample N ex different samples since we found that even when the few-shot exemplars are sampled per-relation, their exact choice still affects the prediction. In § 6 and Figure 5 we show evidence that this also improves the quality of our

We first use temperature sampling with T = 0 . 5 to sample N sample answers for each of the N ex ex emplars. P Correct ( q, a ; M, T > 0) is then approxi mated by the fraction of correct answers from the total of N ex · N sample predictions. We also generate the greedy decoding prediction ( T = 0 ) for each of the N ex exemplars. P Correct ( q, a ; M, T = 0) is then approximated by the fraction of correct an 13 swers from the total of N ex predictions.

13 Since we can only have one greedy prediction for every k-shot exemplars.

relation question template HighlyKnown MaybeKnown WeaklyKnown Unknown Total

P127 Who owns [E]? 125 383 168 314 990 P50 Who is the author of [E]? 287 193 115 372 967 P407 Which language was [E] written in? 366 153 59 45 623 P176 Which company is [E] produced by? 289 277 181 225 972 P170 Who was [E] created by? 142 284 120 304 850 P175 Who performed [E]? 94 120 103 663 980 P112 Who founded [E]? 134 116 76 140 466

TOTAL -1437 1526 822 2063 5848

Table 5: Out-of-distribution test set statistics.

Wrong Answer Paraphrase Higher Granularity Lower Granularity

90% 6% 2% 2%

Table 6: Error Analysis of 100 Predictions of the Pre trained Model, for Which Exact Match is False.

categories. Below is an example of our 4-shot prompt for mat, from real example from E NTITY Q UESTIONS with

14 the relation P 106 representing occupation. The question in this case is “What kind of work does Ron Konopka do?” and the ground truth asnwer is “geneticist” .


To decide whether a sampled answer is correct, we use the Exact Match (EM) metric to compare it with the ground truth answer. The main advantage in this choice is that when EM is True, we know that the answer is correct for 100% . The main potential risk associated with this choice is that we may wrongly classify answers as incorrect due to paraphrases or answers with different granularity levels ( Wang et al. , 2023 ; Kamalloo et al. , 2023 ;

Yona et al. , 2024 )). To address this, we perform an error analysis on 100 predictions for which EM was False. We randomly sample 50 greedy predictions ( T = 0 ) and 50 samples ( T = 0 . 5 ). The results are in Table 6 . This analysis suggest that in 90% of the cases where EM is False, the predicted answer is indeed incorrect. Which is a reasonable performance for our purpose, especially


considering that when EM is True the answer is 100% correct (which will never happen with any other metric).

D ### Data Annotation

we first calculate P Correct ( q, a ; M, T = 0) and P Correct ( q, a ; M, T > 0) for each ( q, a ) pair in our preprocessed dataset (§ 2 and § A ), using our using our P Correct ( ) approximation (§ 3 and § C ).

· We then use these values to categorize each ( q, a ) pair into one of our four categories (§ and Figure ). We provide the full statistics of the categories on the train and test set, as well as the 2 3 out-of-distribution test set in Tables 3 , 4 and 5 .

E ### More Details About or Variants of the Fine-tuning dataset ( D ).

In § 4 we examine the effect of new knowledge in the fine-tuning dataset D on the performance of M D , by varying the proportion of Unknown exam ples in D . When we create variants of D with exactly X % of Unknown and (100 X )% Known examples, we make sure that the relation distribu tion remains consistent. To achieve that we sample X % of Unknown from each relation . In § 5 we create single-category variants of D . Since we want to work with a fixed | D | across all variants, we want to make sure that we have | D | examples from each category. To ensure this, we measure the size of the smallest category in each relation (see the “Min” column in Table 3 ) and define | D | as their sum. In other words, for each relation we calculate the size of the smallest category and sum these values. This leads to | D | = 6142 , as illustrated by the last column in Table 3 . More formally, for each relation r in the training split, and for each category CAT from our 4 S li CK categories, we define we CAT r to be the examples from category CAT and relation r . Consequently

we treated the Known categories collectively. For reference we also include the plot with the full per-category breakdown in Figure 6 .

