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Final project for the Cryptographic Computation and Blockchain class

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Semi-honest oblivious transfer using ElGamal

My final project for the Cryptographic Computation and Blockchain university course.

Description of the protocol

The original protocol is a simple public key-based semi-honest OT as described in Evans18 [1].


  1. Two parties: Sender S and Receiver R. S has input secrets $X_1, X_2, \in {0, 1}^n$, and R has a selection bit $\textit{b}, \in {0, 1}$.


  1. R generates a public-private key pair sk, pk and samples a random key, pk', from the public key space. If $\textit{b} = 0$ R sends a pair (pk', pk) to S. Otherwise (if $\textit{b} = 1$), R sends a pair (pk, pk') to S

  2. S receives ( $pk_0, pk_1$ ) and sends back to R two encryptions $e_0 = ENC_{pk_0} (X_0), e_1 = ENC_{pk_1} (X_1)$.

  3. R receives ( $e_0, e_1$ ) and decrypts the ciphertext $e_b$ using sk. R is unable to decrypt the second ciphertext as it does not have the corresponding secret key.

In my implementation, the input secrets $X_1, X_2$ are Strings, between 0 and 256 characters.


The implementation is purely written in Java, using Gradle as a build tool with only one external dependency:

implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.65'

The project is structured into three packages, representing the two parties and the classes associated with the public-key cryptography. The class is acting as a main/test class, where the protocol is running offline.

The structure of the project

Crypto package

The Crypto package holds the classes needed for the private-public-random key generation and the functions for encryption/decryption. In order to leverage the already existing ElGamal implementation of the Java security package and the BouncyCastleProvider I created a FakeKey class, which implements the ElGamalPublicKey interface, representing the random public key generated during the protocol.

The purpose of the ElGamal class is to generate the public-private keypair, the random public key and to encrypt and decrypt the secrets. It has three parameters:

private Cipher cipher;
    private KeyPairGenerator generator;
    private SecureRandom random;

In the constructor we initalize the cipher with the BouncyCastleProvider's ElGamal implementation, using no padding, the key pair generator, also using the ElGamal implementation of the BouncyCastle library with a key size of 2048-bit. Since the amount of data we can encrypt with ElGamal is $$\frac{KeySize + Padding}{8}$$ The maximum length of the the message we can encrypt is 256-bit. The ElGamal class has four public methods:

public KeyPair generateKeyPair()

A function for generating an ElGamal public-private key pair.

public byte[] encrypt(Key publicKey, byte[] message)
    public byte[] decrypt(Key privateKey, byte[] cipherText)

Functions for encrypting and decrypting our messages.

public FakeKey generateRandomPublicKey(BCElGamalPublicKey pubKey)

The functions returns a FakeKey object, from the generator and prime modulus of the public key pubKey we supplied as a parameter. Since ElGamal public keys are just group elements of a multiplicative cyclic group, we can take a random element of this group and use it as a public key, without actually knowing the corresponding private key.

This is how the BouncyCastle library generates the ElGamal public key, where x is the private key and dhParams.getP() is the prime modulus:

BigInteger calculatePublic(DHParameters dhParams, BigInteger x)
        return dhParams.getG().modPow(x, dhParams.getP());

Since ${G^x}\mod{p}$ will always return a number between 0 and $p-1$, we can just grab a random number between these intervals, and use it as our public key. We will generate this random number using the createRandomInRange function of the BigInteger class, and creating a FakeKey object with it, alongside of the already existing parameters of the supplied pubKey.

The FakeKey class is just an implementation of the ElGamalPublicKey interface. It's a public key which is fully compatible with the Cipher class we use, without having an associated private key with it.

Client package

The Client package holds our Sender (S in our protocol) and a simple client class, which is able to communicate with our Server using simple java sockets.

Our Sender class has two parameters:

private byte[][] message;
    private ElGamal elGamal;

The two dimensional message array represents our two secrets $X_1, X_2$ while the aforementioned ElGamal class is needed to encrypt these secrets. The Sender class has only one function

public byte[][] getEncrypted(PublicKey[] publicKeys)

which basically returns $e_0, e_1$ where $e_0 = ENC_{pk_0} (X_0), e_1 = ENC_{pk_1} (X_1)$.