G ### Linear Model

In § we use a linear model (Equation ( 4.4 1 )) that predicts that test accuracy and the and § 4.5 out-of-distribution test accuracy. We estimate the parameters of this linear model based on results from all our variants of D used in § 4 . For all these variants, we measure the test accuracy and the num ber of Known and Unknown fine-tuning examples that M fits during different fine-tuning stages. This way we collect a dataset with examples of the form ( Accuracy, N Kn , N Unk ) , which we use to fit a lin ear regression model.

H ### Out-of-distribution (OOD) Evaluation

In § results. In these experiments we simply used our 4.5 we discuss out-of-distribution (OOD) OOD test set consisting of 7 relations unseen dur ing fine-tuning (see § A ). When we perform the analysis discussed in § 4.1 and § 4.2 , we addition ally evaluated the models on the OOD test set. For completeness, we add here Figure 7 , which is the out-of-distribution version of Figure 3 . Figure 7a presents the OOD test performance as a function of % of Unknown examples in D for different fine tuning duration. The corresponding in-distribution results (Figure 3a ) were discussed in § 4.1 . Fig ure 7b presents the OOD test performance for the ablation where we filter-out Unknown fine-tuning examples. The corresponding results (Figure 3b ) were discussed in § in-distribution 4.2 . We no tice that similar trends, just with a smaller overall magnitude of the performance drop, up to 6 points drop compared to up to 14 for in-distribution. This smaller drop magnitude is also reflected in smaller values of | β ukn | and | β kn | (Table 1 ).

I ### Statistic Significance Tests

In § 5 we present Table 2 . As mentioned in the caption, we perform statistic significance tests for each column. To this end we compare all the values to the maximal value in this column. For each subset of the test set, we randomly shuffle all the examples in it, split them up into 100 approximately equally sized subsets, and compute accuracy for each of them for all the models of interest. We then apply paired-sample t-test with p < 0 . 05 and p < 0 . 01 .


Figure 6: Training accuracy as a function of fine-tuning duration, evaluated on the variant with 50% Unknown fine-tuning examples. For reference, we also include the accuracy on the development set, accompanied by a zoom-in plot within a narrower range, to provide a more visible and clear view.

size ( CAT r ) is the number of the examples in CAT r . For example size ( HighlyKnown P131 ) = 553 (see Table 3 ). We then define:

CAT ∈{


MaybeKnown ,



| D | =

min r R Train

size ( CAT r ) |

where R Train are the 12 relations from the training set. Below is an example of our data format in the train, development and test sets, from real example from E NTITY Q UESTIONS with the relation P 106 rep resenting occupation. 15 The question in this case is “What kind of work does Ron Konopka do?” and the ground truth asnwer is “geneticist” .


F ### Train Accuracy on Different Known Categories

In § 4.3 we analyze the fine-tuning dynamic and present the training accuracy as function of the fine-tuning duration in Figure 1 . For simplicity




(a) (b)

Figure 7: Performance on the out-of-distribution (OOD) test set as a function of the % of Unknown examples in the fine-tuning dataset D . This plot is the OOD version of Figure 3 . Everything is similar to Figure 3 , except that y-axis is the accuracy on the OOD test set. We note that the development set did not change (not OOD) , thus it does not necessarily reflects the optimal stopping point for OOD.


       Full Hkn Mkn Wkn Unk Full Hkn Mkn Wkn Unk

D HighlyKnown 40.5 ∗∗ 98.7 60.1 ∗∗ 9.0 ∗∗ 0.6 ∗∗ 40.0 ∗∗ 98.4 58.8 ∗∗ 8.5 ∗∗ 0.7 ∗∗

D MaybeKnown 43.6 98.4 69.9 12.1 ∗∗ 1.0 ∗∗ 43.2 97.5 68.2 12.9 ∗∗ 1.3 ∗∗

D WeaklyKnown 39.2 ∗∗ 95.0 ∗∗ 59.2 ∗∗ 8.6 ∗∗ 0.4 ∗∗ 35.4 ∗∗ 73.5 ∗∗ 55.8 ∗∗ 17.2 2.2 ∗∗

D Unknown 37.5 ∗∗ 95.6 ∗∗ 52.9 ∗∗ 6.5 ∗∗ 0.6 ∗∗ 25.8 ∗∗ 55.8 ∗∗ 36.6 ∗∗ 12.2 ∗∗ 3.2

D Natural 43.5 98.0 67.6 ∗∗ 14.1 1.8 41.8 ∗∗ 95.5 ∗∗ 61.7 ∗∗ 14.8 ∗∗ 2.5

Table 7: A copy of Table 2 with detailed notation of the statistic significant test results. In each column, statistically significant differences from the best result are indicated using and ∗∗ for p < 0 . 05 and p < 0 . 01 respectively.

In Table 2 , the best result is in bold, as well as all the results with statistically not significant differ ence from the best with p < 0 . 05 . We additionally include a copy of Table 2 where all the statistical tests outcomes are annotated, see Table 7 . We can see that in almost all cases the difference is statis tically significant with p < 0 . 01 , except two cases where it is only with p < 0 . 05 ( D Natural Unk and D MaybeKnown Mkn ). Since we also discuss “horizontal” comparisons, where we compare EARLY _ STOP to C ONVERGENCE , we additionally run significance tests (not anno tated in Table 2 ) for All , comparing EARLY _ STOP to

C ONVERGENCE . The difference for D MaybeKnown was not statistically significant while for all others (in cluding D Natural ) it was significant with p < 0 . 01 .

J ### The P(True) Case Study

In § 6 we used the P(True) metric from Kadavath et al. ( 2022 ) as a case study for comparison. In Figure 5 we compare our Unknown category vs classifying as Unknown based on a threshold of

P(True). We calculated P(True) for every ( q, a ) pair in the test set using Kadavath et al. ( 2022 )’s prompt:


We then treated ( q, a ) pairs with P(True) below a threshold as Unknown . We experimented with each possible threshold T in [0 , 1] . For each thresh old T we then measured (1) how many examples were classified as Unknown out of the test set, (2) what was the accuracy on these examples after fine-tuning. We plot the results in Figure 5 , where P(True) is represented with the yellow line and our Unknown is represented with the blue circle . As discussed in § C , it was approximated using 10 def ferent samples of 4-shot exemplars ( N ex = 10 ). We also check smaller values of N ex and plot the results with the blue line . The accuracy after fine-tuning


Accuracy % Answered Accuracy % Answered

D 43.0 100.0 38.8 100.0

D IDK 61.8 58.7 61.8 55.6

Table 8: Results of our initial experiment where the label of the Unknown fine-tuning examples is replaced with “I don’t know” . D in this case is the variant with 50% Known and 50% Unknown . D IDK is the variant where all the 50% Unknown fine-tuning examples were re-labeled with “I don’t know” . The accuracy is measured on the subset of the test questions that were answered, i.e. M D did not respond with “I don’t know” .

Specifically, the accuracy for D IDK remains 61 . 8 for both EARLY _ STOP and C ONVERGENCE , with a small decrease on the number of willingly answered ques tions ( 58 . 7 55 . 6 )

for all the results is measured after fine-tuning with D Natural (§ 5 ).

K ### Re-labeling Unknown ### Fine-tuning Example with an Uncertainty Expression: Initial Experiment

In this work we showed that fitting Unknown fine tuning examples negatively affects the test perfor mance. However, this negative effect manifests as a form of overfitting . From practical perspective, we showed that we can mitigate overfitting by ei ther using early-stopping or filtering-out Unknown examples from the fine-tuning dataset. We now perform a preliminary experiment where check whether fine-tuning the model to ab stain from Unknown examples can also be a poten tial mitigation. Specifically, we replace the label of the Unknown fine-tuning examples with the expression “I don’t know” and test whether this mitigates the observed overfitting. Table 8 presents the % of the test questions that were answered (i.e. M D did not respond with “I don’t know” ) and the accuracy on those questions. This experiment was conducted on the D variant with 50% Unknown . The first row is for the original result with D as a reference and the second row is for the results with D IDK , where the ground-truth label of the 50% of the Unknown examples in D was replaced with “I don’t know” Consistent with the findings from previous work ( Zhang et al. , 2023 ), we observe an improved accuracy on willingly answered test examples (when comparing D vs D IDK ). When we compare

EARLY _ STOP vs C ONVERGENCE for D we observe a performance drop ( 43 . 0 38 . 8 ) which illustrates the overfitting effect. However, we observe that re labeling the Unknown examples with uncertainty expression seem to reduce the risk of overfitting.


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