The client class will initialize our Sender with two String inputs ( $X_1, X_2$ ) from the user. After we have our Sender object, the client will connect to our Server using a java socket. From here the flow of the protocol is this:

  1. We get the public keys $pk_0, pk_1$ from the server as Base64 encoded strings, which we are going to convert to Public Keys using a KeyFactory class.

  2. We encrypt our secrets $X_1, X_2$ with the public keys and sending it back to the server as Base64 encoded strings.

  3. We close the connection

Server package

The Server package holds our Receiver R, and a simple java Server used for sending data between the client and the server.

The Receiver has three parameters:

private ElGamal elGamal;
    private KeyPair keyPair;
    private FakeKey fakeKey;

We use the ElGamal class to generate our KeyPair and our FakeKey. The class has two public functions:

public PublicKey[] getPublicKeys(boolean choiceBitBoolean)

The parameter choiceBitBoolean is representing the selection bit b. I've choosen to use boolean as the data type for this, emphasizing that $\textit{b}, \in {0, 1}$. (In Java the size of the primitive data type boolean is actually 1 bit) The function will initialize an ElGamal object and create our KeyPair and FakeKey. After this, it will return a PublicKey array of size 2, holding our 'real' and 'fake' public keys, where the index of our 'real' public key equals our selection bit. The other public function

public byte[][] decryptMessages(byte[][] encryptedMessages)

will decrypt the messages in the encryptedMessages array using the private key we generated with the getPublicKeys function.

The flow of the Server class is the following:

  1. We initialize our Receiver R

  2. We're creating a server socket, and waiting for the client to connect.

  3. After the client has connected, we get our selection bit b from the user.

  4. We are creating the public keys, using the getPublicKeys method of the Receiver class. We send them over to our client as Base64 encoded strings.

  5. We receive our encrypted messages $e_0, e_1$ as Base64 encoded strings.

  6. We're decoding them and storing the ciphertexts in a two dimensional byte array.

  7. We're trying to decrypt them, using the decryptMessages method of the Receiver class and our private key sk.

Since only one of the messages got encrypted with the public key pk corresponding to our secret key sk, we won't be able to read the other message.

This class acts as an entry point of the application, in case we don't want to run the protocol trough a network (by running and simultaneously). It initializes the Receiver R and the Sender S, taking the secrets $X_1, X_2$ and the selection bit b as user inputs. After this, it will go trough the steps of the protocol, displaying the deciphered messages at the end.


If nobody derives from the protocol, the Sender S will not be able to learn the selection bit of the Receiver R, since it only received two public keys, while our Receiver R can only decrypt one of the messages, because it only has the corresponding private key sk for one of the public keys. Thus this oblivious transfer is secure against semi-honest adversaries. In order to break the encryption $e_{b-1}$, the Receiver would have to break the discrete logarithm assumption, making the protocol computationally secure. [2] Implementing this protocol as a 2nd semester Software Design student helped me to better understand a very important building block of many secure multiparty computations. Since the concepts were very new to me, the project probably contains many sub-optimal solutions (like the existence of the FakeKey class, which I only use to easily generate a public key) with a lot of room for improvement.


[1] David Evans, Vladimir Kolesnikov, and Mike Rosulek. A pragmatic introduction to secure multi-party computation. Found. Trends Priv. Secur., 2(2–3):70–246, dec 2018.

[2] Taher ElGamal. A public key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discrete logarithms. In George Robert Blakley and David Chaum, editors, Advances in Cryptology, pages 10–18, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1985. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 5



The workings of the protocol, where the Receiver acts as a Server and the Sender as a Client. Demonstration of the protocol


Demonstration of the protocol offline, initializing the Sender and Receiver class directly Demonstration of the protocol offline


Final project for the Cryptographic Computation and Blockchain class







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